
Am not a role model for Kashmiri youth: Dangal's Zaira Wasim apologises after meeting Kashmir CM

Am not a role model for Kashmiri youth: Dangal's Zaira Wasim apologises after meeting Kashmir CM

The 16-year-old actor said it was not a 'deliberate decision' to hurt people’s sentiments
16 Jan, 2017

Actor Zaira Wasim, who shot to fame for her portrayal of the young Geeta Phogat in Dangal, issued an “open confession/apology” on Monday, after she faced massive criticism for meeting Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday. “I want to apologise to all those I’ve unintentionally hurt... I understand their sentiments, especially considering what has happened [in Kashmir] over the past six months,” she said in a statement issued on Twitter.

The young actor was referring to the state of unrest in the Valley since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen leader Burhan Wani on July 8, 2016. “I hope people still remember that I’m just a 16 year old girl and I hope you treat me accordingly... I really hope people can forgive me,” she said, adding that it was not a “deliberate decision”.

Wasim further urged people to not project her as a “role model for the Kashmiri youth”. “I want everyone, especially the youth, to know that there are real role models out there. To even consider me as a role model would be disgracing them,” she said.

Geeta Phogat, the wrestler who won India’s first gold medal in wrestling at the Commonwealth Games in 2010, has supported Wasim. Phogat told a television news channel that Wasim was an excellent role model for the whole country and that she did not need to apologise. Wasim has also garnered support from politicians, including National Conference leader Omar Abdullah.

This story, originally published at, has been reproduced with permission.


kaliraja thangamani Jan 16, 2017 06:29pm
Please allow the 16 year girl to live her life.
Iftikhar Husain Jan 16, 2017 06:29pm
This is a very sentimental confession by the young lady I appreciate her courage.
Pakistan Zindabad Jan 16, 2017 06:44pm
She can accept a role for a celebrity in a movie. She know what she is saying. Even it is an apology. Which is a good thing.
Him Jan 16, 2017 06:45pm
This is not a confession. This is her attempt to save herself and her family from fanatics!
anony Jan 16, 2017 06:54pm
Freedom for Kashmir from illegal indian occupation.
Lohpurush Jan 16, 2017 07:10pm
can she deny the unbiased love received all across India.
ak18 Jan 16, 2017 07:21pm
shining secular india
Shahid Jan 16, 2017 07:40pm
Having access to social media has turned people into barbarians. Let this kid enjoy her life and fame.
Jawad Jan 16, 2017 07:48pm
What is India becoming or what is becoming of India?
kumar Jan 16, 2017 08:27pm
I agree with Omar Abdullah. She is a young girl and an actress. She should not be judged with views expressed but by her acting performance. It is ridiculous to make children apologize for meeting leaders of the community.
Zak Jan 16, 2017 08:28pm
Kashmiris are binding togather from all walks of life to form unified band for freedom from Indian occupation.
Thoroughthinker Jan 16, 2017 09:22pm
I am amazed at the wonderful and real heartfelt tweet of this 16 years old kid from Srinagar. That tweet in itself makes her a glowing role model for every 16 years old kid living today, who are still not out of their child's play follies. She must be protected for her real talents far away from acting which is always fiction.
Naveed Jan 16, 2017 09:46pm
Typical of south Asian men, telling women to do things they want.
Ramdar Jan 16, 2017 10:49pm
@Iftikhar Husain Appreciate her courage? This poor child is terrified by the attack. She has no choice but to apologise. So sad!
DG Jan 17, 2017 02:55am
Poor girl was threatened day and night on facebook and twitter. She had to apologise for her family's and her safety from fanatics.
Rohit Jan 17, 2017 06:04am
Fanatics work at play. Poor girl being made the victim.
Kris Jan 17, 2017 07:40am
This poor girl and her family would have been hunted down like Malala if she were not to apologize. Unfortunate that she can't do what she wants to do. The line "I am not proud of what I am doing" comes from extreme fear and guilt. Hope she finds her inner strength in the years to come and become a strong voice like Malala.
analyses Jan 17, 2017 09:41am
Thankfully she didn't say that I'm apologizing due to increasing intolerance in India ... it's a word you cannot say in the world's largest democracy!
splash Jan 17, 2017 10:25am
@Iftikhar Husain this is not courage , this is fear because she has to live among those elements, who do violence every next day.
Bay Adab Jan 17, 2017 10:42am
I dont get it. who is upset and for what?
Umer Jan 17, 2017 11:16am
Well she is right there are other role models in Kashmir. Admire them.
Hassan Fawwd Junejo Jan 17, 2017 12:38pm
still cant get it why some one need to apologize on meeting CM of an state or is it some thing else which i am un aware of
Bupi Jan 17, 2017 04:08pm
@Jawad Dear much better than Pakistan.
Bupi Jan 17, 2017 04:09pm
@Shahid Well said Politics in everything is not good
Cool Monk Jan 17, 2017 04:37pm
She is a 16 year old. Leave it at that.
Genghis Khan Jan 17, 2017 05:17pm
I loved her acting in Dangal. I do not know what she spoke with the Kashmir Chief Minister or what the issue here is? She is an Indian and she has met Kashmir Chief Minister. What is wrong in that? What is the problem? Bye the bye, Dangal is a very good film, to be seen and enjoyed by all.
ASB Jan 17, 2017 05:52pm
Disgusting! Shows who has hi-jacked the Kashmir issue.
Tariq Rashid Jan 17, 2017 06:07pm
And then India is claiming that Kashmir is integral part of India - Actions speak louder than words...
Rashid Sultan Jan 18, 2017 12:48am
Not very clear but it would seem that it was Intimidation from antediluvian separatist Muslims of the Valley and others elsewhere in India? She is a competent young modern child and the world should be her oyster. She shouldn't have to apologize for anything to anyone for whatever she does or wishes to do. Her government should give her protection if she and her family are threatened.
shamim Jan 18, 2017 11:19pm
She was chastised for meeting the CM, who the people of Kashmir largely see responsible for the 2016 killings of almost a hundred people and maimimg and blinding of thousands .........