
Is Imran Khan marrying a third time? Here's what we know so far

Is Imran Khan marrying a third time? Here's what we know so far

PTI has issued a denial, but we can't help but recall that Imran denied his marriage to Reham until the end as well
Updated 12 Jul, 2016

Is Imran Khan set to marry a third time? Has he already tied the knot in a sneaky ceremony?

All this and more is the subject of great speculation today in Pakistan, as the media began reporting that PTI leader Imran Khan is on the road to holy matrimony — again.

Some unconfirmed reports state that Imran Khan has already married a woman belonging to a Maneka family a few days ago in London. Sources say his wife's name is Maryam.

As the news began to circulate, PTI Information Secretary Naeem ul Haque took to Twitter to claim the news was baseless.

Imran Khan himself soon tweeted the same:

However, observers can't help but draw parallels to Imran's brief marriage to Reham Khan, which was also preceded by denials from the PTI leader and his party members.

Social media is thick with rumours, and some commentators claim to know the details on Imran's possible union.

Television channels are also reporting that Imran is making a decision based on advice from a spiritual leader named Bushra who has reportedly said he cannot become Prime Minister if he remains unwed.

This is a developing story that is being updated as the situation evolves. Initial reports in the media can sometimes be inaccurate. We will strive to ensure timeliness and accuracy by relying on credible sources such as qualified authorities and our staff reporters.

