
Updated 19 Mar, 2018

We've lived through a long history of Pakistanis behaving badly with women: sometimes we want to beat them lightly, other times we want to prevent them from working, and in extreme cases we kill them.

So we were prepared for a backlash against the women's marches that took place across Pakistan on International Women's Day. We accepted that most Pakistanis would react badly to the spectre of women taking to the streets en masse to call for equal rights.

What we WEREN'T prepared for is how one little poster about food — one poster among the hundreds of posters carried at these aurat marches -- would transform a vast number of Pakistani men into emotional wrecks.

This is the poster we're talking about:

As soon as pictures of this poster made their way online, the backlash was immense. Popular Facebook pages took offense to the post and crafted memes mocking desi feminism and women in general. Men took to Twitter to express their indignation too.

All of this had us scratching our heads. WHY was this poster so offensive to men? Did they not understand that the poster was a simple call to end gender stereotyping? That men and women should both be encouraged to do housework, and that splitting household chores is an essential step towards equality? Apparently not.

Thankfully some women and men on social media clapped back using logic.

So, to this guy character-assassinating the woman carrying the now infamous 'khana' poster...

...we'd like to say: grow up

Yeah. Seriously, did you just take us back to A'Levels? Maybe if you want to be taken seriously by women you should present a better argument.

And to this guy who thinks desi feminists are ONLY concerned about 'equal rights in the kitchen'...

...we'd like to say: do some research on what the Aurat March was really all about

Yep. Did anyone even read the manifesto for Karachi's Aurat March, which called for economic justice, reproductive justice and environmental justice? The aurat marches happening around the country featured hundreds of posters that talked about rights for transgender persons, physical insecurity, rape and more.

And yet we can only focus on a poster about food? Hmm.

And to this other guy who also thinks that modern feminists are NOT talking about issues like women's health facilities or health issues...

...we'd like to say:

And if that isn't enough, here's some proof that the Aurat March was concerned about issues OTHER than dinner.

Lots of posters to choose from, why focus on just one?
Lots of posters to choose from, why focus on just one?

And to the guy who knows everything about 'new wave feminism'...

...we want to ask: can you index your tweet please?

Not only does this person make a completely random assumption about the women referred to as "new wave desi feminists", he/she forgets that it's common for both young women and men to have their parents pay for their college degree. The poster calls for equal distribution of housework and if you expect women to pay back their parents' financial support with house chores, then the same should be expected of their brothers. That's all the poster is trying to convey.

Also... what's a tampoon?

And to the gentleman who believes that his good behaviour means all men are as "respectful and dedicated" as him:

...we'd like to say: #NotAllMen.

Here's a reality check:

Also, there have been numerous reported incidents of domestic violence occurring after women didn't meet men's expectations in the kitchen. So, do you really think it's women who need to "mature"?

And to the men who believe that they should be exempted from traditionally male duties too...

Let us tell you that it's already happening:

While it'd be great for all women to do their own shopping, change their own tyre, etc, it's important to recognise that women aren't socialised to perform these activities, so they don't necessarily have the confidence and skills to do them. So again, the poster is a call for an end to gender roles and the hope is that it galvanises both women and men to brush up on some basic life skills.

And to the men who are taking the poster a little too seriously...

...we have to say: learn to take a joke.


Khurram Mar 14, 2018 01:11pm
All was well, and the article was making it's point clear. However there was no need to show the curse word used by a female in her reply 'Khud Jaati hoon b.....y'. Just because it was spoken by a female, does not make it classy enough to show in a daily newspaper.
Pakistani Mar 14, 2018 01:54pm
Hhahah funny women and now I strongly feel that women in my village are more intelligent, empowered and responsible than these so called feminists. I feel very pity for those men who are living with these women whose intellect is so weak and whose priorities are, Khana Khud Garam Karlo,.
harris Mar 14, 2018 02:00pm
Personally, our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters deserve extra respect not to be killed over honour, or disgraced anywhere, at any time or in any situation... Men need to prove their manhood in terms of achievements in life not throwing their weight around on their own families...
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