
Punjab govt bans Joyland less than 24 hours after federal govt gives it the green light

Punjab govt bans Joyland less than 24 hours after federal govt gives it the green light

The provincial culture and information dept has said the film cannot be exhibited in the province under Section 9, I and II of the Motion Picture Ordinance 1979.
17 Nov, 2022

Less than 24 hours after the federal government decided to lift the ban on Saim Sadiq’s Joyland, the government of Punjab issued a notice to the film’s producer, saying that they cannot exhibit the film in the jurisdiction of Punjab province.

Dated November 17, the notice was sent to Sarmad Sultan Khoosat, the producer of Joyland, by the Punjab Information and Culture Department and read that under Section-9, 1 and 2 (a) and (b) of the Motion Pictures Ordinance, 1979 and the rules made thereunder, the government has decided to re-call Joyland “in the wake of persistent complaints received from different quarters”.

It also directs Khoosat that the Joyland team cannot exhibit their film in the jurisdiction of Punjab province till the further notice by the Government of Punjab.

Section-9, I and II (a) and (b) suggest that the government may at any stage call for the record of any proceedings in relation to any film that may be pending before or has been decided by the board. After such inquiry into the matter as considered necessary and without notice to the person who has applied for certification of the film, or to whom a certificate in respect of the film has been granted to the distributor or exhibitor of such film, make such order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.

The second part says that the government can direct that a film or class of films in respect of which a certificate has been granted under the Motion Pictures Ordinance or under the Censorship of Films Act, 1963, (XVIII of 1963), shall be deemed to be an uncertified film.

The section also states that no such order can be made by the government unless it is satisfied that it is necessary to do so “in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan”.

Five days ago, Senator Mushtaq Ahmed Khan of the JI shared a copy of the notice dated November 11 that read that the Central Board of Film Censors (CBFC) Islamabad granted the censor certificate on August 17 this year. However, after receiving complaints that “the film contains highly objectionable material which do not conform with the social values and moral standards of our society and is clearly repugnant to the norms of ’decency and morality; as laid down in Section 9 of the Motion Picture Ordinance, 1979,” the federal government declared Joyland “uncertified”.

Following backlash, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif formed an eight-member committee to examine the complaints and recommend action. On Wednesday, head of the Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms, Salman Sufi tweeted, “The film Joyland has been cleared for release by the censor board review committee formed at the direction of PM Shehbaz Sharif. Freedom of speech is fundamental right and should be nourished within ambits of the law.”

The film stars debutantes Ali Junejo, Alina Khan, and Rasti Farooq alongside some of Pakistan’s beloved and respected actors like Sarwat Gilani, Sania Saeed, Sohail Sameer and Salmaan Peerzada and is set to release in Pakistan on November 18.


