
Govt decides to clear Joyland for release in Pakistan: Salman Sufi

Govt decides to clear Joyland for release in Pakistan: Salman Sufi

An official notification withdrawing the film's 'uncertified' status has not been issued yet.
16 Nov, 2022

The government has decided to clear film Joyland for release after a second review by a committee formed by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, head of the Prime Minister’s Strategic Reforms Salman Sufi tweeted Wednesday night.

“Freedom of speech is [a] fundamental right and should be nourished within ambits of the law,” he said.

On Tuesday, PM Shehbaz formed an eight-member committee to look into complaints that the film was “against social and moral norms” and recommend follow-up action. The committee comprised of the minister for political affairs and economic affairs and law and justice chairperson, minister for information and broadcasting, minister for communications, minister for board of investment, minister for information technology and telecommunications, adviser to the PM on Gilgit-Baltistan, PTA chairman and PEMRA chairman.

The committee concluded that certain scenes needed to be edited out of the film. It has decided to clear the film for release, however, the government has not yet withdrawn the notification of its ‘uncertified’ status. It needs to do so in order for the film to be cleared.

The committee was formed after massive outcry on social media at Joyland’s censorship certificate being withdrawn. The film was passed by all censor boards in the country but fell into trouble after complaints were filed to the Central Board of Film Censors by people who had not even seen the film. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting canceled its exhibition license issued months earlier and the federal government declared Joyland “uncertified” after receiving complaints that “the film contains highly objectionable material which do not conform with the social values and moral standards of our society and is clearly repugnant to the norms of ’decency and morality; as laid down in Section 9 of the Motion Picture Ordinance, 1979”.

Joyland has the distinction of being Pakistan’s first Cannes entry, bagging several awards at international film festivals and being chosen as Pakistan’s Oscar consideration nominee. It has been written and directed by Saim Sadiq, and produced by Apoorva Guru Charan, Sarmad Sultan Khoosat and Lauren Mann. It features Ali Junejo, Rasti Farooq, Alina Khan, Sarwat Gillani, Salman Peerzada, Sohail Sameer and Sania Saeed. Shot in Lahore, it is a bittersweet tale of repressed desire and the quest for individual freedom.


