
Javed Jabbar is all set to dismantle our idea of Pakistan-Bangladesh separation with latest documentary

Javed Jabbar is all set to dismantle our idea of Pakistan-Bangladesh separation with latest documentary

Separation of East Pakistan - The Untold Story will be released online on December 16, 2021.
Updated 15 Dec, 2021

Five decades and many lies later, we are still not completely sure of what happened in East Pakistan and how those who had made Pakistan wanted to break away from it.

The three nations involved hold on tightly to their versions, framing images of themselves and the other through their tainted lens of that fateful year.

Recognising the need to clear the myths and present the reality, Javed Jabbar endeavors to unravel the truth of 1971 in his upcoming documentary, Separation of East Pakistan - The Untold Story.

Releasing digitally on December 16, 2021, the documentary will finally replace recalled memories with facts and objective analysis, and also reveal some untold truths.

Watch this:

The series of teasers released of the documentary highlight four main protagonists from 1971 – Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, and Yahya Khan, unmasking the role they played.

One would have thought that 50 years on all would be known, but the documentary promises to tell the untold story of 1971; how Mrs. Indira Gandhi laid the foundation of militancy in the region, how the UN speech Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is famous for was actually detrimental to Pakistan, how Sheikh Mujibur Rehman never wanted a separate nation, and the truth behind the deaths and rapes.

Detailed, meticulous and objective deconstruction of events leading up to 1971 are explained and analysed in the documentary to uncover international politics that played on the soil of Pakistan, with India as the mastermind behind the dismemberment of Pakistan.

There is no doubt that the wounds of 1971 are purposefully kept fresh, and revived every few years to build a hatred for Pakistan and maintain strained relations with Bangladesh.

The documentary is an important step towards accepting certain facts and acknowledging realities of global politics to move towards better relations and strengthening their brotherly ties with Bangladesh.

For more details on the documentary, head over to

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Jai Dec 15, 2021 02:32pm
Does the documentary cover the findings of the Hammadour Commission report?
Dr.Zafar Nasir Dec 15, 2021 02:42pm
Our salvation lies in accepting the horrendous mistakes made by all sides & generously forgiving each other else blame game will continue for ever.
IMRAN ULLAH AWAN Dec 15, 2021 02:50pm
Unfortunately, the same situation of 1971 is evolving in Balochistan and our leaders are still not ready to learn some lesson from history. Highly unfortunate.
Rahat Jalal Dec 15, 2021 05:07pm
Look forward to the release of the documentary...need of the time...indeed the truth must be told...well done, Javed Jabbar !
Munir Pervaiz Dec 15, 2021 11:40pm
Does it also take into account the first hand experiences of Bangla Deshis.
ali jaffery Dec 16, 2021 06:29am
What is still happening to the displaced Pakistanis in various refugee camps 50 yrs after tge separation. Why does Pakistan Not accept them as its citizens when it can accept 3 million Afghan refugees.
AJ Dec 16, 2021 09:35am
Bhutto wanted to be Prime minister and to get rid of the Military. The only way to achieve this was through letting the Begali's go and humiliating the military through a war. He was the reason this country broke up...and for good.
Rao Dec 16, 2021 10:22am
Only lies...
El Cid Dec 16, 2021 10:24am
Javad Jabbar did not volunteer, did not lift a finger, pen nor weapon to stand in harms way for his country even though he was the right age, made hay even as his contemporaries made the supreme sacrifice in the defense of the country.
Sympathiser Dec 16, 2021 10:34am
Eagerly waiting for the release of the documentary
El Cid Dec 16, 2021 10:47am
@Rahat Jalal What makes you think he is telling the truth?
Rock Solid Dec 16, 2021 12:03pm
@Dr.Zafar Nasir Totally in agreement with you Sir, we should look into future and not delve in the past, Ameen!
Sohail Dec 16, 2021 12:23pm
10 Million Bengali refugees then. It was heart breaking. Good that they could go back home. Thanks to all who made it possible. Now, One Million Rohingya people chased out of Rakhine state (Myanmar) cannot go home. They are suffering great hardship.
Mo Dec 17, 2021 10:02pm
@Dr.Zafar Nasir denial, mujib won the election he should have led the country. Instead putting partial blame on bengalis for participating in their democratic right.