
Arming teachers with guns? Charlize Theron calls it 'outrageous'

Arming teachers with guns? Charlize Theron calls it 'outrageous'

“I have a very personal experience with gun violence. I lost my father to gun violence,” said the Hollywood actor
Updated 18 Mar, 2018

Actress Charlize Theron says the idea of arming teachers after recent US school shootings or “adding more guns” to the situation is “so outrageous.”

The South African says: “I have a very personal experience with gun violence. I lost my father to gun violence.”

She added: “I just don’t understand when people try to make the conversation, the argument that the fix is more guns. It is so outrageous to me.”

Theron spoke Saturday at the Global Education and Skills Forum being held in Dubai.

Theron says people should “listen to our kids” to solve the problem, speaking just after three students talked about the Feb. 14 Florida school shooting that killed 17 people.


Alba Mar 18, 2018 12:11pm
There is not reason not to arm teachers. In some Texas communities it has been working well for years.
Falcon1 Mar 18, 2018 03:13pm
US is headed towards even bigger catastrophies if Teachers are allowed to carry guns in schools. What does that say about the society as a whole, if your 5-year-old cannot feel safe even in his Kindergarten without a gun-totting teacher? Accidental shooting, or kids getting hurt in the cross-fire is the most likely scenario. Very sad how NRA has manipulated a great nation of 330 million into killers and butchers, for the sake of profits for gun industry.
ABE Mar 18, 2018 03:17pm
@Alba So, by your logic, if every citizen is allowed to carry guns, the random shootings, terror attacks and other form of violence will never happen? So on what and when will these citizens use these guns, if every thing is peaceful and everyone knows the other guy is armed as well? Sooner or later the same citizens will take out their frustrations on each other - with a gun!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 18, 2018 03:20pm
She is 100 percent right because in order to reduce the ever increasing gun violence in the U.S., the first step to be taken is to reduce the number of guns in the country.
ukasha Mar 19, 2018 05:27am
Raise the age to buy a gun. Make the process really long and hectic to discourage buying guns.(background checks, mental check ups, attend school to learn how to shoot) Assault rifles should only be used by security agencies.
Jim Mar 20, 2018 10:00am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad : what do you know about America or the American society? You have no idea! We have more guns than your population. But we don’t kill like people do in some countries?