Nayyar Rashid Nov 16, 2022 09:58pm
M. Saeed Nov 16, 2022 10:05pm
Now, let us stop this debate!
Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II Nov 16, 2022 10:05pm
Disgraceful. Here goes family values down the drain. Whats next? Dangerous times ahead!!
jsav123 Nov 16, 2022 10:06pm
Good. Do not censor opinions different from your own, including those with a religious basis.
Changez Khan Nov 16, 2022 10:11pm
It was all political drama created for the corrupt PM to score some points in the eyes of the public.
ukpindite Nov 16, 2022 10:15pm
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II freedom of speech
Zak Nov 16, 2022 10:18pm
If its anti pakistan then dont clear it, part of the 5th generation warfare
Zak Nov 16, 2022 10:19pm
This incompetent crime minister has time to watch movies while nation is in a mess and a step away from default.
Zak Nov 16, 2022 10:21pm
Who let the crime minister into office, he should be punished. They should habe left him in the boot of the car and thrown keys away
pontifex Nov 16, 2022 10:35pm
@Zak really - you're incensed that the movie was cleared. relax friend.
Iqbal Malik Nov 16, 2022 10:39pm
Where are our mullas? Where is ----- Fazlur Rehman?
Mahmood Nov 16, 2022 10:43pm
There goes the Banana Republic - literally!!!
Ali Nov 16, 2022 10:43pm
The battle to influence and replace our values started long ago; the resulting change has been exponential during last twenty five years. I fear for total erosion of our culture and values.
Adnan A Khan Nov 16, 2022 10:44pm
Where is Fazlur Rehman now?
Imran Baghpati Nov 16, 2022 10:48pm
In the face of the pressure of the foreign government, the secular lobby, the misfortune of Pakistan, the Western diplomats and viceroys to allow the screening of the #LGBTQ category film nominated for Oscar, such a decision was expected.
Faisal Nov 16, 2022 11:12pm
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II : You live in west you should know better what freedom of speech is.
Alex Nov 16, 2022 11:24pm
Btw whoe's gonna watch it anyway.
Mrs.Khalil Nov 16, 2022 11:38pm
This is the most common issue of Pakistan …… maybe less than one percent people watch films , focus of the government is on petty issues
Anjum Pervez Nov 17, 2022 12:07am
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II if this is dangerous times you are so out of synch
Zak Nov 17, 2022 12:07am
@pontifex @Zak really - you're incensed that the movie was cleared. relax friend. If its anti Pakistan then I am incensed.
Zak Nov 17, 2022 12:08am
@Adnan A Khan Where is Fazlur Rehman now? In the museum, sleeping.
Anjum Pervez Nov 17, 2022 12:08am
@Ali what culture and values? Please enlighten us.
Anjum Pervez Nov 17, 2022 12:10am
@Imran Baghpati what world are you living in? Come out of the cocoon my friend.
Zak Nov 17, 2022 12:10am
@Ali The battle to influence and replace our values started long ago; the resulting change has been exponential during last twenty five years. I fear for total erosion of our culture and values. Last 6 months deterioratation equals last 25 years of deterioration .
Vks, St. Louis, MO Nov 17, 2022 12:33am
Bring it on. Great move and excellent news.
Seedoo Nov 17, 2022 12:36am
To al those who claim the movie is against our social norms and Islamic values, here are my two cents. Wake up and smell the coffee. The nation which you refer to as Islamic Republic has all sorts of things happening from child rape, to gang rape, to murder, to sodomy, to husbands cheating on their wives to wives cheating on their husbands, bestiality, homosexuality, bisexuality, etc. etc. Stop living in a bubble and pretending to be so holier than thou. This country has all sorts vices to offer to those who covet them, In the western countries, its just more open as the western society is less hypocrite.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 17, 2022 12:39am
When the going gets tough and the environments get rough, only the toughest and roughest get going.
Rashid Nov 17, 2022 12:43am
@ukpindite We need to understand the meaning of 'freedom of expression'. For example, if I call you or your family names then would you still term it as 'Freedom of Expression' ?
test Nov 17, 2022 12:44am
First of all I don't watch movies because it wastes our precious time which should have been spend on industry, manufacturing, economy, policy, education and health etc. May be my family members watch movies because my family members are connected to the internet in the same house. As far this movie is concerned, I don't like it at all. I mean the concept of the movie is wrong and unethical. I mean transgender ? Are we living in Europe or West ? What message are we conveying to our youth ? Why always show the negative side of Pakistan in the movies we make ? Look at Joyland and Bol they are casting terrible projection about country and its values. We must make movies on Softwares, Semiconductors, Engineering, Machines, Medicine ? We must make movies for Training Youth and moving youth towards Science, Technology, Modern Warfare and of course Space ? Why not make movies on the honest police officers, lawyers, judges, armed forces officers, pilots, sportsmen, gangsters, war veterans ?
Zeeshan Ahmed Nov 17, 2022 12:48am
What a country, where the PM has to step in for approving such garbage.
Zen Nov 17, 2022 01:03am
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II have you seen the movie Sir?
SidC Nov 17, 2022 01:18am
Finally one good news from Pakistan.
Razak Nov 17, 2022 01:46am
Great political move to fool western donors ! Banning a movie that had full censor approval on it and zero opposition and then unbanning it just to fool the west to believe that PML is the only option against Islamist forces. All this drama created was more Bad image for Pakistan globally !!
NK Nov 17, 2022 01:57am
