
I'm not here to be judged on my looks, says Momina Mustehsan

I'm not here to be judged on my looks, says Momina Mustehsan

The Coke Studio singer tries to filter out comments on her appearance because it makes her uncomfortable
04 Nov, 2016

Skyrocketing to fame almost instantly after her Coke Studio debut Afreen Afreen, Momina Mustehsan reveals that all the attention revolving around her physical appearance did "not feel great at all."

"To be honest, I didn't even know my smile could be such a big deal. I didn't really like it [the attention] initially, and I still don't like it, but I've learned to filter it out. It's because I'm not here to be judged on this [my looks]," the singer tells BBC Urdu in a live Facebook chat.

Momina explains: "I mean I'm not an actress or a model, nor do I claim to be one, but it didn't feel all that great. But this is what comes with the whole package. I kind of knew it was going to happen so I stayed away from the camera for so long, even though I had an original song before and I'd sung for Bollywood in the past."

Speaking on the objectification of women in Pakistan, the singer believes that it is a global phenomenon and one even men are subject to.

"I think this is everywhere," she says. "Especially for women, they [men] care about their outward appearance. It's not about being judged on what you bring to the table, instead they judge you for everything. That is a problem -- even for men that is an issue, but more with women than men."

Although this instant fame 'feels weird' for the 24-year-old, she has no plans of acting on screen.

"I don't think so. I had a lot of people offer me a lot of wonderful roles, and I'm very honoured, but I don't think I can do it, I'm just not cut out for it, I guess."


Brutal honesty Nov 04, 2016 04:06pm
What looks ........or make up.....not sure...
Jawad Nov 04, 2016 04:57pm
She is no doubt a beautiful lady. Please should stop behaving like trump and respect her. Make pakistan you have a very beautiful voice.
MB Nov 04, 2016 05:18pm
Should have thought of that before you judged Qandeel
Sukhera Nov 04, 2016 05:37pm
I agree with you ,just do what you believe in. Stay a w ay from the camera if that,s what you want.Looks can change but your inner qualities,talent and personality will stay the same but that part is not visible to the public. Good luck
Aftab Nov 04, 2016 05:39pm
I am sorry momina but this technique of coming on media for fame on daily basis and always trying to show yourself as a Victim is pretty old now, try some thing new.
asim Nov 04, 2016 05:44pm
@Brutal honesty they mean she is light in colour and from privileged background, otherwise she is no more than average.
Rabia Nov 04, 2016 06:03pm
If women dont want tk be judged for their looks why do they wear ao much makeup
AXH Nov 04, 2016 07:42pm
@Brutal honesty - How about having your eyesight checked.
sohail Nov 04, 2016 07:57pm
I'm beginning to like her views. Finally some sane voice among celebrities.
Asad Nov 04, 2016 09:09pm
Get used to it, this is how the Desis will treat you. Regardless of how competent you are at you thing, you will be judged on your looks and specifically skin tone.
Ali S Nov 04, 2016 09:29pm
She should consider herself fortunate that she's being judged on her looks, because let's face it her vocal talent is mediocre at best.
Al-waqar Nov 04, 2016 09:33pm
beautiful , from where? I think u r jus a normal looking girl,
Osmani Nov 04, 2016 09:35pm
Yes, very valid argument Momina Mustehsan. And on the same subject, let me know when you find any notable singer, not just in India or pakistan or the whole world. Irrespective of being male or female. So, yes! one's success is related to looks. Hence the name 'ShowBiz' ;)
Zx Nov 04, 2016 09:36pm
If you really don't want to be judged by your looks then step aside and let the real talent come forward. Perhaps you can spend more time on training, you do have the potential.
Uzair Nov 04, 2016 10:48pm
This objectification is perpetuated by the media itself
MJS Nov 04, 2016 11:14pm
Her performance in Nescafe basement were better. Back to the issue of looks, get over it. We are, as a nation, obsessed with looks. Case in point the "Chai wala", the "Rickshay wala" and so on ...
Abbas Khan Nov 05, 2016 02:26am
@Rabia Exactly!!!
Abbas Khan Nov 05, 2016 02:28am
@Asad Not only desis but all cultures are like that.......
Tahir Nov 05, 2016 02:40am
Almost every beautiful Pakistani girl have the same narrative about outward beauty. Few of them understand their own personal acts that were contributing towards it.
Ak4pk Nov 05, 2016 05:21am
Young Lady, take it from me, you are talented, educated, shy and therefore immensely attractive. Yet I am sure you are down to earth, easy to get on with and a loveable lass. Don't let these sarcastic comments get you down, stay on course and have the last laugh. May all the happiness be yours, exclusively.
Brutal honesty Nov 05, 2016 06:39am
@AXH How about you ask for a photo without makeup and maybe fair and lovely cream....i have no complex and am comfortable with my skin colour, you need not check eyesight to see the soul :)
ZESHAN ALI Nov 05, 2016 07:35am
when I hear her talk, reminds me a totally opposite creature to Meera.... LOL
Asad Nov 05, 2016 11:58am
@Rabia agreed
Thoroughthinker Nov 05, 2016 01:21pm
Truth, physical appearance and goodness of nature are the most essential ingredients of any success. You cannot sell a painting only on its good holding frame and hanging board!
khan Nov 05, 2016 02:01pm
In Momina's case all Pakistani men are acting like DONALD TRUMP . Let her enjoy her career or what ever she does , everyone has his own life . People are appreciating her physique in lieu of her talent and candidness .
Cyrus Nov 05, 2016 09:45pm
Humans have an instinctive ability to either give a positive or a negative judgement about an individual they meet for the first time.. this judgement is from within and stays within. Next, we start searching for others who seem aligned with what we perceive to be the truth. Once we find enough in numbers is when are opinions but are formed.
Syed Waqar Ali Nov 06, 2016 05:12am
Momina you are not supposed to judge yourself. Let others judge you. People enjoy your work and appreciate your style.
Raag Nov 06, 2016 08:43pm
Good looking,smart,nothing to do with " Raag". Please don't sing unless you learn.