Comments Jul 12, 2016 02:24pm
His obsession with British girls is sad. Is Pakistan so short of attractive eligible girls?
ART KP Jul 12, 2016 02:36pm
Oh please, Pakistani people are already going through too many surprises these days.
Rashid Sultan Jul 12, 2016 02:50pm
It is entirely Im's personal decision. Not a public matter.
Asmat Jul 12, 2016 02:51pm
"... Bushra who has reportedly said he cannot become Prime Minister if he remains unwed." Let's see if this one stays until he becomes the Prime Minister.
pakistani youth Jul 12, 2016 02:52pm
com on..not again.
Asad Jul 12, 2016 02:54pm
Is it 3rd or 4th time, i am confused.
Nausheen M Jul 12, 2016 02:54pm
It's nobody's business... he should do what makes him happy.
The Observer Jul 12, 2016 02:55pm
well it's his own life and we should let him live as he wants to.
karachi wala Jul 12, 2016 03:05pm
May God bless the next victim
Concerned Jul 12, 2016 03:07pm
He had already made two attempts at wedding and two attempts at elections. Hope third time is lucky in at least one of them. Or at least wiser.
Ahmad Farooq Jul 12, 2016 03:08pm
If the news is true, we should all feel pity for the girl.
Joe Jul 12, 2016 03:09pm
Getting married for the 3rd time to someone on the advice of a "spiritual leader" so that he can become PM. This statement neatly summarizes everything that is wrong with Mr. Khan: his inner cousel, his views on women, and his obsession to be PM.
Amir Jul 12, 2016 03:12pm
Let him be! It's his life and his right!
Asad Jul 12, 2016 03:16pm
Is it really 3rd, remember Taryn Khan
msadiq Jul 12, 2016 03:19pm
Will do anything to become PM, while this spiritual guru have solved his other problems too !
Z Khan Jul 12, 2016 03:20pm
I am his massive supporter but it seems Khan sb is losing the plot at tender age of 64. cant believe our ruling elite goes to these so called spiritual gurus for advice. if these gurus are so spiritual with supernatural powers than why they only play second fiddle advisers/consultants role to these rich and famous people instead of taking care of everything themselves?
saad92 Jul 12, 2016 03:21pm
I wish IK comes to his constituency. He can never become pm until he visits his constituency and start solving problems faced by people.
Ramesh Nakhwa Jul 12, 2016 03:22pm
A judgemental problem turning into a monumental problem
IAB Jul 12, 2016 03:22pm
Good luck old man ....... nothing wrong with it !!!!
Guest66 Jul 12, 2016 03:26pm
Forgetting , Ms Seeta White and having a Girl from her too ? So if this rumor is correct , its got to be nbr 4 not nbr 3 , people denying this are the same people who denied that his marriage with Ms Khan was on the rocks , only few weeks later ending in a divorce so lets wait and see when the nbr 4 bride is unveiled
Ahmed USA Jul 12, 2016 03:27pm
Imran is self obsessed politician... Nation has not forgotten the fact that PM Nawaz Sharif was the one who got him the land allotted for Shaukat Khanum Hospital... What anyone would consider as the first charitable act towards a great cause...
Kirbi Jul 12, 2016 03:47pm
IK is Pakistan's hero in many ways. He deserves the best. Our best wishes to him if he wants to take a bride at this stage of his life. Why not? Sincere wishes from your and Pakistan's fan in the U. S.
Dipak Singh Jul 12, 2016 03:57pm
Haha lolz..
Thoroughthinker Jul 12, 2016 04:10pm
This shows his sense of priorities and still people are after him!
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Jul 12, 2016 04:14pm
I vaguely guess, may be wrong guess, that after reading what Imran said about his 3rd marriage, a few women may be thinking to approach him either directly or through someone so that they could be considered as his 3rd wife. Who knows may be one of those females who very actively participated in Dharna in Islamabad could be the one to be married to her mentor? I personally opine that there is nothing wrong if he marries fir 3rd time but on the condition that this time he shall have to continue with her till her death or his death whichever applicable but no question of 3rd divorce. Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait /
a Jul 12, 2016 04:28pm
@Rashid Sultan It is Miyan, coz the man could very well be your next PM in as little as two years !
Jaan-Bhittani Jul 12, 2016 04:31pm
He is making fun of the holy relation...
Pakistani Jul 12, 2016 04:39pm
oh so easy for people to get married......
Pakistani Jul 12, 2016 04:40pm
Let him live his life and let him focus on his work instead of giving justifications on his marriages. If he is not doing anything wrong, please stop poking your nose in to it.
Karma Dorji Jul 12, 2016 04:41pm
I am sure he misses a companion however no serious politician has time for a new marriage and an unknown wife. He should tread carefully,
ruby Jul 12, 2016 04:43pm
Hahahaha. So we see banners going up in major cities inviting the army. Now talks of him getting married again cause he cannot become prime minister unwed. My God. If I ever wanted him to be the PM of Pakistan, how can I rely upon a person who trusts spiritual leaders and believes in such malarky!
Goga Nalaik Jul 12, 2016 05:07pm
IK's final marriage will be with Jamaima and it will last for ever. He can't cope with Desi women.
Adil Jadoon Jul 12, 2016 05:07pm