When you go against the will of your creator then you are definitely inviting his wrath. As far as this trash's qualification for Oscar is concerned it will definitely qualify as it will be presented to the US market where all the craziest and unfathomable rights movements, Gay Rights, Lesbian Rights , Transgender rights, Abortion rights started and their NGOs here in our country have been working very hard to propagate all these nonsense.
Adnan Nov 17, 2022 01:59am
Another proof that this government takes dictation from West and has no consideration for our values.
NK Nov 17, 2022 02:13am
Point scoring by the govt. of course, not nationally but internationally. Are we not proud to show the nation today that a young man watches a very erotic dance at a function and he decides to join that dance theatre and then fall in love with a transgender. What an entertaining drama and a movie it would be for the nation to enjoy.
Ifti Malik Nov 17, 2022 02:43am
Oscar or no Oscar , I sincerely hope that the movie will receive public screening in Pakistan. That would be an 'award' in itself.
Truth is bitter Nov 17, 2022 03:15am
Trying to please a few noise makers. If pm is looking for popularity then understand the majority of Pakistani are against the film
Anonymouseee Nov 17, 2022 03:28am
It’s a shame to bow down to pressure from the west and liberals. We are an Islamic country with Islamic laws.
Anonymouseee Nov 17, 2022 03:29am
Next they will try to promote gays and lesbians and force it upon us. There are only 2 genders biologically . Male and Female.
Ahmed Nov 17, 2022 03:57am
(En)Joyland made in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Amjad Durrani Engineer New York, USA Nov 17, 2022 04:22am
Not a sane a decision under the prevailing environments. Can our country already heading to default due to economic meltdown and rising political temperature because of ongoing long march, afford another social upheaval caused by the release of this controversial film? Expecting worst let us hope for the best.
Shadow Nov 17, 2022 04:49am
It is freedom of speech until it hits home and starts affecting own family.
David Nov 17, 2022 05:13am
Covers are needed over gutter mainholes. These save toddlers and children from falling into human waste and filth. No one can deny existence of human waster but covers are a must. The ban on this movie should've stayed.
Mueen Nov 17, 2022 06:05am
Glamourisng homosexuality isn't freedom of speech so let's be clear on this. Our society is already trodden with sex starved maniacs hence no need to promote another evil.
Khan De Bannu Nov 17, 2022 06:49am
@Changez Khan not public but the liberals!
Khan De Bannu Nov 17, 2022 06:50am
@Adnan A Khan i just thought the same
Saedia Nov 17, 2022 06:57am
Nail in the coffin for shabaz Sharif. He is leading his nation down the road of hell. No one should watch the film
Fahmida Nov 17, 2022 07:02am
Good Decision
Zia Nov 17, 2022 07:02am
Look at committee members , all support corruption, are big time liars , has no moral values .
Shah Nawaz Bokhari Nov 17, 2022 07:42am
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II Film ko film samje. So reality is different. PK film is also controversial but release in India.
Amir Nov 17, 2022 07:43am
Art and expression in all forms should be allowed freely. If one does not like it, then they can chose not to view it, or be part of it. This is freedom of choice, which is desperately needed in Pakiatan. Likes of clerics and Maria B socialites who have even boldnparties at their fashion shoot needs to view openly, but not subjugate laws
Amir Nov 17, 2022 07:44am
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II family values comes from the family, not from obscenity or what one indulges in. Family values as well as ones own will determines what is good or bad....not one or two person.
AHAQ Nov 17, 2022 07:48am
Typical imported u turns
Khalid iqbal Nov 17, 2022 08:06am
The man sitting behind the women on the scooter , is improper and promoting an abnormal behavioral pattern in Pakistani society.
Usman 77 Nov 17, 2022 08:31am
@Seedoo Spot on !
Azad Nov 17, 2022 08:35am
This sensor board should work on news and politicians also!
Pablo Nawaz Nov 17, 2022 08:40am
@Iqbal Malik fazal got few charity in his account.
Art Nov 17, 2022 08:42am
@Dr. Salaria Ahmed Part -II You speak for yourself and your family only!
Art Nov 17, 2022 08:45am
Indians are jealous why the movie got cleared! Smallest hearts!
T-man Nov 17, 2022 09:31am
Good decision.
Hasan Ijaz Nov 17, 2022 10:48am
Disgusting, welcoming LGBTQ with both hands...
Art Nov 17, 2022 12:15pm
@Khalid iqbal society? Everyone lives according their own life choices, it’s a free world! Worry about radicalism, extremism, corruption, forced marriages, thuggery, deception , lawlessness in your society!
Jigen.m19 Nov 17, 2022 03:58pm
@ukpindite not needed in Pakistan. No thank you
VCCCP Nov 17, 2022 06:53pm
Issues: 1. "Art is art so let it be": No, art always sends a message and promotes influence. Notice how hero cops and hero soldiers promote a message in Hollywood, along with LGBTQ characters. We do not promote things blindly, and sexual freedom is not something Pakistanis tolerate. 2. "It is an award winning film so let it be aired": Notice who is giving the awards. If a p or nographic movie gets adult industry awards should that also be released to cinemas? No. Winning awards means nothing if it promotes a message we do not want in our society. 3. "Freedom of speech, tolerance, let it be": No, all societies have arbitrary restrictions on public behavior. Pakistanis do not agree to western standards, and matters of sexual identity are to be kept private. Do whatever you want in private, but do not bring your thoughts into the public sphere.
Anonymous Nov 17, 2022 08:59pm
This film should not release. It's against our culture and our religion. Why Pm Shahbaz shareef is giving protocol to this film? His many decisions are decreasing votes of PMLN