9 trends we don't want to see in 2018
As the end of the year is around the corner, we hear a lot of people predicting upcoming trends.
Apparently, velvet socks are going to be a thing now. Go figure. On the contrary, we think there's some fads we need to leave behind in 2017 before we jump the gun and talk about adopting new ones. Like every year, this year saw its fair share of failures.
Here's our R.I.P (fingers crossed) list of trends that need to just go away before we step into 2018:
1) Using anything but a make-up tool to apply your makeup
We've seen way too many of these. Using a dish sponge to blend makeup. Or a spoon, or a shoe to contour. That's right, a shoe. And if that wasn't enough, some decided to use boiled eggs! Or a taco. A whole taco. Or nuggets!

Here's a crazy idea. What if... stay with us... we use a beauty sponge or a makeup brush to do our makeup? You know, items actually created for the purpose?
Just a thought.
2) Brands hating on women
It's not uncommon for brands to cash in on whatever's trending. Last year, brands cashed in on feminism to sell products that had little to do with the movement. This year, it went quite the opposite way.
Many women spoke up against sexual harassment and they were rewarded by brands cashing in on the backlash they received. Some really tone-deaf T-shirts were made. Milkshake shops made some bad jokes on social media. And it just went on.

We understand the impulse to latch on to popular narratives for advertisement. But if it involves unnecessary mockery or harsh opinions, you need to stop and think long and hard if that's necessary. It probably wouldn't be.
3) Airport swag photos
The fashion industry has flourished the past few years. We have amazing styles for almost every occasion. But there's really no need to implement all your fashion knowledge on your next flight.
We understand that celebrities are always in the limelight these days. But the amount of OOTDs we have at the airport just seems excessive.

You'll be taking those Gucci sneakers off for customs. Just be comfortable and minimal and save your fashion hashtags for the red carpet.
4) Off shoulder tops
It's been around for a few years now but the off-shoulder trend really peaked in 2017.
These bad boys were everywhere. On Instagram. On every Facebook page selling clothes. On mannequins. On my best friend. On my best friend’s aunt. It's almost impossible to buy a shirt right now without it exposing your shoulders.

But let's be honest, they're uncomfortable! No one likes to live in constant anxiety of their top falling down, no matter how much you're "slaying" in that look. While we're at this, can we also stop saying slay/slaying?
For 2018, rock the one shoulder look instead.
5) Road trip movies
If we have to see another movie with half an hour just dedicated to drone shots of Pakistan's northern areas, we're going to stab ourselves in the eye.

No seriously though. Filmmakers shouldn't be relying on the beauty of our northern areas; stunning as it may be, it's not enough to bank on that. Give us a juicy plot, some intense characters.
6) Fidget spinners
Fidget spinners were made for folks who have trouble focusing so that they can channel their fidgety energy into a toy designed for it. But for some reason, fidget spinners became the number one toy on social media. With videos, memes and competitions going viral.

It's a spinning toy. No need to make a superhero flick out of them. Go back to clicking your pens.
7) White sneakers
We're living in a post-Stan Smith world and it's honestly a nightmare.

These are deceptively high maintenance; they're supposed to be casual but keeping these kicks clean takes a lot out of you. Can we please be done with these already?
8) Chokers
Even though this '90s favourite came back in a big way and became the biggest jewellery trend since the ear cuff, the reign of the choker is over and it's time peeps accept it! We were hoping to see it's demise in 2017 but clearly, that didn't happen.

And some have only gotten bigger! Remember, if you can't tell if it's a neck brace or an accessory, it's not a good look. We say 2018 will be all about dainty jewellery; here's hoping!
9) Celebs shunning the F-word
From Ayesha Gulalai and PTV's Tanzeela Mazhar to the women who exposed Harvey Weinstein and opened the floodgates for women and men to come forward with their accounts of sexual assault, 2017 was the year women got their chance to talk.
With the exception of Osman Khalid Butt, not many Pakistani celebrities identify as feminists. Sanam Saeed termed it as "overrated" (whatever that means!) and Anoushey Ashraf said defining the word could get her into trouble.
At its core, feminism is the belief that both genders should have equal rights and opportunities to pursue their dreams. I mean, come on, this much is textbook. It's high time celebrities start owning the label and supporting the movement!
This article is part of Images' series '2017 In Review'. Stay tuned for more.