
Sindh's new sports minister has some serious swag and wants you to know

Sindh's new sports minister has some serious swag and wants you to know

Welcome to THE MINISTRY OF SWAG! So much designer wear, can't handle!
Updated 10 Aug, 2016

Move over Sharmila Faruqui.

There's a new kid on the block — er, podium — with so much swag in hand he'll make your designer outfits look passé.

Introducing 28-year-old father of two Sardar Muhammad Bux Khan Mahar, who was inducted into Sindh's cabinet as the province's Minister for Sports just a couple of days ago.

Well, we don't know how much he likes sports, but he definitely fronts like he's a playa. Yeah.

In case you thought our politicians were slowly letting go of their entourages and high-priced designer wear, well, Sardar Mahar is here to prove you wrong.

Here's why he caught our attention.

Muhammad Bux Khan Mahar's love for hats rivals Indian PM Narendra Modi's headgear obsession.

He rocks everything from a pagri... a fedora!

It's true. And this love for hats started when he was a wee child.

His hat collection truly is diverse. Hat's off to you, sir.

Also read: How Sharmila Farooqi's Burberry bag wreaked havoc in the Sindh Assembly

He has a squad, and the bromance looks serious.

Like, pretty serious.

We're just going to leave these photos here.

The squad says: "On Tuesdays we wear waistcoats and sit on thrones."

Unfortunately, his squad contains no women. Like, none. Ever.

Yup, no girls allowed:

His motto may as well be 'ride or die.' He loves his car.

Correction: he loves his CARS. And bikes. Anything with wheels really.

He also has a giant sword.

Hey, what are you sniggering at?

He has a fan following like a true boss.

Some people love him:

Some people hate him:

His style is totally on-point - just check out his collection of three-piece suits.

Yeah, so ministerial. And in Prisma!

Here he is rocking an indigo suit:

Also: designer shirts.

The boy's got swag even in his pyjamas.

Like a true Pakistani pol, he loves gettin' shady. We mean with sunglasses, of course.

Even his sports gear is top-notch:

All Nike and Adidas, mind you. Nothing less than the best for Sardar.

So good, he went around Paris in it. You're killin' the athleisure trend, Sardar!

The Sardar of Swag knows he needs to keep fit to be a boss, so lots of gym pictures, people.

But with so much chillin' like a boss, does he actually get any work done?

Maybe when you got this much swag... it doesn't matter?


