
‘Cruel’ and ‘heartbreaking’: Internet decries death of Palestinian with Down syndrome mauled by IDF dog

Mohammad Bhar petted the dog and said 'enough my dear' as the animal continued to attack him, according to his mother.
18 Jul, 2024


Mohammed Bhar, a 24-year-old Palestinian with Down syndrome and autism, was left for dead after being mauled by a combat dog of the Israel Defence Force (IDF) on July 3, during a raid on his family’s home in Shejaiya.

His mother Nabila saw the animal attack him.

“The dog attacked him, biting his chest and then his hand. Mohammed didn’t speak, only muttering ‘No, no, no.’ The dog bit his arm and the blood was shed. I wanted to get to him but I couldn’t. No one could get to him, and he was patting the dog’s head saying, ‘enough my dear, enough.’ In the end, he relaxed his hand, and the dog started tearing at him while he was bleeding,” she told the BBC.

IDF soldiers locked Bhar in a separate room to allegedly treat his injuries and prohibited his family from seeing him. Soon after, they were forced to leave their home at gunpoint — without Bhar. During the raid, two of his brothers were arrested and have not been released yet.

A week later the family returned to their residence to find Bhar’s body.

“They left him without stitches or care. Just these basic first aid measures. Of course, as you can see, Mohammed was dead for a period of time already because he was abandoned. We thought he wasn’t at home. But it turned out he had been bleeding and left alone at home all this time. Of course, the army left him,” Bhar’s brother Jibraeel told the BBC.

The ordeal has elicited anger and disgust on social media.

Actor Kubra Khan shared the news on her Instagram story, and wrote, “You think your heart can’t break any further… and you see this”. The actor prayed for God’s mercy.

X (formerly Twitter) users detailed how heartbreaking the incident was, highlighting that Bhar called the dog ‘habibi’ — Arabic for ‘my dear’ — while it attacked him.

Another tweet said that Bhar “saw the dog for exactly what it was born to be: a gentle companion” and accused the IDF of transforming the animal into a “killing machine”.

Netizens with siblings who have similar disabilities also decried Bhar’s death. “I can’t believe how anyone could inflict even the slightest amount of pain on anyone, let alone someone so pure and innocent.”

Others spoke about the cruelty being perpetrated in Gaza, adding that this was “only one of countless thousands of similar stories”.

A social media user also highlighted that if a similar occurrence “happened to an Israeli, you would never hear the end of it”, adding that “it would be on every media outlet and [they] would justify the literal obliteration […] of many people”.

The scene has traumatised Bhar’s mother. “This scene I will never forget… I constantly see the dog tearing at him and his hand, and the blood pouring from his hand… It is always in front of my eyes, never leaving me for a moment. We couldn’t save him, neither from them nor from the dog,” she told the BBC.

“People with disabilities in Gaza have been put in extreme distress with the expectation that they will be the first and the next to be killed because of the limited opportunities to flee or take part in evacuations due to their impairment,” the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities said in May.

This is not the first instance of a person with disabilities being harmed or killed by Israeli forces in Gaza; it is one of many stories reflecting the cruelty inflicted upon the Palestinian people.


