
Kubra Khan threatens to sue YouTuber Adil Raja for defamation

Kubra Khan threatens to sue YouTuber Adil Raja for defamation

The self-described geopolitical analyst claimed that several "top models and actresses" had illicit relationships with former top generals.
Updated 03 Jan, 2023

Actor Kubra Khan has threatened to sue YouTuber Adil Raja for defamation after a video in which he said that four “top models and actresses” had illicit relationships with former top generals.

“I stayed quiet initially because obviously a fake video isn’t going to take over my existence but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Do you think random people can point fingers at me and I’ll sit quietly and take it?” Khan wrote on Instagram and Twitter on Monday.

“So Mr Adil Raja before you start to heap allegations upon people have some proof first. You have a total of three days to come up with this proof which you claim is haq and sach. If not, either retract your statement and publicly apologise or I will be suing you for defamation. And don’t worry, lucky for you I’m not just from here, I am from UK so I’ll come there if I have to! Cause the truth is with me, rights are with me and I don’t fear anyone or their fathers.”

Raja, who describes himself on Twitter as a geopolitical analyst and rights activist, released a video on December 31 in which he made several sweeping statements against the former top leadership of the army. One allegation was that four “top models and actresses” would fraternise with the former officials as well as with politicians. He was unable to substantiate his claims with proof other than claiming it was revealed to him by “sources”.

He also mentioned the initials of the four women he was making the claims about — MK, MH, SA and KK or AK. The confusion in the last set of initials was compounded when he claimed to have said AK after Khan’s tweet.

Raja claimed on Twitter that he hadn’t defamed Khan and pointed to his “condemnation” of the rampant speculation that arose after his video as evidence of this. He accused her of defaming him by explicitly naming him in her post.

Amid widespread speculation on social media of who the actors he mentioned could be, given the initials, Mehwish Hayat and Sajal Aly also posted messages slamming “ baseless insinuations“ and “character assassination”.

Both the actors, however, did not name Raja by name.


