
This photo of waiters holding up umbrellas has sparked a debate on food groups

This photo of waiters holding up umbrellas has sparked a debate on food groups

Is it a sign of great customer service or a case of treating servers as being less than human?
Updated 19 Jan, 2016

If there's one thing Kolachi is known for, it's their exemplary customer service. Well, that and their paneer reshmi and chicken karahi but that's a conversation for another day.

The sea-facing restaurant is in the news for different reasons today; a picture started circulating on social media that has people chattering.

Unlike the rest of us Karachites who are paralyzed by sudden showers in the city and don't know what to do, Kolachi was fully prepared last night. The jam-packed grub giant had waiters holding up umbrellas over diners when it started pouring.

Waiters flock around a family holding up umbrellas to shield them from the rainfall
Waiters flock around a family holding up umbrellas to shield them from the rainfall

The divide on social media

Things took a serious turn on popular food forums like SWOT's Guide and Karachi Food Diary. Interestingly, there was a blatant divide regarding what people thought on each group.

Also read: Food wars: Are online food forums a force for good or ripe for misuse?

Foodies lauded Kolachi for their hospitality: one member exclaimed, "Wow, I mean these guys take the cake for awesome customer service" while another chimed in, stating "They have proved that Karachi's hospitality is from the heart not the pocket."

Views differed on KFD. One guy quipped, "You think it is okay for human beings to stand and become live umbrellas for other "human beings"? This is very saddening."

People churned out phrases like "modern day slavery" and "are these Mughal times?"

A mountain out of a molehill?

A little bizarre, no doubt about it but what's fascinating to me is that the restaurant had so many uniform umbrellas in stock. Half of the population of the city doesn't even own umbrellas because it barely rains here -- the eatery is clearly very committed to making sure the customers are always taken care of.

The furor is understandable; it does, at face value, appear regressive. However, how is it any different from us having our drivers carry our shopping bags into the house or the domestic staff from washing our dirty clothes?

If the waiters had been standing out in the rain themselves, it would have been disturbing but they're not; they're standing under the umbrella too. It boils down to whether what they were doing falls under the blanket of asking someone courteously to do the job they're paid for or is it borderline exploitation.

That being said, I wouldn't personally avail such a service. It would make me a tad bit uncomfortable.

The debate also sheds light on how we collectively shame people on social networks. While it's true that for some, a secretly taken photograph of a family enjoying a meal would constitute an unethical invasion of privacy, for others if this helps expose a social issue, it's justified.

Read on: Domestic staff at dinner: Restaurant owners in Pakistan speak up

Are we just getting offended for the sake of being offended?

When there was a social media uprising against the Aamna Aqeel shoot titled 'Be My Slave', that made sense to me -- Now that had racist and elitist undertones, no questions about it.

The shoot was entitled 'Be My Slave' —Photo courtesy:
The shoot was entitled 'Be My Slave' —Photo courtesy:

I'm on the fence about this incident, which seems like a temporary solution quickly implemented by a well-trained team, merely emanating dignity of labour and not the product of a rearward institution.


