
Mark Ruffalo just shared an Islamophobic tweet to condemn Trump and it’s not going down well

Mark Ruffalo just shared an Islamophobic tweet to condemn Trump and it’s not going down well

We’ve seen the actor support the Palestinian cause so it's clear he's not all that bad but his latest comments are grossly misguided.
03 Jul, 2024

We’ve seen Avengers star Mark Ruffalo support the Palestinian cause on numerous occasions, which is why his latest statements featuring an Islamophobic comparison are not sitting well with us or his followers.

The actor is facing the heat for ignorant comments made in condemnation of Project 25 — a collection of right-wing policy proposals aimed at ‘reshaping the American government’. “Project 2025 is not a game, it’s white Christian nationalism,” he said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday, referring to the policy agenda developed by American think tank The Heritage Foundation.

“It is the Sharia Law of the ‘Christian’ crazy people who aren’t Christian at all but want to control every aspect of your life through their narrow and exclusionary interpretation of Christ’s egalitarian, inclusive, and kindly teachings… Forced birth and forced religion. Trump’s American Taliban,” the Hollywood star added.

Needless to say, several X users have since been schooling Ruffalo for using Islamic terms to refer to extremism in the West, accusing him of Islamophobia. Many are acknowledging the actor’s comments are misguided and misinformed, as opposed to having actual malicious intent behind them. Regardless of the intent, users believe Ruffalo’s post is a reflection of how deeply Islamophobia is ingrained in the West.

“White liberals will not miss any opportunity to use Islam as the standard of what needs to be purged,” said political comedian Aamer Rahman. “White Christian nationalism is the founding ideology of your whole country, what the f*** do Muslims and Sharia have to do with it?” he asked.

One user shared a detailed explanation of what sharia means before slamming Ruffalo for his comments. “Your Christian nationalism is your Christian nationalism. Own it and leave us out of it!” she said.

“Stop projecting everything you can’t bear in your own society onto Islam!” another user demanded.

Many were shaken, not by the comments, but that they were coming from Ruffalo of all people. Some Muslim users even questioned what extremism in the West had to do with them.

The actor has yet to comment on the backlash.

Project 2025, also referred to as the Presidential Transition Project, outlines policies and changes that would be enacted if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.

Ruffalo frequently expresses his support for Palestinians and has advocated for sanctions against Israel. He has called for a permanent ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza, now nearing its 10th month.

In February this year, the Hollywood star, along with other celebrities, wore pins symbolising “peace lilies and Artists for Ceasefire” at the Directors Guild of America Awards.


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Peace for all Jul 03, 2024 06:25pm
The war in Gaza will cost rest of the world heavily, if world leaders don’t stop it now, it will be too late. Please UN-EU-USA-Russia-China-France-Germany-UK, please think about future of our young generation to come in next many years to come.
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Ahmed Jul 03, 2024 07:50pm
That's the face you're going to go with Mark?
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chipmonk33 Jul 03, 2024 10:26pm
This is what happens when a society thinks that it knows everything and becomes ignorant. West, in general, has no clue about Islam, let alone the contributions Muslims have made to the world.
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Haider Hussain Jul 03, 2024 11:31pm
Guys give Mark Ruffolo a break! We all know what he meant. Taliban & Sharia, in one sentence, only mean the destruction of all humanity & cultures.
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M Usman Jul 04, 2024 08:16pm
Time to BLOCK and UNFOLLOW Mark Ruffalo.
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Shahid Jul 05, 2024 07:50am
The worst part is, that like most in the west, Mark doesn't know what Sharia Law is about.
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