
K-Electric rescues a cat from a well and live-tweets the operation. Here's the full scoop

K-Electric rescues a cat from a well and live-tweets the operation. Here's the full scoop

The electricity company even coined a cat-themed hashtag! We're happy to announce the cat is doing well
Updated 24 Mar, 2016

Here's something to warm our hearts.

A cat got stuck in a well in Kathor, and three different organisations got together to rescue the lucky critter.

Edhi Animal Shelter was first to attempt the rescue, but was unsuccessful. Paws Pakistan intervened and contacted K-Electric, which, by the way, has a proven track record of saving animals in a fix.

Last year, K-Electric rescued a bird from a EHT wire, recalls Adil Hussain, Head of Digital Media at K-Electric.

Here's how the #KathoreCatRescue happened:

After a quick internal discussion, K-Electric decided to step in to save the day:

KE sent a crane and team to the said well:

The well was determined to be 110 feet deep:

One Sikander Baloch strapped into the safety thingamajig in order to begin his descent:

But not before last minute crane checks were made:

Lineman Sikander Baloch finally began his descent:

His support team kept a close eye on him as he went in:

The well was not infinite abyss material, but dark and formidable nonetheless:

And soon enough, out came Sikander with the cat who cooperated and sat calmly in its carrier:

Here's another picture of the hero and the rescued! Locals say the cat has been stuck in the well for about a year:

The cat looked quite content:

PAWS Pakistan is now said to be taking over, and tending to the cat's needs.

It's great to see K-Electric lend its resources and workforce to rescue animals in need. But what's a feel-good story without a spoilsport?


Johore Mar 24, 2016 04:26pm
Thanks to KE and Sikandar Baloch for saving a cat's life.
Mohib Mar 24, 2016 04:33pm
great work
Sohail Mar 24, 2016 04:43pm
Well done by all those involved! Especially the gentleman who descended into the well. It is no small feat as one can easily become claustrophobic!! Good news to read!
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