If that is the reason for getting married! It is his personal bussoness and hope he chooses wisely. I think his first wife was best for him and he should have spent more time with his family. Politics come and go, he should not have sacrificed his family
imran Jul 12, 2016 05:12pm
A man can get married anytime he wants and desires. What is wrong with Media and people? Does media has anything to do with his marriage or people have to feed his wife? They are sick worried about his marriage just like parents of a teenager...pathetic
M. Emad Jul 12, 2016 05:13pm
Seems, Imran Khan enters into the cycle of Bachelor---Marriage---and Divorce.
M. Siddique Jul 12, 2016 05:14pm
So what's wrong if IK gets married. If he announces it is fine if he does not, so what. Everyone should mind their own business.
Zalmay Jul 12, 2016 05:16pm
On a hatric!!!
Salim Khan Jul 12, 2016 05:18pm
IK Daniel means he is going to do it. So great new for IK and his followers.
KnowTheTruth Jul 12, 2016 05:18pm
absolutely shameless
bk Jul 12, 2016 05:20pm
Very unfortunate, without wife !!!!!
Muhammad umar Jul 12, 2016 05:22pm
What goes with Media If Imran khan intends to marry. Definitely it is his personal decision.
O Hanif Jul 12, 2016 05:27pm
@ASAD Legally/religiously it will be third time :)
guest Jul 12, 2016 05:33pm In a word.....Yes
Hassan shah Jul 12, 2016 05:38pm
Is getting married against the social or religion belief .. Not really we shell hope that he marries the right one and gets a peace of mind at home so he can focus on the country and his party. We can disagree with him n But one thing is a fact minus him our political culture is very shallow at lead because of him there is some check on the corrupt leaders. Wish him all the best!!!
Khanistan Jul 12, 2016 05:42pm
Khan.. Please slow down.. Sabaruka
Arslan Jul 12, 2016 05:56pm
How many times Shahbaz Shariff got married?
Najaf Jul 12, 2016 05:59pm
Khadim e ala can marry multiple women and no one considers that to be an issue so why does IK's marriage become all of a sudden a big issue? He should certainly get married again.
amar Jul 12, 2016 07:12pm
without wife .. no life !! go IK
hyat Jul 12, 2016 07:18pm
i lived in usa and travelled all around the world I honestly say that pakistani girls are most beautiful in the world.
shiv@UK Jul 12, 2016 07:19pm
Dear Friends, please don't interfere in his personal matters. we have to respect his feelings.
ASPC Jul 12, 2016 07:23pm
@M. Siddique Maan Sadqey Jaey on innocence of "young & emerging leader" and his followers
KnowTheTruth Jul 12, 2016 07:30pm
@ruby "how can I rely upon a person who trusts spiritual leaders and believes in such malarky!" absolutely! well said.
Masood Jul 12, 2016 08:29pm
good luck for the marriage and do what is best for you Imran Khan.
Who Am I Jul 12, 2016 08:56pm
@Jaan-Bhittani HOW?
M.H Jul 12, 2016 11:15pm
@Z Khan You need to learn alot my friend!
Skhan Jul 13, 2016 12:45am
I remember the whole nation was even then interested in his marriage when he was in his twenties. For god's sake he is in his 60s now leave him alone.
Lahore kid Jul 13, 2016 01:13am
Boy we are in a sad state of affairs when we are worried about Imran Khan's third shadi. how did this make the news ?
Fried Chillies Jul 13, 2016 02:14am
Imran and Salman are the only two lucky Khans.
Thoughtful Jul 13, 2016 02:31am
If this is true then I feel sorry for the woman.
Javed Jul 13, 2016 02:55am
Of course he is free to marry. Third time may be the charm.
Zayn M. Jul 13, 2016 09:15am
He is only 65 years old.
Last Word Jul 13, 2016 10:37am
Imran should consult an Indian astrologer before tying the knot who might help him to know whether this one will succeed or not.
S A Jul 13, 2016 11:09am
It's Imran Khan's personal matter, it will be better if he gets married to the lady he likes with mutual interest and liking, everyone needs a life partner anyway, age doesn't matter health does. He is 65 years young not old.
Mehmood Jul 13, 2016 01:43pm
@Ahmed USA land was public its was not a EHSAAN.actually govt should build n run its own hospitals without any help from private sector.eould love to see how it works
Mehmood Jul 13, 2016 01:44pm
@Thoroughthinker whats wrong in getting married.if u r talking abt so called TIMINGS tgen pak is gothrough NAZUK DOUR for decades
Mehmood Jul 13, 2016 01:47pm
@Iqbal Hadi Zaidi thats not ur call to put conditions on his shaadi.if 3rd doesn't work he should go for many of our so called leaders put their personal activities (marital or extra marital)on hold ?????so y expect IK to do so
Mehmood Jul 13, 2016 01:49pm
@Salim Khan would love to see him happy
Raja Jul 13, 2016 03:08pm
" .. he cannot become Prime Minister if he remains unwed". So, he is getting married only to become P.M. WOW!
KnowTheTruth Jul 13, 2016 08:34pm
@Zayn M. "He is only 65 years old." Absolutely, and he has 2 more chances.
SFA Jul 14, 2016 05:32pm
@KnowTheTruth And in case IK accidently becomes PM, it's his so-called spiritual guru who will effeffectively rule the country! God save Pakistan!
kit kit Jul 16, 2016 12:43am
Choosingt he wrong woman has always been Imrans Achilles Heel. Why cant he just get married to someone of a similar age and background.
kit kit Jul 16, 2016 12:45am
@Adil Jadoon she left him as she realised she was young and naive at the time of marriage. It wasnt because he was neglecting her . they were unsuitable match and it would have happened sooner or later anyway