abdul rahman Jan 03, 2023 12:23pm
why does dawn include every news pertaining to an actor/celebrity in the images section? this news has nothing to do with showbiz. should have been published in the regular news section.
Shahid Jan 03, 2023 12:35pm
Which fake video is she talking about. Am I missing something here?
Ali Vaqar Awan Jan 03, 2023 12:37pm
Adil Raja, if you have evidence go court rather than taking frustration on social media. Also before pointing to others, he should look into himself first.
Khan Jan 03, 2023 12:38pm
Adil Raja has been reliable and quite honest so far. It is very shameful to hear all these corruption revelations about people who tell everyone that they hold higher standards than civilians. A lot of these initials especially MH have recently become propaganda outlets in their social media space.
Nadeem Shah USA Jan 03, 2023 12:39pm
It's a grave sin to slander a woman's reputation.
asim Jan 03, 2023 12:41pm
I hope artists can stop supporting PTI now after this blatant attack on their fraternity
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 03, 2023 12:42pm
Why should you worry if you are innocent and didn't do anything wrong?
qbmx Jan 03, 2023 12:43pm
“top models and actresses” had illicit relationships with former top generals. if there is smoke ............!
Hani_Layyah Jan 03, 2023 12:44pm
It's been trend to have a cell phone and make video to defame others, ,
asma Jan 03, 2023 12:48pm
Nation stands with Adil Raja. He is telling the truth.
John The Baptist Jan 03, 2023 12:48pm
We the people believe Adil Raja...
Bingo Jan 03, 2023 12:52pm
Adil Raja is a dubious character. His personal life is marred with controversies and scandals of both financial and personal nature. He went jobless after VONC, so he decided to capitalise on the opportunity by spreading propaganda against Army. He’s paid for his vlogs by interested parties and YouTube, both. While in Army, he knew he didn’t have a future when he failed to get Staff Course. Reason were his questionable activities and discipline. His 1st wife left him for his weird personal traits and even his own mother was never in good terms with him. His 2nd wife is barely tolerating him. He was also named in multiple fraud cases. In short, he’s a loser!
baby prasad Jan 03, 2023 01:02pm
her getting mad like this without her name or even initials called out seems so suspicious
Guest Jan 03, 2023 01:15pm
You go girl.,! Shut him Up.
bhaRAT© Jan 03, 2023 01:15pm
But she was not named!!
Mohsin Kazmi Jan 03, 2023 01:20pm
Seems like all these so called analysts on YouTube, have taken a cue from the rubbish the tabloids dish out regularly.
Sarah Jan 03, 2023 01:30pm
Such a reactionary actress.
Pakistan for All Jan 03, 2023 01:34pm
Defamation without proof is a hallmark of Imran Khan and his supporters. Other political parties and establishment is not far behind but PTI has mastered the art.
SayNoToPlastics Jan 03, 2023 01:37pm
This a very serious slander , no need for threats the culprit should be taken straight to court .
Ukpindite Jan 03, 2023 01:43pm
There is no truth in Pakistan
Akram Lahore Jan 03, 2023 01:50pm
I doubt our generals are decent men but defaming famous actresses is not nice
Aamir Latif Jan 03, 2023 01:50pm
This ex bhagora major garbage on social media is not worthy of viewing, bold step to take this joker to courts in UK.
Mashwani Jan 03, 2023 01:51pm
What the hell koi b kisi ki izzat uchaal dai.
ZZQ Jan 03, 2023 01:53pm
Wonder why no one is questioning the dirty work??? From Marium Nawaz sharing videos of a judge to the latest reveals??? Is this a national interest at work or some criminal maafia???
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Jan 03, 2023 02:01pm
Action is louder than voices
Amin Jan 03, 2023 02:06pm
Any proof that Adil Raja mentioned initials of Kubra Khan, let alone her name ? Probably an effort to gain more publicity or part of a foreign sponsored narrative against main stream bloggers.
Yusuf Jan 03, 2023 02:06pm
He's cruising for a bruising.
Abhay Jan 03, 2023 02:32pm
Enjoy Pakistani drama unfolding. Otherwise KK is a wonderful actress and thoroughly enjoyed her and others performance in sin-f -ahan.
Anonymouseee Jan 03, 2023 02:44pm
Truth is bitter.
Shezi Jan 03, 2023 02:50pm
Look at the devastation created by meddling of one entity in civil and political issues.
Noor Alain Jan 03, 2023 02:52pm
She should not need to react in such a matter as KK does not reveal her name. By reacting in such a way she may want to gain publicity as controversy is itself a marketing technique to promote oneself or there is something fishy. Well a veteran psychologist can reveal the exact purpose of such reaction posed by her.
Faqir NAQVI Jan 03, 2023 02:57pm
Mr Raja is is known by making fake news if sued he would loose as his News are purely based on assumptions
Ayyan Jan 03, 2023 03:00pm
In past such allegations were leveled against Malka-e-taranum Ms. Noor Jehan. Though it is very deplorable but a celebrity must remain open about extremely disgusting remarks or extremely praising remarks. You cannot shut the mouth of public. Any how they can file a joint case in the courts of law to reveal the truth before the public!
NoVoice Jan 03, 2023 03:00pm