MirzaCanada Nov 17, 2022 05:50pm
The PTI goons will support this.
Soniye tu auder te la Nov 17, 2022 05:54pm
Releat it on NetFlix.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 17, 2022 05:57pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
bkt Nov 17, 2022 05:57pm
The reactionaries have exposed themselves full circle. That is unfortunate because till now they were on the side of the weak and miserable. Now they stand with the strong whom the claimed to be in a struggle against.
Ali Nov 17, 2022 06:01pm
Excellent step by the provisional government.
Masood Athar Nov 17, 2022 06:28pm
Alhamdulillah! It must be banned all over the country.
MAFK Nov 17, 2022 06:29pm
Absolutely Great !!!
Batman Nov 17, 2022 06:29pm
Even entertainment is not spared from dirty politics. Sad to hear
NYS Nov 17, 2022 06:32pm
The memorandum says got NOC from federal Censor board ,as contrary not certified for province Follow up the final notice,we know Punjab is not receptive for that controversial and beyond line film
Abdullah Zahid Mirza Nov 17, 2022 06:43pm
Best decision alhamdulilah. Films like these have no place in society.
Ameer Nov 17, 2022 06:47pm
There is no need to send Pakistani community into a new debate of LGBTQ when it is already proven a wrong concept. This movie is a waste of time and money.
Bsd Nov 17, 2022 06:53pm
“in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan”. Speaks volumes about a stone-age mindset.
Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II Nov 17, 2022 06:58pm
We want to be the new Qaum e lut. Bravo!
Chawnti Nov 17, 2022 06:59pm
It’s just depicting LBGT relations why is the government so touchy no pun intended, there have been many rich and famous people and there still are who belong to that community.
Mohsin Nov 17, 2022 07:05pm
The culture at D chowk represents our culture What a hypocrisy
Tee Jay Nov 17, 2022 07:07pm
It’s all transgender related films, no place for this film in Pakistan.
Mohsin Nov 17, 2022 07:09pm
This is fast becoming a joke. And we moan that no one respects us internationally.
asma Nov 17, 2022 07:25pm
Pakistan has defaulted, economy has been ruined and these are PDM priorities!!!!
Mueen Nov 17, 2022 07:27pm
Finally, better sense prevailed!. There is no room for homosexuality in our religion and society hence no reason to glamourise it.
abdul rahman Nov 17, 2022 07:28pm
who could've thunk the same place where stage dramas with their utterly obscene, just for the heck of it, female dance numbers flourished would have an issue with a movie that doesn't even show women in tight, midriff baring clothes dancing to galeez lyrics. very strange.
M. Saeed Nov 17, 2022 07:33pm
Pervez Ellahi has started attacking Shahbaz Sharif even at the cost of losing his and PTI's voters!
BeTolerant Nov 17, 2022 07:34pm
@Bsd, this is all Imran Khan's dirty politics!
A.Ali Nov 17, 2022 07:50pm
Sorry dont make it look like a political issue...
Mandviwala Nov 17, 2022 07:52pm
Which era are we living in? The movie can be released on any platform, what does the govt achieve by doing all this?
BeTolerant Nov 17, 2022 08:14pm
@A.Ali, this decision by Punjab government is a political one. Clear as crystal!
Changez Khan Nov 17, 2022 08:37pm
This film is going to be busted between two political parties before it is released.
Usman Raja Nov 17, 2022 08:40pm
We as a society has to decide where we stand in terms of our culture. Do we want to be a western society or society based on Islamic priniciple
Naya Pakistani Nov 17, 2022 08:45pm
Play the films in cinemas everywhere except Punjab and Punjabis will cross the borders to watch it. Also release it on Netflix.
Asim Nov 17, 2022 08:52pm
Its an incredible story. Our world is built on colors of different kinds and one has to understand and appreciate the fabric of our creator. Why would anyone ban the movie??
Adil Malik Nov 17, 2022 08:57pm
Pakistan's youth and a total lack of justifiable control of the internet based pornography, anti Islamic propaganda, social engineering by the enemies of Islam in general but Pakistan in Particular have become the most destructive elements in Pakistan. Instead of copycat idiots in the mass media of Pakistan trying to emulate Hollywood and Bollywood combined and its totally anti social, anti cultural, anti religious, and anti Pakistani underlining is the question that every responsible Pakistani must address. Why is it so important for Pakistani mass media to copy the most destructive elements of the West. Just look at a total decay of the West overall. Is that where Pakistan is heading through these fad and fashion blabbering ego maniacal wanna be Bollywood copycats? Pakistan's intelligentsia must take the responsibility for the mental health of the future generation that is going down the toilet faster than the Bollywood and Hollywood combined!
Mahmood Nov 17, 2022 08:57pm
@MirzaCanada If Saudis, Qataris, Iranians or even Nigerians also ban it in their own countries, would you say that they are all PTI goons too??? Get your head out of the cave and breath some fresh air. We can see why you had to flee to Canada of all places.
