
Pakistani brands embrace Black Friday: here's a list of sales on right now

Pakistani brands embrace Black Friday: here's a list of sales on right now

With kicking off the trend by announcing a Black Friday sale local designers decided to join in on the fun!
27 Nov, 2015

For years, we have heard about friends and family braving the cold and battling crowds in the United States to grab unbelievable discounts the day following Thanksgiving, that is Black Friday.

Now, Pakistani stores are finally jumping onto the bandwagon. This year brands across Pakistan are embracing Black Friday as a day to grant shoppers massive markdowns.

Looking at all these Black Friday sales, are we experiencing mild cultural confusion? Yes! Do we care? No!

Here's a definitive list of brands slashing their prices... get ready, set, shop!

1) With kicking off the trend by announcing their Black Friday website wide sale with discounts going upto 84%, many local designers and stores decided to join in on the fun.

2) Sapphire is having a flat 50% off sale on all items in store, as the brand turns one today.

3) As is Maheen Khan's Gulabo.

4) Beech Tree isn't far behind; they're slashing their prices up to 40%!

ONE hour to go! Are you ready to shop till you drop? #blackweekened #shopaway #sale

A photo posted by BEECHTREE (@beechtree_pk) on

5) Get your designer goodies also for up to 40% less at multi-brand store, L'atelier

6) Daraz's sister company, Kaymu will also be hosting a Black Friday sale.

7) is also in on the bargain bonanza, just under a different banner.

8) Gul Ahmed's epic winter clearance sale is also happening this weekend.

9) Misha Lakhani is offering a discount on certain pieces -- spot the hangers with the ribbon on them to know which items have been marked down in store.

Private sale on ss15 #spotthebow 🎀 #MishaLakhani #lahore #karachi

A photo posted by Misha Lakhani (@mishalakhani) on

10) Multi-brand store Labels is offering a sale online — at their eStore you'll be able to get up to 30% off if you spend a certain amount.

Here's hoping this gains momentum and becomes an annual tradition of our own; we could get used to the retail therapy.


apakmuslim Nov 27, 2015 11:17am
sweet deal !
Skeptic Nov 27, 2015 12:33pm
Of course the article fails to mention that most people in the U.S. get a rude awakening in January when the credit card bills roll in after their mad spending spree in Nov and Dec... That's when they start searching for Bankruptcy lawyers!
KM3 Nov 27, 2015 01:21pm
@Skeptic LOL. Spot on.
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