
We Are Family: Karan Johar is now a single father to twins Roohi and Yash

We Are Family: Karan Johar is now a single father to twins Roohi and Yash

The twins — a girl and a boy— were born through surrogacy last month
Updated 05 Mar, 2017

Bollywood producer/director Karan Johar is now a proud Papa to twins, reports Times of India. The twin babies — a boy and a girl — were born through surrogacy last month.

The twins were born at Masrani Hospital in Andheri (West) on February 7.

KJo has named them after his parents, Roohi (a rearrangement of his mother's name Hiroo) and Yash, he revealed in a birth announcement on Twitter.

In his announcement, Karan referred to the new arrivals as his 'lifelines'.

He wrote, "This was an emotional yet well thought out decision which I have taken after considering all the responsibilities and duties that come with being a parent. In order to arrive at this decision, I have prepared myself mentally, physically, emotionally and logistically to ensure that my children get all the unconditional love, care and attention from me and mine."

Also read: Karan Johar just wrote an open letter to his homophobic Twitter trolls

He added that his career will "take a backseat" and his mother will help in the raising of his children.

"I have submitted to the fact that my children are my world and priority. My work, travels and social commitments would have to take a back seat and I am prepared for that. By the grace of God, I have the most caring and supportive mother who will be an integral part in the up-bringing of her grandchildren and of course, friends who are family."

He also expressed gratitude towards the twins' surrogate mother whom he left unnamed and a Dr Jatin Shah who made the surrogacy possible.

Congratulatory messages soon started pouring in:

In his recently released autobiography, An Unsuitable Boy, Karan Johar had expressed a desire for children.

"I don't know what I'm going to do about it but I feel like I would like to be a parent. I don't know how it's going to happen but I do feel the need because I have plenty of love to offer and I'd like to take it forward. This feeling needs a release and requires a platform. And that platform could be by being a parent," he had said during the release of his book.

Welcome to parenthood, KJo. It's going to be kabhi khushi kabhi gham!


Syed Ahmed Mar 05, 2017 11:11am
I am very happy to hear about congrats dad i should take same path what you done many many congrats
Syed irfan ali Mar 05, 2017 11:12am
Heartiest congrats to Karan Johar on his brave decisions. All the best to the whole family. God bless you all.
Soorma Bhopali Mar 05, 2017 11:22am
Congratulations K Jo - welcome to parenthood
nba Mar 05, 2017 11:25am
he should have adopted a child rather than a child obtained from surrogacy
s Mar 05, 2017 12:30pm
Congratulations. Bring them up as good humans and make sure they do not join the modi bandwagon.
Asif A Shah Mar 05, 2017 06:42pm
I applaud your values as a parent. I hope and pray that you will be an inspiration to the millions of parents.
Maria Mar 05, 2017 06:59pm
I am amazed about all the stuff this guy is capable of getting done!
AYZA Mar 06, 2017 01:14am
Congrats KJ! Wishing you and your family many joyful years of parenting! Please raise your twins in a country free from bigotry, hate and religious intolerance so they may be grow up to be happy, compassionate and decent human beings.
Siraj from USA Mar 06, 2017 04:14am
@nba I live in USA and seen many adoptions which do not really go well. Remember that blood is thicker than water. Nothing like having your own children. Heartiest Congratulations Karan Johar. Your selections of their names after your parents names is great . Now you are raising your parents.
Urmila Mar 07, 2017 06:37am
Karan , it's good you have your own kids , as being a super rich you can at the same time you can adopt one or two kids , God will bless you .
Tamilselvan Mar 07, 2017 10:00am
@Siraj from USA . Wish he would have named at least one after his lover. But as a parent he can do what he wants