jimmyali Jan 19, 2016 03:53pm
Those who said yes I hope you experience this humiliation in life while others are eating and you are holding their stuff. I am amazed at people who let this happen. Sitting in a good restaurant and wearing nice clothes does not make you superior.
Nausheen Mehmood Jan 19, 2016 04:04pm
Every picture has two sides, we should look at the brighter one and stop making issue out of nothing. They could have called it "great customer-service" also. When these protocols are given to VIPs, nobody objects. Their customers are as important to these restaurant. So Relax.
Kirby Jan 19, 2016 04:04pm
Shameful! What happened to "human dignity". I don't blame the hotel administration but the guests who exhibited no sign of "human equality". Would Sahaba Ikram have done that? I guess our Pakistani culture has achieved a "rotten height". I am ashamed. I apologize from waiters for being subjected to such undignified environment. Best regards!
Hassam Jan 19, 2016 04:13pm
As long as anyone is paying extra tip to the waiters for their exceptional service, then it is okay, it is not slavery at all. There is vallet car park service, what do we do there? we ask them to park our cars as if they are our slaves? Why haven't we spoken about that?
Faisal Saleem Jan 19, 2016 04:17pm
@Faisal , this is how the slavery has been passed on from one generation to another ... kids sitting in the family are seeing their elders doing this shameful act as 'nothing wrong' will grow up & do the same.
Aamir Jan 19, 2016 04:20pm
This point is missing that why this family members did not stop them. Might be they are so powerful that led the management of the restaurant to act like that. This kind of mentality is everywhere in our society which is the basic cause of happening to this specific event. This fmaily be from feudal or industrialist background, but he writer is very right to point out that our domestic workers are doing same thing on daily basis. You can witness it even in an average middle class family. This is our society now.
Furqan Jan 19, 2016 04:22pm
This is not about being superior to other. It is all about providing service to their customers. I wont mind holding an umbrella for my client to eat in comfort if i own a restaurant. It wont mean that the person eating is superior to me, it just means business to me. I dont have covered area for my clients to eat, i will arrange something for them to retain them and not loose business on a rainy day. Dont be negative thinker. Its all good business. You hold door for others, that does not mean that you accepted their superiority, that just means humbleness, respect. In the same way, holding umbrella for your customers does not mean that they are superior to you and they own your soul. They just paying respect to their customers.
Hasan Azam Khan Jan 19, 2016 04:23pm
Ethically its wrong but as far as capitalism is concern customers are the gods.
Nausheen Mehmood Jan 19, 2016 04:25pm
If we twist at little more; and debate if it is about slavery, we should NOT go to the restaurant in the first place, cook our own food and eat at home. Why let anyone cook for us? They are not our slaves.
sadface Jan 19, 2016 04:46pm
The restaurant wanted to stop their customers from fleeing and make money to pay their staffs who are already poor and have very little jobs available to them.
Nausheen Mehmood Jan 19, 2016 04:55pm
@Aamir How can we assume that they (the family members) did not stop them? It is only a photo without the conversation that took place before and after it was clicked.
Multinational Bhabi Jan 19, 2016 05:07pm
@jimmyali If I have a guest at my place I would go to any extent to make him/her feel comfortable. And if I am in a business where I am charging people to let them have a good time then it's my responsibility to make them feel comfortable. The one's holding umbrellas are also under the umbrellas. Why dont we outrage against employing overworked and underpaid "maasis" and under age children working in every 2nd household in urban areas across the country?
akyl Jan 19, 2016 05:28pm
by eating with one hand, customers can hold umbrellas by themselves.
Dr Riffat Jabeen Jan 19, 2016 05:40pm
A trick to snatch money from the pockets of so-called upper class of the society. Moral or ethical values? What are these things?
KaKa Jan 19, 2016 05:40pm
what this fuss is all about. Its the responsibility of host to keep their guests comfortable. To all those who have a problem; next time you have guest at your place make sure they remember your poor hospitality by all means. Finally, I suggest all the eateries with dinning out facilities, please get some permanent arrangements for weather changes. Hope next time people have something important to focus over in KHI.
Dr Riffat Jabeen Jan 19, 2016 05:44pm
Buying respect with money? Can you buy or sell respect with money? Very funny. What happened to our society?
Masood Jan 19, 2016 05:48pm