mhw Aug 10, 2016 11:11am
they can rule ! :(
Arshad Aug 10, 2016 11:11am
How much "TAX" did he paid in his 2015 tax returns ?
Ahsan Aug 10, 2016 11:11am
He may have Swag(in your view) but I am quite certain he does not have any merit. This murad ali shah government will be a slight upgrade to qaim ali shah which will be enough for the people of sindh to vote for ppp again in the general elections
Joya Aug 10, 2016 11:11am
Mr. Mahr, Seems to be a person who is educated, well versed with technology (Unlikely Ex PPP Ministers), likes new fashion and trends and above all young chap with charisma. Hopes he will change the image of PPP.
Sleepless Aug 10, 2016 11:14am
I imagine him sitting in the Sindh Assembly with a selfie stick taking pictures. Considering the time he spends on his looks and updating his fb status, I hardly imagine him doing anything worthwhile with sports. A rich brat, just like his buddy Bilawal. Very narcissistic....
Jameel Aug 10, 2016 11:15am
Source of income..Landlord? Land grabber? Tax evader? Would appretiate the swag if this person actually earned it.
Sahar Aug 10, 2016 11:18am
What a playyaaa
Talha Aug 10, 2016 11:20am
Maybe a new ministry for fashion is what he should be heading?
Zaheer Aug 10, 2016 11:21am
Having a swag is different and good than being a rich spoiled brat, as he appears so in this showcasing!
my point Aug 10, 2016 11:24am
Money talks!
white noise Aug 10, 2016 11:28am
so where is the money coming from? & its time to revisit, that song, wadera ka beta !!!
Khalil Aug 10, 2016 11:30am
What a poser. Thinks he is a bollywood star. Get a grip man and do something good for ur country and people instead of grooming yourself day and night.
Dr.Sadaf Aug 10, 2016 11:32am
Is this what we are left with now, only God can save us.
oncoman Aug 10, 2016 11:33am
I give him 100 demerit points.
N K Ali Aug 10, 2016 11:34am
Editor: You have presented to readers a 'world wide view' of the new sports minister. But can he deliver in today's world of sports. Just look at the Rio Olympics 2016 on TV and you will know how far Sindh has to really go. Salams
waleed fakhar Aug 10, 2016 11:37am
nothing special.....they have more than enough money in the bank with zero ability.......they are given votes on ethnic basis from interior sindh not on ability.
bheesham kumar Aug 10, 2016 11:39am
HAHAHAHAHA......... Sain ... Wadere Kaa Beta............
fareed Aug 10, 2016 11:41am
@Sahar Don't be too impressed. He has a big responsibility to shoulder. Let's see if he can deliver on it.
Uzair Aug 10, 2016 11:47am
Wished there was "swag" in his grammar aswell :p
zebswati Aug 10, 2016 11:47am
Guys ! Give him some time to prove himself that he is different, can do the change ! . King ...! Prove it ! A Real Chief or only a selfie Chief !
AS IF Aug 10, 2016 11:51am
Damn, I was in such a good mood after reading about Footpath school. You have ruined it all. One thing for sure, Footpath school will not create 'Parhay Likhay Jahil'.
Sana Aug 10, 2016 11:55am
What about sports? keeping in view the dismal performance of our sports team including hockey
M Rafique Aug 10, 2016 11:56am
Good work and surely will pay back
Mohsin Aug 10, 2016 12:01pm
Who is casting him Next...?
khan Aug 10, 2016 12:04pm
He was my class fellow in school. As far as know he won't be effective minister in any manner because of his non-serious attitude.
Hamid Shafiq Aug 10, 2016 12:05pm
Look like Arab prince he work on motor sport racing in Sind
timmyali Aug 10, 2016 12:07pm
Well we must admit the guy has some serious looks
sobia Aug 10, 2016 12:09pm
well, ofcourse , no women since he is already married twice!
Mirza Aug 10, 2016 12:11pm
@Jameel Very true. How much Halal and how much HARM is in his blood.
50 Shades of Khaki Aug 10, 2016 12:14pm
@Arshad Have a heart. Enjoy the good piece of writing. If you are really concerned file an RTI
Ali Vazir Aug 10, 2016 12:24pm
I would second the views of Arshad below. All reviews of wealthy people must include the figures of tax paid during the last 10 years.
Someone Aug 10, 2016 12:26pm
He has an uncanny resemblance to the crown prince of Dubai
Atif Aug 10, 2016 12:26pm
Somebody needs to travel to his village, street are broken, open sewerage, stinky environment, 100% illiteracy, no healthcare, parks, sports etc. He is literaly living on a big heap of trash. If He can not even improve his village, how will he improve sports in sindh? Will sindh now start producing olympians? NO.
athar Aug 10, 2016 12:33pm
This is what the tragedy is. The King is dead, long live king. Hereditary political/feudal rulers of Sindh have created real mess. Sindh is going from bad to worst due to feudalism.
Dr.Sadaf Aug 10, 2016 12:40pm
No wonder the province in question is so backward and children are dying of malnutrition.
Raxnep Aug 10, 2016 12:44pm
@Sleepless But no girls allowed :D