Youtube and social media was made for the average pakistani. Spend their time slandering, backbiting and spreading lies on economy, politics and others character. All the while considering themselves as angels.
Akram Jan 03, 2023 03:18pm
So she has UK connections. Glad she got this news off her chest.
Reality check Jan 03, 2023 03:29pm
So a model/actress who has no credits of note in either acting, singing or charity, and gets Sitara e Imtiaz by just "hanging around" Imran Khan's Aitchison College group. Young, beautiful girls partying with old, fat, rich men.. Stop people from talking, try it.
Sane Mind1st Jan 03, 2023 03:29pm
Plastic smile like all other unseeable things.
Syed Hasni Jan 03, 2023 03:35pm
Public can't wait for the same kind of tapes like "Maliks" from Raja! It will be a bigger hit than Punjab Nahi jayonge !
shoaib Jan 03, 2023 03:39pm
The real problem is that people will still believe Adil Raja and his so called sources. He is for sure milking PTI followers by giving them what they want to hear without substantiating anything.
Zain Jan 03, 2023 03:42pm
Why don’t just throw the tweet in garbage. A real man never comes up with code words if he is really born like normal people. Moustaches never makes you brave, respect and reputation surely did.
M. Emad Jan 03, 2023 03:56pm
Beautiful actress.
Sheraz Ali Rizvi Jan 03, 2023 04:10pm
Don’t forget your fame and name is in Pakistan even you British national. Sad finger raised on you and other actress characters but it happens in past. Don’t mess with these people snd move on and keep working
Tariq Jan 03, 2023 04:16pm
She should hold her thoughts before a video of her emerges ! That would be embarrassing right.
Ibrahim S Jan 03, 2023 04:17pm
This matter should be investigated by impartial court . These generals are not Saints either
Concerning Jan 03, 2023 04:18pm
The sentence "I am from UK" doesn't sit well.
Digital Jan 03, 2023 04:27pm
Department does not have anyother job than to misguide people and cover their tracks. Country is in a security mess and their focus is on this...pathetic.
M. Altaf Jan 03, 2023 04:30pm
Legally, he is correct.
JohnDoe Jan 03, 2023 04:45pm
The greed for money make people do unthinkables.
Fast comment Jan 03, 2023 04:49pm
UK is a better democracy, rule of law exist there. Let’s see who is right.
Aluda786 Jan 03, 2023 04:58pm
He neeither named you nor said KK. Go back to England.
Observer 2 Jan 03, 2023 05:03pm
Why he did not named you...Dil kala hai....yes sue him in court not on news paper
M. Saeed Jan 03, 2023 05:07pm
Why can't we leave alone the actresses from dirty comments, as they are just doing their job to earn their bread and butter?
M. Saeed Jan 03, 2023 05:12pm
Major Adil Raja (R) has become a civilian with (R)!
M. Saeed Jan 03, 2023 05:15pm
@Anonymouseee , truth is definitely bitter but, which way is it directed?
THE Jan 03, 2023 05:17pm
Mr Raja has no credibility ! His channel is worst than gossip at high school.
Saad Jan 03, 2023 05:26pm
@Reality check Mere Bhai this specific accusation by Maj Adil Raja was on Gen Bajwa and Gen Faiz nothing to do with Imran by the I am not Imran supporter.
Multani Jan 03, 2023 05:28pm
She cannot defend herself so she threatens to sue to scare the media, there is no smoke without fire.
Iqbal Aswani Jan 03, 2023 05:34pm
@Akram Lahore And who defamed famous actresses? Kubra's name (and others) were never mentioned by the vlogger. KK doesn't necessarily mean Kubra Khan.
Iqbal Aswani Jan 03, 2023 05:49pm
@Faqir NAQVI He might have made up this fake news with most possible cruel intention, yet no one can sue him, let alone winning the case. He didn't name anyone. Kubra Khan herself cannot prove that KK is only her initials in whole country.
Iqbal Aswani Jan 03, 2023 05:50pm
@Ayyan Who can file a joint case? KK, MK, SA etc.? The first question will be to prove what KK, MK, SA means. Then? Case dismissed?
Iqbal Aswani Jan 03, 2023 05:52pm
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi, Sad finger raised on you? On who? Kubra Khan? How you know KK means Kubra Khan only?
Hanna Jan 03, 2023 05:54pm
Hope they all sue this cheap attention begger
Asif Jan 03, 2023 06:02pm
Major sahib, why don’t you find a decent work? In Pakistan, you were doing nothing and in UK you are doing nothing?
Bunny Jan 03, 2023 06:42pm
wow smart girl.... getting good PR out of this so called negative incident .....
M. Saeed Jan 03, 2023 07:08pm
------I thought, she was one of the sanest damsels!
well-wisher Jan 03, 2023 07:19pm
Kubra, don't waste your time on this. Do what you are good at - Acting. Ignore.
Tuk Jan 03, 2023 07:29pm
He must be sued!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 03, 2023 07:31pm
Bihari Khans are getting out of control.
Tuk Jan 03, 2023 07:31pm
Why all British born and raised taking over Pakistani showbiz? Where is local talent??
Dr. Malaria Se BEEMAR Jan 03, 2023 07:48pm
I don't see any argument drawing implications off initials holding up anywhere in the world. A counter suit has a better set of legs to stand on. But no smoke without fire, why does anyone need to take any initials personally? I think actions are speaking quite a bit more loudly than initials in this case...
Rami Jan 03, 2023 08:06pm
This should be used to investigate the top generals, who are grand fathers and have daughters older then models and actresses ! Plus, this attack on top actresses needs to be stopped immediately, none of them are involved, in this mess of generals, who are alone responsible, they have history !