They are being courteous and a good host. This will put a bright light on the establishment for caring about their customer. Plus the biggest point is that those gentlemen, the waiters, depend on the TIP the customer leaves on the table. That is why it is called the 'hospitality' job. This happens all over the world.
Nimrah Jan 19, 2016 06:04pm
I do not like the idea of waiters holding umbrella, it is not about if they are under umbrella or not or that they are paid for this work and not about the services customers are provided or like any other services we avail on day to day basis. It is actually about the idea, aren't there any other options except waiters holding umbrellas for 'so long', it is not humane at all. If they are so prepared and they even bothered to buy tons of umbrellas they could have invested in some good restaurant parasols. I think that would have given a good impression of customer care as well. If I would be a customer this kind of service would not work for me and apart from that humanity it is also a matter of privacy, atleast I would not be comfortable when I am having friendly or official discussion and someone is just standing right there.
Umer Jan 19, 2016 06:26pm
In Pakistan and many of the other developing countries, we live in a quasi imperial, quasi capital society given the cost of labour! The waiters are clearly doing their job, which is what they're paid to do! I personally get paid to sit in an office an many times am paid to fix the mistakes of others. How is that fair, that I fix the mistakes of others? However, I think it's fair for what they pay me, and I wouldn't do it without compensation; likely these waiters would not do it without compensation either! However, given the low cost of labour, holding up umbrella's is easier to do in these economies and hence it feels like imperial times. Good Luck trying to come up with the right answer!
Syed Zafar Kazmi U.S.A Jan 19, 2016 06:51pm
DIfferent people have different roles in society; some are doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists, architects, accountants, athletes, musicians, painters, dancers and some are clerks, peons, masons, carpenters, shepherds, drivers, schaeuffers, servants and some plain laborers. Everyone of them is necessary for any society to exist and properly function. What is important is that all such roles of human endeavor must be recognized respectable and treated with dignity and fair compensation providing at least basic necessities of life. None should be demeaned for what he/she does so long as it is hard and honest work. In light of this, I believe the service provided by the restaurant and its waiters was perfectly within civil norms as is our use of scheauffers, peons , cooks and personal servants.
Talha Masood Jan 19, 2016 06:58pm
@jimmyali I don't buy your logic AT this logic you can also say that it is humiliation when a waiter serves delicious foods to the people while keeping his own stomach can say for this for a bank cashier who counts millions of rupees in his hand but still his pocket contains a mere handful......this is not humiliation...this is their JOB and it is professionalism to keep doing with an unbiased perspective whatever you are paid harm in this absolutely....
True Jan 19, 2016 07:24pm
What a bout the food all wit& soggy !! Water is dropping from umbrella . I rather go inside & eat confortably.
Tariq Awan Jan 19, 2016 07:33pm
Let people earn their livelihood please!
Arslan Jan 19, 2016 08:36pm
Rain is rare and if in rare event a rare customer service gesture happens its fine. This is far from slavery as waiters are paid and free whereas slaves are not.
Nav Jan 19, 2016 09:28pm
They should spend some more and have a permanent solution like retractable awning!
ss Jan 19, 2016 09:51pm
Restaurant being a service industry, it is their job to protect their guests and rather see them get wet. To provide such a service is part of runing an exlusive and expesive place and has nothing to do with slavery.
Mo Jan 19, 2016 09:59pm
Slavery is embedded in the fabric of our society... Culture of maids, drivers, skilled labour i.e plumbers, constructors, electricians.. etc. In the west, you have dive deep in your pockets to have such luxuries.
meharali Jan 19, 2016 10:16pm
They should just have handed out the umbrellas to the customers. Win win situation for both parties.
Salman Jan 19, 2016 10:45pm
It's their private business, they have the freedom to ask their employees to do this.
Sensible Jan 19, 2016 10:54pm
Blame the customers as much as the management. They should have stood up, paid their bill, and left.
hamza Jan 19, 2016 11:00pm
only in Pakistan you would see something of this nature. Its very sad how a human being is degraded down to this level. I understand they get tip money, but still its a very bad idea. It saddened me when I saw the pictures.
Yaar Nawab Jan 19, 2016 11:05pm
OK OK as few said, so it was hospitality but then water must be going down on food as water eventually slips from umbrella - so if I am a customer I wouldn't even sit there as water may get mixed in food - right ?