timetostopthis Aug 10, 2016 12:46pm
Looks like a completely shallow and self obsessed young man. What has he done to earn this position? Nothing till now!!!
Amarnath Aug 10, 2016 12:55pm
the ppp would have done justice if he was made the minister of fasion. if no such position available, create one. that would be a right man at the right place
Ali sikandar chachar Aug 10, 2016 01:02pm
MB Mahar sb is an educated and a brilliant sardar,infact he's not a traditional sardar. He has a shining future if he keeps in touch with the masses.
Khan Aug 10, 2016 01:08pm
Who cares! There is always be something he will be craving for but wont be able to afford!
Saliha Aug 10, 2016 01:11pm
That's Amsterdam not Paris
Omi Aug 10, 2016 01:21pm
How come he took the seat of Sports Minister? What a funny country!
Zia Aug 10, 2016 01:24pm
These people only comes to rule and source to arrange votes for governing party. Why they didn't pick true sport person for this position, who really understand sports and wants to take this country to next level. Apart from cricket we are going behind in sports, specially Olympic games.
saagar Aug 10, 2016 01:29pm
Good to see educated, respected and well off people coming forward and serve the country. Especially people like Sardar Muhammad Bux because such people already have enough to not loot the country. Best of luck.
fahad Aug 10, 2016 01:35pm
what do i say. what did they see in him for making him sport minister?
Farrukh Aug 10, 2016 01:35pm
This will put already deprived people of sindh in more deprivation...!
fahad Aug 10, 2016 01:36pm
what does he know about game?
fahad Aug 10, 2016 01:41pm
@Joya nations do not change with fashion and style. it demand hardwork and ability.and i didn't any thing like this in this person government used which criteria to make him minister
Einstein Babar Aug 10, 2016 01:42pm
The rulers of world's most prosperous nations feel pride in simplicity and riding a bicycle and sardar of poor peasants of Sindh is arrogant. Shameless
ThePerturbed Aug 10, 2016 01:42pm
Nothing new other than a new Wadera on the block! Trying to undo the petro Shiekhs!
KB Aug 10, 2016 01:44pm
Waow, this is a very careful selection for Mr. Minister. Hope he works for what he is picked up for, rest is his personal life.
SanFuedal Aug 10, 2016 01:45pm
What will it take to get rid of all chiefs and sardars!
Omar Hayat Aug 10, 2016 01:50pm
After watching this man I literally want British ers to rule us. At least we would have proper hospitals and schools for our childrens and a merit base system please come back and rule us as
SK Aug 10, 2016 01:51pm
Just his photos provide insight into his brain and the leadership he will provide- another rotten feudal forced upon masses- this is democracy alright
DrK Aug 10, 2016 01:54pm
@saagar Rule of Waderas continues!
M Ali Aug 10, 2016 01:58pm
they represent poor nation in conditioned rooms and enjoy the world with tax of poor people. they can rule
Proud Pakistani Aug 10, 2016 02:00pm
Looks like a good for nothing fellow plus an additional burden on the tax payers.
An Adult Aug 10, 2016 02:14pm
Who puts a 28 year old in charge of a ministry?
Asim Aug 10, 2016 02:15pm
So what? Again a feudal lord has been appointed. An elite representing peasants.
Taimur Khan Aug 10, 2016 02:37pm
These spoilt kids of Waderas, whose wealth and style is owed only to the sweat and toil of the Haris, can never deliver in any position, leave alone a job as demanding as development of sports in Sind. This is not democracy, it is not even a cheap imitation of one!
Jacob Aug 10, 2016 02:44pm
@An Adult In Waderism any thing goes!
Quizzical Aug 10, 2016 02:56pm
@Arshad Before Taxes...the million dollar question is is so rich in such a poor country!
Dawood Mahmood Aug 10, 2016 02:57pm
I voted: "Ofcourse, he knows what he's doing" - because obviously,.....he knows what he's doing.
nadeem Aug 10, 2016 03:02pm
i will be impressed if his brain also works at a designer brand standard.
Sajida Aug 10, 2016 03:17pm
I need to meet this guy...for discussing my sports activities of course
Farooq Jawed Aug 10, 2016 03:30pm
So he has style-----lets hope he has some substance as well. He, like everyone else deserves benefit of the doubt and good wishes from us to succeed. Good luck young man. We need crop of young idealist leaders instead of old recycled one.
Syed Abbas Aug 10, 2016 03:40pm
Lets see if he can do anything about the sports in the troubled province. I have very slim hopes though.
kuni Aug 10, 2016 03:56pm
Nice. I hope he does something well for the sports too. All the best
سے Shaam Aug 10, 2016 04:06pm
He can get swag to the poor sports persons of Sindh and teach them how to dress down for the occasion.
Imran Farooq Aug 10, 2016 04:15pm
I think he does not have time for responsibilities
Ali Aug 10, 2016 04:37pm
