
London buses get a Pakistani makeover

London buses get a Pakistani makeover

Pakistan High Commission introduced the 'Emerging Pakistan' campaign in honour of our country's 70 years of independence
30 Jun, 2017

If you're in London and you just saw a bus decked up in all things Pakistan, you're not daydreaming.

The Pakistan High Commission (London) has started a four-week publicity campaign under the theme "Emerging Pakistan" to promote our country's culture in the United Kingdom.

The initiative is a part of celebrations planned for the 70th independence anniversary of Pakistan this year.

Under the campaign, London's iconic red double-decker buses feature shots of Pakistan's highest peaks, gorgeous landscape, architecture, among other prominent features of the country.

One of the buses that's part of the campaign
One of the buses that's part of the campaign

Looks like all the homesick Pakistanis in London have something to look forward to!


rafique ahmed khoso Jun 30, 2017 05:16pm
what an idea to promote culture, heritage, faces, peaks etc of country in abroad... really nice wisdom.... ;)
Harmony-1© Jun 30, 2017 05:18pm
Nice...commendable whoever came up with this idea!
Alfatmi Jun 30, 2017 05:22pm
Though a small step....but in the right direction.
Rehna Fayaz Jun 30, 2017 05:24pm
It's very pretty
Way to go Jun 30, 2017 05:26pm
This is so cool!!!! Coming from Switzerland for a ride!
Thoroughthinker Jun 30, 2017 05:28pm
Very brainy initiative!
shahid Jun 30, 2017 05:44pm
Kindly someone do something for the buses in Pakistan where people really need them in a good condition rather then promoting Pakistan on a foreign country's buses where it does not matter.
madonna Jun 30, 2017 05:48pm
i think its beautiful. great idea!
kashmiri pandit Jun 30, 2017 06:05pm
its much better to spent this tax payer money on education and health instead of this advertisement which gives no return
Ijaz Jun 30, 2017 06:19pm
Fantastic initiative - well done to all concerned with it
wow Jun 30, 2017 06:26pm
Great idea, show casing Pakistan's natural beauty. Well done...
Hassaan khalid Jun 30, 2017 06:40pm
That's a seriously cool initiative.
amin daha Jun 30, 2017 06:42pm
good news and well done.
LIFE Jun 30, 2017 06:46pm
I appreciate the PR activity of high commission. To show a moderate side of Pakistan I think the idea of beautiful faces women is distasteful, instead women in various walks of life can be portrayed like girls in school uniform, Lady doctor's in overall and women lawyers in black gown could be more appropriate.
Harmony-1© Jun 30, 2017 07:05pm
@Shahid - On a negative comment like that, they say 'get a life'!
DW Jun 30, 2017 07:07pm
Oswald Saldanha Jun 30, 2017 07:18pm
Excellent idea, as always great too see Pakistan portrayed in a positive light.
GULREZ KHAN Jun 30, 2017 07:37pm
Nice opportunity now that we have a fellow Pakistani as London mayor.
Pacifica Jun 30, 2017 07:38pm
An excellent idea, considering that PM Sharif seems to spend more time in London than Islamabad. He is sure to see these buses and appreciate the performance of the High Commission in London.
cyrus dass Jun 30, 2017 07:47pm
@kashmiri pandit beg to differ. These initiatives are very commendable. Great ideas. Dont come to a quick conclusion that these promotions never give any returns. To me, these things are in the best interests of the nation and its colourful people.
MHamza Jun 30, 2017 08:05pm
MY LOve Pakistan
chenaB chandel Jun 30, 2017 08:54pm
anonymouseeee Jun 30, 2017 09:04pm
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you England.
Peacetime Jun 30, 2017 09:40pm
Fantastic idea. Does anyone know how many buses and on what routes?
Harmony-1© Jun 30, 2017 09:44pm
@LIFE - It is nonsense to suggest show "girls in school uniform, Lady doctor's in overall and women lawyers in black gown". That is the same worldwide, so what unique selling point you would be making to promote our culture? None of the women are being shown in "distasteful" or suggestive ways. Showing them dressed decently in their local traditional dresses is what the regional local culture is and unique point!