DMDiL Jan 19, 2016 11:08pm
This is sign of bad management, Bad design, outdoor seating should always have umbrella in the middle of seats. In order to make up for that, They seems to have enough employees shading the guest with it...
farhan Jan 19, 2016 11:24pm
@jimmyali may it rain more and more are employed to hold umbrellas. people get paid for the job by free will. personally if someone is holding an umbrella for me, i would decline.
UnshacklePak Jan 19, 2016 11:35pm
Is the waiter free to quit his job? If it's the case the waiter is getting paid, and probably with extra tips, and has the right to work. Those claiming it's slavery is also indirectly insulting those waiters, and suggesting their choice was that of a slave, when in fact it was more likely waiter's freedom to choose to work. Are those cleaning sewers slaves as well? What about those dying for the country in the fight against terrorism? At least the slave got to live.
goodDeedsLeadTo Jan 20, 2016 12:13am
It is a phony tradition to hold doors for other unless it is your wife, mother, father, other senior family members, children, or someone frail or disabled or there is a genuine or tactical or operational need for it, like you welcome a leaders or bride or bride groom. Everybody should take care of himself or herself, under normal circumstances. Opening doors is like showing off others you are so good or have better upbringing compare to others, when you open the door for others and there is no need, and when others do not for others under normal circumstances. One should be focused on real deal, like helping the needy with your money or giving your time or money to help others improve in someway, or opening up opportunities for others, or offering a job based on merit not just because of closeness.
Mubashir Mahmood Jan 20, 2016 12:30am
Why people creates issue on these small things...
Siri Jan 20, 2016 12:47am
Utterly disgusted! What's next?
Saeed Ahmed Jan 20, 2016 12:53am
This is small thing for people those who do not have any idea how to treat others with respect, because they are brought up in an uncivilized environment. This is humiliation of laborer and human not a reason to be used as an excuse to allow them their earning. Those who accept this need to learn a lot what is a civilized behavior.
Gul Hasan Jan 20, 2016 01:01am
A country that has never defined itself and has no identity will have meaningless news like this. Whichever way one debates ours is a class based society that will never change as those who get educated and improve their lot would like to be seen as elites and would become member of the so called elite club. Very disturbing trend in our society.
Waqar Akhtar (UK) Jan 20, 2016 01:13am
What happened to male chivalry? Shouldn't a husband or partner protect his other half from the rain himself?
Reality Bites Jan 20, 2016 01:27am
Nothing wrong if the waiters are adults and the customers can tip them accordingly for the extra service. We all know extra service and money is always welcome in these non skilled jobs. So lets not get too worked up about this , more concerning is the child labor within the homes of the well to do.
Anwar Sadiqque Jan 20, 2016 01:42am
Horrible. Only backward individuals would show so much disrespect to another human being. Some of these horrible people come to the US from India & Pakistan and try the same type of behaviour and learn a quick lesson on being disrespectful. How can they eat?!
Concerned Jan 20, 2016 02:04am
I am sure Kolachi has deep enough pockets to invest in "patio umbrellas" to avoid good or bad arguments on the topic. No need for this big crew to stand at one table with multiple umbrellas. This way owner, customers and general public will be happy.
Saeed Jan 20, 2016 02:09am
Yes & May be explain that Pakistan is full of scum bags
Ali Jan 20, 2016 03:04am
Majority of people in the world as well as those who are commenting are slaves..... They all do a job for someone (Nauker = Naukery). Theres nothing wrong in this.
sajjad akbar Jan 20, 2016 03:20am
As a temporary arrangement, yes, it is ok but this should not become their trademark. If waiters stand with umbrellas in their hands and providing comfort to customers, there is nothing bad about it. After all they are helping the business to get more and more customers that will bring more revenue for the business and increase in their salaries / bonuses / incentives. At the end of the day this is a collective effort to keep the business going and flourish.
norman Jan 20, 2016 05:03am
I guess Kolachi shouldnt do this and fire the waiters who were there doing an extra for the customers who went home happy and satisfied. Pakistan's problem lies in Work. Let these guys chill at home and beg or loot. Hard work is slavery. C'mon guys. This is something that happened at the spur of the moment. you all would be happier if the food was spoiled and people went back without eating and a day of no business? whats the big deal here? All thise who talk nonsense are the ones who have not worked hard.