He might be a Fashion Designer Minister.
Jawaid Islam Aug 10, 2016 04:58pm
Kool guy, hope he delivers in sports as he has done with his style!
Jawed Mirza Aug 10, 2016 05:17pm
This sports minister speaks volumes about the new chief minister ...........both will not achieve anything
Ali Aug 10, 2016 05:26pm
Not much of a fan of PPP however the let's give them a year and half to prove. Maybe the swag-business forces them to 'good' and 'true' to work even if it's for 'public consumption'. Something is better than nothing in the land of Sindh.
Ali Aug 10, 2016 05:50pm
Yet another feudal flaunting his money! Pakistan Zindabad.
AG Aug 10, 2016 06:06pm
In-fact Pakistan is made for these guys not for us
Usman Khan Aug 10, 2016 06:18pm
Style and and fashion are 2 separate things. He is fashionable not stylish. Nothing special about the threads. Have you seen Zulfiqar Ali Bhuttos/Quaid-e-Azams suits? Saville Row not TOP SHOP. Lets see a tax return. Degrees? Accomplishments? Easily amused people are the downfall of this country. Barack Obama is a well dressed man.
Pakistan Zindabad Aug 10, 2016 06:31pm
Once upon a time their were a CM named Mehar ! Oh my god, what controversies were floating around CM house those days (Captain's Era). Hope this new Mehar not.
Hamza Sadruddin Aug 10, 2016 06:59pm
Disappointing. Don't expect any Olympian representing Pakistan.
imran ali Aug 10, 2016 10:22pm
enjoying his life with the money collected from Karachi as tax...and the people suffering
Riaz Quadir Aug 10, 2016 10:36pm
Only time and technology change, but the feudal narcissistic nature of our politicians remain a constant while the magnitude grows and grows… Pakistan is not a democracy and "leaders" like this man will never represent the people.
HM Aug 10, 2016 10:50pm
I just feel so sad after reading all this...sad for the province, sad for the country, sad for the people who have learnt to endure all this and sad for the young man who will go through life with such shallowness and not even realize what life is really about.
Muhammad Ali Aug 10, 2016 11:51pm
Unfortunate or lets say our minds are more focused " above and beyond" the sawg, as yes ministers should wear proper ironed and neat clothes and given the chance as a minister in such a young age your passion and ambition is reflected through your sense of dressing, but rather than posting such swag and publicizing his interior wardrobe, pictures of him participating / playing with school kids, introducing sports scholarships, reviving lyari boxing academies and football clubs with sports projects in interior Sindh would have a lasting impact and set the tone for the young generation. For starters pictures of his school visits and sport association meeting should be posted (that is if there are any). At the moment it feels as if the ministry is more of and about the personality in it but there is so much scope for growth. A gain its only been 2 weeks so lets pray regardless of scope , positive actions are taking for the revival of sports :)
Safdar Aug 11, 2016 12:14am
Question is whether they will do anything for their people and make a visible through the public office...we all know what the answer to this question is...
Jamil Soomro, NEW YORK CITY Aug 11, 2016 12:25am
The Sports Minister looks very sportive and physically fit himself. He is a young man of 21st.century, well dressed ,looks out going sociable extrovert. Folks, don't pass any judgments on his personality yet. Give him time to perform his duties, then pass your judgments which would make sense.
saeeds Aug 11, 2016 12:27am
Good looking guy smartly dress missing little class. But I hope mingle with people and with little mind change he bring change and rectify his elder mistake. Good luck
Jiyala Online Aug 11, 2016 02:51am
No jealous looks
imp3 Aug 11, 2016 03:49am
@KB, yes, it is his personal life but then again........... pictures tell the story and wait whether he will be able to deliver to what he has been bestow/entrusted ......and sadly..I don't think so by knowing his Goth (village) until he prove us wrong.
Jenni Aug 11, 2016 04:18am
@Joya we dnt need his charisma nd fashion sense we need someone who can bring the change either in sports or country if they hv td much power ,really educated nd aware of technology thn they must use them in a good way to improve sports not only updating thr own lifestyle nd so called swag
Imran Khan Aug 11, 2016 04:39am
Why dont give him Ministry of Textile?
SHabbir Afridi Aug 11, 2016 06:33am
More of a case of Pind meeting Swag. You can wear it but you can never carry it, better lose it.
aslam shaikh Aug 11, 2016 07:22am
Very good way to spend public's money
Hydro Chakka Aug 11, 2016 08:43am
@M Ali. Sadly, This is what people of Sindh opted for in 2013 and this is what they deserve. Stand up for your right and fight for injustíce otherwise you will be rules by bad eras for another millennium.