Abdul Ghafoor Jul 18, 2024 03:35pm
They have crossed the limits and the Security Councils and The Human Rights Organizations are just spectators
Mustafa Qutb Jul 18, 2024 04:29pm
Put me in tear.
Mustafa Qutb Jul 18, 2024 04:30pm
Why they scared from so innocent scole? atleast ask one time before doing this.
Sher Jang Jul 18, 2024 04:58pm
Shame on our political cum religious leaders whom have never explained the real circumstances to the ordinary suffering people that turned the situation to such disgustable heights. Our leaders have failed themselves on each count let alone to sincerely fight for the cause of burning Philistine only for there own personal gains and their close ones. May the forces of nature take care of the distressed and the oppressed. ameen!
Jabiha Jul 18, 2024 05:05pm
Proves organizations like the UN need to be overhauled to truely act for peace in the world. As long as these toothless organisations are hijacked by a few selfish colonial minded countries, they will continue to be as useless as the league of nations. UN can send peace keeping forces to African and East European countries, NATO can send support to suit its goals, but ofcourse, why would anyone stand with the most vulnerable countries brutalized, butchered, controlled, for decades by nations that control the world's largest economies and businesses. But there is an end to every Pharoah.
zak Jul 18, 2024 05:49pm
it is not because israel is so cruel . but it is because the world countries as a community is feeling less cold blooded inhumane behavior.
Asmat Jul 18, 2024 06:26pm
one must acknowledge the heartfelt feelings and concern of all social media users who happened to come up their comments but those who live in Pakistan must be equally mindful enough regarding the cruelty going on within their vicinity, carried out by their so called heroes. they are found in every field of life, from a religious seminaries to government institutions. Don't they treat our own people with somehow more cruel manner. hats off for the hypocrisy of our celebrities, they seems utterly failed in localizing the different issues
Priyavrat Jaitli Jul 18, 2024 06:32pm
The Madness in Gaza Must stop...its has crossed every thing even the unholy limits of "collective punishment", to the contrarry Israel with such a horreneus act does not have the moral right to inflict the so called punishment. The international arena has allways failed filiestien, and is still doing so. I say shame on UN, shame on the so called power centers..and shameon OIC.
syed H naqvi Jul 18, 2024 09:51pm
This story should be publicized as much as possible so the world would know the brutal extent of the American government in cahoots with the Zionist entity committing war crimes in Palestine.
Yaqoot Mir Jul 19, 2024 01:37am
Tragic and barbaric!
Ron Jul 19, 2024 04:29am
This Ummah in weak........
Abdul Nizamani Jul 19, 2024 06:55am
We all seems to play a bit in that, not the general populace, but our representatives by being a scaredy cat!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 19, 2024 08:08am
What a grave, gruesome, gigantic, grisly, grim, ghastly, gross and great tragedy? Are we still living in the dark ages? The barbaric genocide of the helpless, feeble, trifle, weak, defenseless and hapless land and people of Palestine continue by the shameless, gutless, ruthless, hopeless, spineless, conscienceless and gritless Israeli Armed Forces granted a clean chit to kill, kill and kill as many Palestinian as possible and destroy everything else by using the freely supplied lethal U.S. hard and software, as the so-called global champions of peace, human rights, independence, equity, self-determination, liberty, freedom and equality take a deliberate nap.
Younus mir Jul 19, 2024 08:54am
These Israelis are true evil,and they want us to believe that they were persecuted in world war 2
NYS Jul 19, 2024 09:42am
Is this the develop world culture to Kill the innocent until they dead ufff this ordeal is absolutely heartbreaking
Saad Siddiq Jul 19, 2024 12:54pm
Israel - IDF crossed all the limits now the wake-up call for all the humanity worker to stay unite against this Zionist Community and attack the attacker.
Farooq Jul 19, 2024 02:13pm
How cruel this was . There are some ethics and rules which are being followed by humans / professional soldiers in wars even . How could anyone do this to a special human
Laila Jul 19, 2024 07:47pm
@YOUNES MIR, Oh dear, so many things wrong with your comment. First you generalize an entre country, which is wrong unless you are ok with, some people generalising Pakistanis as being terrorists and oppressive. Then, you conflate being Israeli to being Jewish showing clearly you don't understand neither the history, religions, politics of the region nor WW2. You show a stunning lack of knowledge especially considering there are over 1 million Arab Israelis (Palestinians) there are Christian Israelis and even non denomination Israelis. You also don't know that being Jewish simply means professing to the faith of Judaism, like Muslims do to islam. Just like Muslims, Jews are diverse people. Just like we have sects (Sunni, Shia, subsects) within islam the same applies to other faiths. You also don't know that many orthodox Jews have been protesting and opposing the state of Israel for decades and even during the current war they have been out protesting shoulder to shoulder with Palestinians. Calling for holocaust denial is disgusting. Then it will also be ok when pro-Israel opponents say there is no war in Palestine and all parties are living happily and the media is showing fake news. It must also be true when the Indian Hindu right wingers say Muslims in India have no issues and Kashmir is a happy place with no war or conflict since 1947. WWI also didn't happen. Ottoman empire never existed. The Serbian/Bosnian war never happened in the 1990s. The mosque shooting in New Zealand never happened. Let's just deny everybody's history and pain, shall we. Because you sympathize with one people does not mean you have to lose your humanity and degrade another people by denying their past trials and trauma which are a matter of public records. The Holocaust happened and the persecution of Jews predates the WW2. I strongly recommend you study and educate yourself on these topics and also know many Jews and Arabs do get along and more in common with each other then you and I as Pakistanis will ever have because they are literally cousins going back thousands of years. You will find many Jews especially in the past few decades have been vocally supporting and campaigning for the Palestinian cause. Many Jews have faced harassment and exclusion because they stand for Palestinians. And as shocking as it may be to you, many Muslim and Jewish marriages exist without conversion. Also many Israelis oppose their government. Also it might interest you to know, that many
Abid Jul 19, 2024 10:06pm
This is so painfull .. i do not have any words for this.
AMR Jul 20, 2024 05:59am
Bhar’s mother. “This scene I will never forget… I constantly see the dog tearing at him and his hand, and the blood pouring from his hand. I cried when I read this! I am a 70 years old man.
Free Palestine Jul 20, 2024 09:59am
Very shameful act by Israeli’s army, I still believe good and bad people are everywhere but not like this. Killing of innocent civilians in Gaza and other parts of Middle East by Israel is unacceptable by all means. Please end this madness now now now.