Arsalan Alvi Nov 17, 2022 09:00pm
Good decision
TZaman Nov 17, 2022 09:03pm
Punjab's PTI government is a rudderless utter nonsense.
its me Nov 17, 2022 09:09pm
Now the supporter can cry all day and night!
Fahmida Nov 17, 2022 09:15pm
Sack Punjab Government and imposes Governor's Rule in that province. It’s proven anti Progressive Parvez Chowdhury
Johnw Nov 17, 2022 09:43pm
The biggest porn addicted country in the world is talking about moral values, societies and glory of the relegion. The outside do not matter when the rot is within.
Fawaz Nov 17, 2022 09:51pm
@adil Malik actually, the rot and decay in Islamic societies is globally apparent.. the so called west is getting stronger and more desirable.. the number of Pakistanis trying to flee there is proof of that… joe many ‘westerners’ are trying to flee to Pak?
jsav123 Nov 17, 2022 09:53pm
Typical PTI censorship behaviour. One of the worst tenets of conservatism is the fear of difference of opinion.
jsav123 Nov 17, 2022 09:56pm
@Tee Jay It’s all transgender related films, no place for this film in Pakistan. Indeed, how can it have a place in Pakistan when there are no trans people here. Oh wait...
Aamir Latif Nov 17, 2022 10:24pm
Punjab govt action to appease religous fanatics instead of deciding the case on its real essence.
Anonymouseee Nov 17, 2022 10:34pm
Excellent work by Punjab government. We are a proud Islamic country and will uphold our values and beliefs rather than importing western ones.
Abdul S Nov 17, 2022 10:53pm
Fanatic imran niazi is behind this ban, while he plunders and sells Toshakhana gifts
Farooq Nov 17, 2022 11:42pm
We need films that make our awam beedar. Our young ppl to be inspired to do good for themselves and society what does this film do except push liberal agenda.
Ibrahim S Nov 18, 2022 12:20am
Federal and Punjab governments are at odd - what a country
Sirus Nov 18, 2022 12:46am
@Bsd . Well said. One reason that this state shall never move forward.
Ibrahim S Nov 18, 2022 12:59am
Our country is like a rudderless ship full of bigots and self righteous people.
Dingo Nov 18, 2022 01:58am
@Tee Jay why?
Dingo Nov 18, 2022 01:59am
@Mahmood if!! And if they don’t?
MG Nov 18, 2022 02:43am
Pakistan's issue is having no courage to accept reality or real history
Asad Nov 18, 2022 03:06am
@MirzaCanada what will they support ?
Asad Nov 18, 2022 03:09am
suport what
Asad Nov 18, 2022 03:10am
by putting your neck into the sand does not mean that the reality will go away.
Asad Nov 18, 2022 03:11am
@Abdul S what about the others before him what do u have to say about them
Moth Nov 18, 2022 04:16am
The people in power are nasty. No other word for them from me. Sorry
Pakistani Nov 18, 2022 04:26am
@Bsd, no space for your mindset in our life…. Period. Take your dump idea and attitude somewhere else
Abdur Razzaque Nov 18, 2022 04:56am
Thanks to the Punjab govt. for taking quick action against the so-called 'Joyland'
SYED SAJID ALI Nov 18, 2022 06:06am
I hope other provinces will also follow Punjab.
Sunil Nov 18, 2022 06:38am
@Adil Malik and yet you will go begging from west for some alms. shame on you guys.
Sunil Nov 18, 2022 06:42am
why not let the people decide. if it is a hit they like it, if not then it seems it has no place in pakistani society. what's with blanket ban, for what, to satisfy ego, or guard your youth that has access to internet.
Aamir Nov 18, 2022 06:57am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad. whatever that means in this context...
Nazir Ali Nov 18, 2022 07:25am
Grow up Pakistan.
Aamir Nov 18, 2022 07:29am
@Abdullah Zahid Mirza The film was funded and was made, which tells us that there is a place for this film. Banning it will not make it evaporate away.
QAMAR Nov 18, 2022 08:42am
IFTIKHAR Nov 18, 2022 08:52am
ha ha. The only reason PUNJAB is another country now
Confucious Nov 18, 2022 02:35pm
@Farooq, you are contradicting yourself here. Doing good for the society means the whole society. You cannot isolate a segment you don't like to talk about.
Ten Jee Nov 18, 2022 03:06pm
@Mohsin most people are against 'D Chowk' culture, and do speak out against it, but rule of law dictates that people should rely on the government take action. The existence of such things in public in society are not sign of tolerance or acceptance in Pakistan, but more a sign of ineffectual authorities not exerting the will of the majority. How many times do we hear of stories of places of sin and inequity nestled in a muhala causing tension and stress to the good neighbours, who cannot get the authorities to act against such corrupt practices? That doesn't mean Pakistani society accepts such practices, does it, or do you?
El Cid Nov 18, 2022 04:29pm
Insults women, girls, the female form: Subtle subconscious undermining of women, bastardizes romance, destructive to motherhood, family and social fabric. That a married family man would commit adultery with a 'thing' that has an abnormality between its legs is beyond imagination, viscerally repulsive and loathsome to even think of.
Komodo Nov 18, 2022 05:08pm
Well the Government of Federal wants to appease their Western Masters that's why!