Shehz Jan 20, 2016 05:16am
It was a job, nothing more. How is this any different than caddy's in golf clubs, butlers, or one family member holding an umbrella for another? People are making a mountain out of a molehill. If customer service was part of the job description, then kudos to the team for a job well done!
Syed Ali Jan 20, 2016 05:22am
It is ironic to see this discussion in a country where child labor is so prevalent. Get your priorities straight you guys.
ZeGe Jan 20, 2016 06:05am
@Nausheen Mehmood, two wrong things will never make it right. I agree with your opinion to look at both sides of picture, and we dont even know that what led to the restaurant owners to do this. Was this creative way of serving customers, or influence of few VIPs, who wanted it that way?
Asad Ali Jan 20, 2016 06:18am
If they really wanted to do good customer service, they should have prepared and built some temporary shelter or canopy. There are countless restaurants who have outdoor restaurants who continue to function despite rain showers or any other climate for that matter. Some things are consider "acceptable" by common standards like hiring some one to help with house chores or cook food, driving etc. but this reminds me of some pictures few months ago which showed children sitting on floor while observing their "masters" enjoy their food while dining out.
SYED ADNAN SHAFQAT Jan 20, 2016 06:50am
Why not the management of restaurant arranged the camping umbrella(which has stand for itself) in anticipation of rainy season? It is so humiliating attitude that helping staff were to act as shield for the diners !!!
Hannan Jan 20, 2016 07:53am
I said yes because it's okay to take care of your customers and show that you really care. But personally I would be so uncomfortable when I'm eating food and someone is leaning on me and watching me eating and waiting that I finish my food quickly.
samreen faisal Jan 20, 2016 08:14am
Kolachi has excellent customer service. If they were prepared for the weather, i think it is a plus point on the reaturant. Surely if the customers were to be drenching, they wouod have bashed up about that. We have the habbit of creating fuss about every single thing. if the customers tiped them, its good. Relax, enjoy the smaller things in life.
Khan Jan 20, 2016 08:16am
Happy customers = more business. And anyway the vibes that Kolachi gives is "You are not our customer, you are our guest!" So making their guests happy would be their number one priority. Going by that this is perfectly understandable. If only Kolachis delivery service was just as attentive to customer satisfaction ;)
Fareed Ashraf Jan 20, 2016 08:50am
@Furqan When you open the door for someone, you are not getting wet! This is definitely a sign of modern slavery. It wasn't the owner holding the umbrella. It was the staff. Definitely in bad taste. I think the customers should have been considerate enough and not allowed this to happen.
Concerned Pakistani Jan 20, 2016 09:34am
@jimmyali What about the waiters serving food dishes which they cannot afford to eat and people enjoying food in front of them. What about your driver driving the car for you and you are sitting in the back seat alone? What about the person who is mending your shoes? these are all the services people provide like we do our job in office. It does not mean that any job is menial or the person should be looked down upon. Every person has a role in society so let them play their role without feeling ashamed.
WAJUBABA Jan 20, 2016 09:48am
Nobody likes to let there customer leave in the middle of there dinner, i am not in favor of what had happened but i must say it was the result of poor management of restaurant they should have take care of this rainy situation in different way rather treating waiters like this.
Minhaj Haider Jan 20, 2016 10:05am
What about "Human Dignity" when the same waiters serve the food on your table, clean up the table when you leave it messy and throw away your leftovers? Stop judging the customers at the restaurant. Maybe they requested the waiters not to hold the umbrellas but the waiters did it, considering it to be a part of their job.
jimmyali Jan 20, 2016 10:09am
@Multinational Bhabi I respect your opinion but for me this does not make any sense.
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Jan 20, 2016 10:22am
This practice is very common in Europe & USA. Don't the porters hold umbrellas, when raining escorting guest from their cars to lobby. Sure, they all do. This is called hospitality in western countries.
Alexey Jan 20, 2016 11:08am
21st century slaves. I feel bad for them and anyone having to go through this. No matter what!
Thinking Man Jan 20, 2016 11:22am
The waiters are generally poorly paid, that is where critics guns should be pointed. As for establishments whatever their motives they got more than their money's worth in advertising from the move. So its all good. P.S. As for the bleeding hearts for humanity you don't life in these neck of the woods, the waiters are happy to have a job.