Arshad ,Canada Aug 11, 2016 10:44am
@Jameel , we should ask how much taxes he and the family pay?
Riaz Aug 11, 2016 11:41am
I wish if he has a soft heart for down trodden people of Sind. Now there are 37 ministers and advisers out of total strength of 165 members. If you really love people prove your mettle now.
Najaf Aug 11, 2016 01:28pm
What is wrong with this nation. Why do they give the judgement even before knowing a person. A change for good. How many sports ministers are sporty are in Pakistan. In fact, the last thress years have been horrible for Pakistan sports. Be it cricket, hockey or any other game. The guy is cool, yes he may be obsessed with selfies but who isn't these days? I am sick of watching ugly, fat and illiterate politicians and this is definitely a fresh breeze! People in Punjab should learn rather than being jealous.
Aftab Aug 11, 2016 02:53pm
His demeanour shows that he is just like the other feudal lords in Sindh who never cares about the issues and problems of the common man. Just look at the show off....!!!! He cant be a voice for the commons.
sonia Aug 11, 2016 03:53pm
classy, stylish, heart throb, :*
Faiz Aug 11, 2016 07:03pm
He looks like Riyad Maharez the footballer that won the PFA player of the year award who plays for Leicester City
fizza Aug 11, 2016 09:49pm
I hope that he would work for sports just like he works on his swag. I hope that he would bring this trendy thing in sports sector as well and we get see some trendy sports.
Secular Revolutionary Aug 11, 2016 11:37pm
Feudal politicians and politics at its best. The scourge of Pakistan!
A. Abbasi Aug 12, 2016 04:15am
@aslam shaikh Public money? He was born with golden spoon in his mouth
Zala Aug 12, 2016 04:43am
All the ministers should make their tax returns public.
Javed Aug 12, 2016 09:24am
I have never understood how they can be progressive urbanites and regressive feudal lords in the same breath. Get educated in the most democratic environments and come home to practice the most autocratic oligarchy imaginable. Shame on me of electing him.
Javed Aug 12, 2016 09:29am
Seeing his appreciation for Nike and Adidas, I hope he will provide the same for all sportsmen and women :-)
Mansoor Rajper Aug 12, 2016 10:35am
There are 22 Sardars in District Ghotki, if MAHARs are dominant there: it is because of their UNITY, unity as a people, unity as tribe and sincerity for themselves and encouragement of each other to achieve mutual goals.. Further good faith of UNCLES and COUSINS who have not put down this young man or BETRAYED him to achieve their EVIL individual goals. Above all lets see what actions does he take for SINDH, where till date NO SINDHI CRICKET player has made it to the National team, nor for Football or Hockey. Lets wait and see what he delivers for sports, he has already enough wealth, guess his elders had 01 lac acres of land.....
ARM Aug 12, 2016 11:09am
What are his credentials that qualify him to hold the portfolio for the sports ministry?? Seems to me like daddy's little boy just inherited this position and will surely print lots of money for a very longtime...and sure its nice to have the Abu Dhabi sheiks as friends through whom you can get all the cars! All that glitters is not gold. Sindh can do without the SWAG...lets talk substance
Muhammad Amin Abro Aug 12, 2016 04:24pm
I Have personally visted his village that is just like model village with beautiful park, Hospital, Clean road and Sports ground with Full Boundary wall. He is Helps their villagers ever time.
hassan Aug 12, 2016 04:47pm
Can someone tell us about his qualifications ???
Sadiq Ali Bohra Aug 12, 2016 06:04pm
Anyone related to PPP never comes to power for work.... its their relaxing, earning, covering up the election expenses-time. And all this keeps them so busy that they dont have any time for work.
Mr.T Aug 12, 2016 10:48pm
Yes this is all so cool.. All is swagger is a sign of more and bigger disaster in years to come as children of politicians who have eaten and corrupted the country are now going show 'they own this land' and dress well.. Most young people with regular jobs dress like this in surrounding developing or developed countries so this is not very impressive at all!
M Ibtehaj Khan Aug 13, 2016 06:17pm
Why not make him a new ministry....... the Fashion Ministry. Maybe he`ll prove more effective there :-P
Najaf Mahar Aug 14, 2016 01:39pm
@hassan Did A'levels and later graduate in International Law & Diplomacy from England.
Chanchal Raj Aug 15, 2016 07:10pm
He is not from us, simple.
Seema Aug 15, 2016 11:39pm
What is his education? Actually its not mentioned anywhere on the internet.
khi91 Aug 16, 2016 11:28am
Do you people know the price of his attires, hummers and Mercedes? Mind me