Published 02 Jul, 2018 03:00pm

Model Saheefa Jabbar encourages women to let go of their body insecurities


Model Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is using her social media to address important issues relating to body image.

"Freckles , Blemishes, Fine lines, Open pores, Dark circles, Acne, Scars, Fatness. Why [does] a woman worry so much for all these things?" wrote the model in her Instagram post.

The model, who received backlash for cutting her hair short last year, asked women to reflect on the source of their self-doubt and encouraged them to let go of conventional beauty standards.

Her post read, "Where [does] that self doubt came from? Why don't I like seeing my face in the mirror without a concealer? No matter how nicely dressed I am, no matter how well spoken and educated or successful I am, there's always a doubt! Self doubt. Why do I feel the need to shave my arms and legs every second day and let's not forget about the painful hot wax process. I am more than this. YOU are more than this."

And Saheefa's fans are already cheering her on.

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