Published 15 Mar, 2024 11:16am

Going loco for local: Karachi Tiffin Company’s Gooseberry Sherbet is your ultimate summer pick-me-up

I’m always on the hunt for something fun to drink and I’ve been trying a lot of random — but locally produced! — drinks that I often pick up at stores. Something I picked up recently from Fresh Basket in Karachi is a Gooseberry Sherbet from Karachi Tiffin Company.

Sweet but not too sweet — and honestly, it’s a sherbet so you can adjust the syrup as per your liking — the gooseberry sherbet is a hit. It’s got a nice flavour that isn’t overpowering and is great on a hot summer day.

Like the fool that I am, I initially didn’t read the word sherbet on the bottle and poured a whole glass of it and gulped it down — sans water or ice! — and was obviously instantly hit by the saccharine nature of the syrup. Don’t be like me and please read the bottle before drinking anything — sherbet needs water AND ice unless you enjoy that kind of thing, in which case go for it.

I come from a home where sherbets have always been consumed in mass quantities — Rooh Afza, Thadal, Badam Sherbet, you name it and we’ve had it in our house. But having so much sherbet has kind of put me off the syrupy nature of these drinks — except for Rooh Afza, that is and always has been my favourite drink. That’s why I like the KTC Gooseberry Sherbet; it’s got a subtle flavour that isn’t something I’d get sick of very soon.

The sherbet costs Rs1,250, which is pretty expensive, but I feel like sherbets inevitably become more cost effective than other drinks because you can use as little or as much as you like in your drink to control how long it lasts. For me, I use very little so the product ends up lasting a long time. I’ve had the sherbet five times already — counting the time when I drank and entire glass of sherbet syrup — and I haven’t used half of the bottle yet.

I bought my sherbet at Fresh Basket but the problem with buying products from stores like this is that one day they have a product and the next they don’t, so I would recommend buying the sherbet via KTC directly. You can order it and a range of flavours from the brand directly via Instagram or WhatsApp.

I’m rating it 4/5 with a point removed for the price.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

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