Mustafa Jan 03, 2023 08:09pm
Omg actresses suddenly remember defamation when they are accused of being dubious? Same actresses that made fun of women that accused their hero IK of shameful acts? No sympathy
Amjad Jan 03, 2023 08:43pm
Lots of people are threatening to sue him but I bet nobody will as he’s in the U.K. and the justice system is not run by a bunch of criminals in government
Wahab UK Jan 03, 2023 08:53pm
She wasn't even named? Smoke without fire???
Lakhkar khan Jan 03, 2023 09:10pm
@Sane Mind1st You are anything but "Sane mind."
Sami Jan 03, 2023 09:28pm
These actresses were quite active in supporting PTI, Adil raja is a stalwart supporter of PTI; it's good to see these fools at each others throat. Adil raja should be taken to task via British authorities for defamation without any evidence.
John Jan 03, 2023 09:30pm
When Generals indulge in governance by videos, files and plots...and by lowering peoples' pants...the truth bites hard!
Mark Jan 03, 2023 09:31pm
Guilty conscious?
Ilyas Kashmiri Jan 03, 2023 09:37pm
She don t need to be conscious, KK can be Kamran Khan .....
Pankaj Jan 03, 2023 09:41pm
Pakistan has become a rogue country with no moral values
Haider Jan 03, 2023 09:59pm
I watched that vlog myself and no names were called out, just initials. If someone came out using bold language just because of the initials being called out, then daal main kuch kala hay. You really should try suing in UK, you won’t get anywhere as if you lived there for a day you would know you ain’t got the case.
Kkk Jan 03, 2023 10:02pm
@Bingo ok boomer
Khalid Jan 03, 2023 10:14pm
Such actions will only push him to give the names! Which will be more embarrassing!
AH Jan 03, 2023 11:04pm
@asim What has this got to do with PTI.
AH Jan 03, 2023 11:07pm
@Bingo People like need to be put behind bars for spreading lies. This guy has revealed the truth about the corrupt generals and everything he has said has been true. Are these actors the only ones with these initials
AH Jan 03, 2023 11:09pm
@Aamir Latif Yes let's see her try. She won't dare as this isn't banana republic Pakistan
Imran Ali Jan 03, 2023 11:41pm
Just for the sake of malaigning someone,fake news has become a fashion and then they have a stupid argument of "SOURCES".Plz teach him a lesson...take him to the cleaner KK
Bilal Jan 03, 2023 11:52pm
She should have a big check ready to hand over to him, she is gonna lose this case big time.
Qbmx Jan 03, 2023 11:53pm
who cares?
tuk Jan 03, 2023 11:54pm
He must be sued! He will have to name the initials in court and if he comes up with different names of models and actresses then those can sue him. He is stuck and will have to apologize and pay.
Riazullah Baig Jan 04, 2023 12:01am
@asim artists like Ayan Ali are allegedly linked with AAZ for many things
Figaro Jan 04, 2023 01:02am
@asma , not the nation but only imran followers stand this run away bhagora from army
Yawar Jan 04, 2023 01:26am
@Concerning "The sentence "I am from UK" doesn't sit well." Especially in Pakistan which has one of the most honest and efficient judicial system in the world.
Nomaloom Jan 04, 2023 02:10am
Any media coverage is good.
Qbmx Jan 04, 2023 03:13am
She is too boring.
Sami Jan 04, 2023 03:13am
Allegations without proof and that against working women is immoral. She should sue him in a British court the way mir shakil Ur Rehman sued ARY for defamation which led to heavy penalty on ARY and suspension of its transmission in UK. She shall get speedy justice for sure in UK.
Chawnti Jan 04, 2023 04:49am
Adil Raja should have never opened the can of worms it was closed for a reason.
ukasha rajpoot Jan 04, 2023 06:18am
Four of them should sue him in a class action suit.
JohnDoe Jan 04, 2023 07:31am
If she sues in Pakistan they might subject her to two finger test.
Mirza Jan 04, 2023 09:32am
@ukasha rajpoot Cats are already out of the bag!
Mirza Jan 04, 2023 09:34am
Generals used to probe plots...not models...times have changed!
funnyman Jan 04, 2023 10:50am
Love the wannabe legal jurist responses on the defamation law and its application in UK As someone who has practiced the defamation law in UK system, its actually quite funny how confidently incorrect most responses here are. Keep up the same ARY, Daily Mail delusional bravado, and like them pay compensation and issue apology as well. Defamation never is required to be EXPRESS, it can be implied and indirect as well. And only a very very very ignorant person can say that this entire scandal was not directly caused by Youtuber AR, the self proclaimed Rights Activist and Geopolitical Activist.
funnyman Jan 04, 2023 10:51am
Love the irony, Self proclaimed Rights Activist accuses without proof character of Pakistani Actresses while hiding behind a computer screen in UK
Sane Mind1st Jan 04, 2023 10:54am
@qbmx than there are four fires.
Sane Mind1st Jan 04, 2023 10:59am
@M. Saeed sanest and damsel?. Some error here I presume, from your side. Maybe grammatical?
CONCERNED Jan 04, 2023 11:08am
Kubra Khan do nothing just to gain cheap popularity she has given the statement of sueing the Major, why give statements just sue him if u r so Sharif
Lowell Jan 04, 2023 11:08am
@Mirza True...but who will tame these dudes! Country is in deep trouble!