Published 23 Jun, 2022 11:56am

An unexpected monsoon spell in Karachi launched a very expected meme reaction on Twitter

It's a tale as old as time — every summer, Karachiites pray for some respite from the heat in the form of rain and then curse the consequences of getting what they asked for. It's that time of the year again and netizens are making the best out of the first spell of Karachi rain.

Contradicting all weather forecasts, the clouds decided to give in on Wednesday and gifted the metropolitan city a pre-monsoon downpour. The rain interrupted the hot, humid and frankly suffocating weather and made it much cooler outside.

From celebrating the rain to posting memes about the inevitable flooding of Karachi roads, Pakistani Twitter has made sure to give the cloudburst a warm welcome and the utmost attention, elevating it amongst the trends of the day.

It is what it is.

A wait that's worth it though.

The stages of Karachi rain.

Of course, how could we forget the inverse relation between rain and electricity?

The only greys we want in life.

A drive in the rain is all we need — as long as there's no traffic or water on the roads, obviously.

To all the people whose first instinct is to post the rain to your story.

True that.

A more realistic picture.

How do you spend your rainy days?

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