anky jammu india Jan 20, 2016 11:51am
i dun know, whats the big deal here...y dun u ask he waiter in picture.. no one wants empty restaurants ...waiters are there to work ,their act is highlighted this time, so people are making a issue out of it,,what happens everywhere has happened here,.,,u ask any marketing guy,,,what comes with profession,,,people have taken money for granted in our countries.. one has to be professional to earn money these in western countries do lil bit house hold service for some returns,,,baby sitting is just one of them....grow up man ,,,
Saad Jan 20, 2016 12:08pm
This is our cultural flaw. In our nation due to poverty we tend to receive so much protocol and VIP treatment. From the moment I step into a luxury hotel and sit in a rented car, everyone is moving around me to make me feel special, just that I have money in dollars and they expect some tip from me. I get the reality check when I come to Canada where I am suppose to do everything my own. We need to make people realize their worth and stop this VIP culture, it creates great divide between people and create complications
Anita Jan 20, 2016 12:12pm
It is good customer service with an attitude. Waiters are doing so that they are appreciated more and hence make better tips and remuneration. If it is a job, then why not! Slavery is when one is forced to do unpaid labor.
Parvez Jan 20, 2016 12:14pm
Second attempt : The thing to understand is that this was a SUDDEN unpredicted rain squall.........the swift response by the Kolachi management was commendable............full marks to Kolachi.
SMJ Jan 20, 2016 12:41pm
We must think positively . Because the restaurant providing the services in embarrassment situation like rain. I ever face situation with my family at well-known restaurant at superhighway and got same situation, but unfortunately restaurant did not serve any support, such a way my family specially children were shocked ( no words to describe here). so finally we lost our food and back to home without ...anything. on the other hand, if any restaurant is providing shelter to their customers during rain. Its really very good for client end as well as restaurant business.
Corruption Remover Jan 20, 2016 01:07pm
Only stupid mentality national will practice such things
Saarah ahmad Jan 20, 2016 01:23pm
@Hassam valets are hired all over the world to provide a "service". Can i extrapolate your logic to the maid who sweeps my house, and call her my slave? Personally, I would feel uncomfortable with waiters intruding upon family time and prefer to sit inside the restaurant, but perhaps seating inside wasnt available to this family.
somethingfishy Jan 20, 2016 01:29pm
@akyl "by eating with one hand, customers can hold umbrellas by themselves." try it!
Madiha Jan 20, 2016 01:42pm
I wrote "yes". I was there when it rained, the point people are missing here is, this in no way is modern day slavery or even near to it, the picture that's doing the round is of a family which was already having its dinner while it drizzled for barely 10 minutes. The quickest solution to that was to provide them a solution there and than, had this not been done there food would have been spoilt and they were almost finished! If you notice there is no body sitting around them because everyone was moved into covered areas!
Shoaib Akram Jan 20, 2016 02:04pm
@jimmyali I completely agree with you on the superior argument, but you should also remember that no job in this world is an insignificant job. Some one has to do the cleaning of the sewers too, those people who do it, are they inferiors? or are we superior that we dont do it? same is the case here. its their job, they are getting paid. if it rains the customers would leave. providing them the shade of umbrellas ensure customer satisfaction. more people would come and more tips these guys would get. No job in this world is a small job. depends on our perception.
USMAN Jan 20, 2016 02:58pm
If the Waiters are paid Extra for this job than what's the Issue at least they are giving due care to their Customers who are not necessarily VIPs or elite they are mostly common citizens of this Country (Middle Class) who are spending quality time with their family members
Adnan Jan 20, 2016 03:06pm
Its just like serving customer and humiliating "EMPLOYEE".
Tariq Amir Jan 20, 2016 08:07pm
Just pay the staff good amount for their services and talk to them politely. That is will be enough for poor waiters. No need to be jump on the mountains of morality on each and every issue. Perhaps that is what, called hypocrisy.
Hasan Jan 20, 2016 09:51pm
@Furqan Best Response. I hold the same opinion. Really surprised by those who Voted "No". or think it is an act of slavery?? Guys, read Furqan's response. Slavery would be when the waiters are being either tortured to provide service OR when they are forced to do something inhuman. Neither of it is the case, holding an umbrella is showing respect, a positive gesture by the management through the waiters.