Ratti Jun 30, 2017 10:02pm
I'm all for it. Endorse it 100%. My eyes will be searching for such buses in London.
SHAHID Jun 30, 2017 10:31pm
@Harmony-1© There is nothing negative in my comment. You need to understand with broader mindset. Or maybe you are a youngster. But using phrases like " Get a life" for anyone who is bringing facts in his views actually sounds negative.
Gus Jun 30, 2017 10:36pm
Ground reality should also change
ABE Jun 30, 2017 10:38pm
Now are we expecting bus-load of British tourist to rush to Pakistan? Nah! Only because any Brit can just visit any Asian ghetto in any major UK city, and get a taste of Pakistan every day, without leaving their country! They have known Pakistanis for decades,,. So this campaign is not going to do damn thing to promote the country. Brits already know Pakistanis, who left Pakistan, but still remain Pakistanis in form and substance, despite several decades in the UK. Tandoori, anyone!?
Aliya Bibi Jun 30, 2017 10:41pm
so thoughtful, really awesome!
Omair Jun 30, 2017 11:07pm
Great idea
Sarai alamgir Jun 30, 2017 11:10pm
Can't wait to see one personally, have sent friends the link to keep an eye out for this bus.
khan Jul 01, 2017 02:23am
It's about time The High Commission of Pakistan took some initiative to promote Pakistan and show the world how beautiful Pakistan is and show case it's wonderful culture. Pakistan is a growing country and it needs to improve it's image around the world to attract investment and talent.
FREEDOM Jul 01, 2017 02:48am
Picture of founder of Pakistan has to be flawless and well placed on the bus otherwise nice idea of culture promotion.
Javed Jul 01, 2017 03:19am
@kashmiri pandit it gives great returns and with dividend too.
Javed Jul 01, 2017 03:22am
@GULREZ KHAN correction; he is British, of South Asian extraction.
muhammad Jul 01, 2017 05:07am
@kashmiri pandit would u have said the same thing had they painted ashok chakra, trimurti, kerala backwaters or taj mahal on the busses?
JA-Australia Jul 01, 2017 06:05am
@shahid There is no commi$$ion percentage for corrupt politicians in building schools and hospitals within Pakistan. This misbegotten splurge is an utter and complete waste of taxpayer money to promote Pakistan in, of all countries, UK.
insanely atheist Jul 01, 2017 07:43am
Pakistan land of beautiful faces!!! where every face is considered beautiful is white huh.
true believer Jul 01, 2017 08:12am
Having Muslim Mayer in LONDON, it is possible.
Khurram Jul 01, 2017 09:37am
I Like all four of them ..... beautiful Pakistan.
KKS Jul 01, 2017 10:16am
I read 'land of beautiful faces'. That is all it is in Pakistan isn't it? Need to ask what is the nation's contribution to mankind? Religious extremism? The state of poverty and abuse? Status of minorities? Education and Healthcare? And more....
Harmony-1© Jul 01, 2017 03:22pm
@SHAHID - To say "do something for the buses in Pakistan" instead is definitely negative in this context whilst we are using a simple idea to promote our country's culture overseas. We are not making their buses better - this is advertising Pakistan in a good way, inexpensively. Painting buses is very cheap compared to spending millions on TV commercials. So brilliant, I would say!
indian Jul 02, 2017 02:28am
We all backward class Indian Hindus and minority community congratulate people of Pakistan on yr 70th anniversary..
Aamer Jul 03, 2017 12:44pm
parveez shafi Jul 04, 2017 12:34am
@kashmiri pandit Money spent well. This gives a soft image of Pakistan. That is a great idea. Proud to be a Pakistani. We in London don't have much to be proud of with all negative news from Pakistan.
Rehna Fayaz Jul 04, 2017 01:09pm
This does not show Pakistan. Pakistan has various ethnicities.
nasr Jul 05, 2017 01:40am
Hey US ambassador where are you?