People on social media are speaking out against the toxic side of Pakistan's rishta culture
In Pakistan, we seem to have a formula for successful marriages. Never mind that it hasn't exactly proven to be effective or true.
The suitability of both men and women as spouses is gauged based on a narrow criteria of looks, wealth and perceived attitudes — a criteria that diminishes their humanity and instead serves to perpetuate our culture's traditional gender roles.
But these young people are here to say that they've had it:
Like this woman who points out that rishta set-ups need to be seen as a toxic, unhealthy exercise:
And this man who feels rishta culture needs to make allowances for the to-be couple to get to know each other:
This woman says degrading women over a certain age needs to end:
This guy talked about where our obsession with appearance stems from:
This young woman's personal experience underscores the fact that that's not okay:
Do we really want to make our life decisions based on snap judgments? Read this woman's experience
This woman talks about how her personal growth is hindered by rishta culture
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