
Are Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner not getting divorced?

Are Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner not getting divorced?

Reportedly, 'things have changed' between the couple
16 Jul, 2016

Hollywood couple Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck had announced plans for divorce last year, but reportedly, 'things have changed' over the course of time.

According to US Weekly, the couple of 10 years may not have moved on after their divorce, and the divorce proceedings have been put on hold as of now.

Sources close to the couple revealed that neither Jen or Ben have filed for divorce.

“Jen mentioned that the divorce was going through very soon, and then a few weeks ago, things changed,” says a source close to Garner. “It does not seem to be moving in that direction.”

By the looks of it, the two still have feelings for each other.

“Jen seems to still be in love with Ben but doesn’t allow her mind to go there,” added the source. “She just focuses on the kids.”

“If it was up to Ben they would be together. He feels like he can’t live without Jen,” said a second insider,

However, another Affleck source claims that the details of their divorce are being laid out privately by lawyers. “They were never in a rush to file. This was always the plan.”

Although the two live in the same five-bedroom mansion, the source disclosed that Ben sleeps in the guest room while Jen sleeps with the eldest daughter.

“They want their kids’ lives to go on as uninterrupted as possible,” revealed the source.


SWAT Jul 16, 2016 12:07pm
They were my favorite couple.
AdHawk Jul 16, 2016 01:25pm
Good for you, Ben; she's a keeper, don't let her get away.
Safdar Jul 16, 2016 01:52pm
Both great actors and my favorites! Hope they are able to stick it out together....
Thoroughthinker Jul 16, 2016 04:08pm
Actors can never act real in real life.
Zak Jul 17, 2016 02:40am
They won't divorce, they have the pakistani spirit of family.