My first day of boot camp, as told through Bollywood drama
Boot-camps are all the rage these days. It’s easy to get enthusiastic about weight loss, a toned body anda vision of yourself able to nonchalantly do 50 press-ups. Actually signing up for a class can be daunting though, especially mixed ones.
And if you haven’t been very active before, well, it can be downright scary... and painful. The first class is the hardest so I was mentally prepared for a world of pain when I started the MUV Base boot-camp.
Between trying to perfect your form and doing agonizing things you didn’t know your body could do (while trying to look cool), the thoughts racing in and out of your mind can be downright… absurd.
To prep you, here are the 30 thoughts you can expect to go through your head on your first day of torture:
1) This is easy. I could do this all day.