Jalaluddin S. Hussain Jan 20, 2016 10:10pm
Looking at this, I, a Canadian of Pakistani origin, simply feel ashamed!
Teena Jan 20, 2016 10:20pm
It is outright disgusting to make other human beings stand holding umbrellas for you while you have some quality time around. What i fail to understand is why is there even a possibility of favoring this in any way. This is blatantly uncomfortable sight dude!
MK Jan 20, 2016 11:08pm
It was good on the customer service part I mean they were caring but they should find a better solution because for one reason they are invading privacy and secondly we must treat the restaurant staff as equal Humans. I would never go for such a thing.
Allan Jan 21, 2016 01:02am
@jimmyali How is it any different that you going to a restaurant and have someone cook your meal which you wait to devour it? It that not humiliation for the cook? If I go to a good restaurant I wouldn't want my curry diluted with rain water, now would I?
Allan Jan 21, 2016 01:09am
@akyl Don't ever open a business cause you will not survive a day.
Khalid Khan Jan 21, 2016 01:39am
How about when drivers that bring cars to the door for the sahibs when it's hot/raining or whatever? I'm guessing the restaurant was not prepared for rain, hence they had to shelter their customers. That's all it is.
Karachiite Jan 21, 2016 03:54am
Someone mentioned Valet parking. Now I am thinking waiters... even they serve us food and take our complaints and orders. But we have grown to accept that waiters are paid to do their job. Just like this humans are paid to do so many jobs that may not be classified as dignified work, such as a barber, cobbler, cleaner, waitress. In the end its up to the individual to accept/choose to do a job. If he feels uncomfortable or humiliated then he/she should object to it himself.
zain Jan 21, 2016 03:57am
the answer to the question depends on weather they were paid separately for standing and holding the umbrella and if they agreed with out consequence.
A'isha Khan Jan 21, 2016 04:11am
Pakistanis love the bourgeois status of acquiring servants and being waited hand on foot regardless of how demeaning this is for those in their employment who have virtually no rights and often are treated quite badly. At the same time there is a huge mistrust of servants and allegations of organised crime and sexual abuse against women and children by the help. Yet my fellow Pakistanis in the homeland are desperate to maintain the status quo because they are to idle to get off their bottoms and undertake domestic duties that we in the west do without much quibble and manage to retain our humility and compassion in the process.
SAMEER Jan 21, 2016 12:40pm
@MK What are you talking about Customer service?? a nice customer service would be if they restaurant owners have any kind of rain sheds to avoid there customers to get it wet when its raining in open air sitting area, why you install washbasin to wash hands? before and after meal these waiters can also provide this added customer servicer to the client
NS Canada Jan 21, 2016 03:00pm
Get real people! This is Pakistan. One of the worst countries for human rights long with tiny kingdoms and fiefdoms in the Middle East and Africa. Live with it. Poverty forced on people will never improve the conditions of masses.
Muhammad Khan Jan 21, 2016 04:48pm
People defining this as slavery should check out the definition of 'slavery' first. Those waiters are the paid employess of Kolaci who definitely had the option to refuse to stand there holding umbrellas. The worst outcome would have been their loss of job. I dont think they would have been whipped and locked up like a slave if they would have denied.
Khawar Nehal Jan 21, 2016 10:11pm
I would request a table inside or just parcel the food to be enjoyed at home. Eating it while raining has a high chance that the umbrella shall drip water into the food. That would be a huge problem as far as viruses and germs go. It is good that a creative solution has been used to serve those who prefer to be served in this way. Everyone has their own tastes. Regards, Khawar Nehal
Hamaad Jan 22, 2016 12:35am
Restaurant should invest in fixing umbrellas on their outdoor tables, like so many other eateries.
asad ali Jan 22, 2016 12:01pm
Dear Prob is when they had so many umbrella in stock wont they able to have few stands too as kolachi is very old restaurent nd faced extremly rainy season b4 too it can't be justified that some ppl stand up holding umbrella while other were eating nd being relaxed its humiliating nd disgusting .... its better they could use umbrella stand instead of human
Bushra Jan 23, 2016 08:55pm
There is a difference between customer service & slavery. This borders on to the latter. I can't believe the people who are lauding this.
Bushra Jan 23, 2016 09:01pm
@Fareed Ashraf Absolutely right. I can't believe people are supporting this