
Bollywood film Sooryavanshi under fire for 'criminalising normal Muslim behaviour'

Bollywood film Sooryavanshi under fire for 'criminalising normal Muslim behaviour'

Starring A-listers Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, the film has been deemed dangerous and discriminatory by some critics.
18 Nov, 2021

Bollywood movie Sooryavanshi and controversy seem to be going hand in hand these days. The internet is ripe with heated arguments around India's latest box-office success. Many have accused Rohit Shetty's latest cop film of pandering to right-wing Hindu nationalism with Islamophobic tropes.

Some reviews say that viewers should simply take the film for what it is — another Bollywood masala flick that you can skip watching if it isn't up to your taste.

For filmmaker Shetty, Sooryavanshi is a valuable addition to his cinematic "cop universe" that includes Bollywood films such as 2011's Singham and 2018's Simmba starring A-Listers Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh. These movies revolve around handsome Indian police officers with a gung-ho attitude towards beating up the bad guys, all in the name of defending honour and nation.

Sooryavanshi is no different from its predecessors. The lead cop, played by actor Akshay Kumar, is eager to thwart the plans of some very bad men. These bad men in question are Muslims planning to set off bombings in India post Mumbai's 26/11 attacks. The film, featuring guest appearances by Singh and Devgn, is one of the most successful films in India after the Covid-19 lockdowns were eased earlier this year.

Indian journalist Rana Ayyub, in her Washington Post article, said Sooryavanshi is a film that "stokes the dangerous 'love jihad' conspiracy, which paints Muslim men as colluding to seduce or kidnap Hindu women or girls and convert them to Islam" amongst other Islamophobic tropes. This is worrying because "its success contributes to the climate of hate and discrimination that India’s estimated 200 million Muslims must face everyday," she noted.

"The film does not even pretend to mask its agenda — which is the right-wing Hindu nationalist agenda of Modi’s government," wrote Ayyub. Sooryavanshi's release came after the bout of communal violence in Tripura state in October during which Hindu nationalists vandalised mosques and attacked Muslim homes. However, the Tripura police went after those who spoke up against the violence, filing a case against journalists, activists and lawyers.

For Ayyub, a film like Sooryavanshi being released in such times is not just entertainment, it is "dangerous".

Good Muslim vs bad Muslim

Indian publication The Quint wasn't thrilled with Shetty's film either, saying that it "criminalises normal Muslim behaviour" by associating "things that a large number of Indian Muslims feel, say or do in their daily life" with terrorists.

The movie creates an overly simplistic "good Muslim vs bad Muslim" narrative. The good Muslim in Sooryavanshi is "a retired policeman with over three decades of service" who is "clean-shaven" and has "zero religious markers". In contrast to him is Sooryavanshi's bad Muslim; a "stereotypical topi-wearing Muslim cleric with a long beard, shaven upper lip and prayer mark on his forehead". The bad Muslim runs a charity foundation and holds sway in a "stereotypical Muslim ghetto".

"The only Muslims shown offering namaz are the terrorists. The only ones engaging in religious acts, such as reading the Quran or having a tughra in their homes, are the terrorists," the article read. Shetty through Sooryavanshi is "trying to ride on the prevalent anti-Muslim sentiment and make films that reinforce these fears".

The New York Times in its review also made note of the "film’s uncritical jingoism".

"Shetty’s crusading state warriors, whose violence and vigilante tactics are played for laughs and hoots, have always seemed a bit tone-deaf, but Sooryavanshi veers into apologism: the film is rife with gleeful scenes of police brutality and pernicious stereotypes about Muslims," wrote Devika Girish.

"Whenever Sooryavanshi is confronted about Islamophobia (an increasingly urgent issue in India), he starts singing the praises of the single Muslim cop on his force as if to remind everyone what a 'good Muslim' looks like."

Closer to home, President Arif Alvi also shared Ayyub's opinion piece on Twitter, calling the film "dangerous for India". "In this Islamophobic hatred India will destroy itself, no less. I hope & pray that sane elements within Indian society prevent this," he wrote. "Milton Kandera wrote that 'the first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory, destroy its books, its culture [and] destroy its history'."

What the filmmaker has to say

The filmmaker himself doesn't, however, see an issue, saying his previous three films had Hindus as villains, so "why wasn't that a problem" as well?

Shetty also doesn't see any problem with his portrayal of Muslims in the movie. "We never thought about cast when making Sooryavanshi," he said. "When we have not thought that way, then why are people talking about it. If we are talking about a sleeper cell then why are people talking about what caste the sleeper cell is from. Why is caste being attached to a good or a bad person?"

There were others who backed Shetty's project, including OpIndia that said the movie "highlights the prevailing menace of Islamic terrorism tormenting the Indian society".

The article took the route of saying it was only "liberals" who were up in arms.

"The depiction of Muslims in negative roles has raised the hackles of the liberals, who are probably outraged because the movie attempts to draw attention towards the grim reality of Islamic radicalisation and terrorism in India," it said.

A complex issue

For The Wire, Shetty’s Sooryavanshi’s villainous Muslim characters hold a lot more complexity. The backstories that Shetty gives to his baddies hint at how they’ve suffered because of state brutality. In the film, the main villain Umar himself acknowledges “the maddening complexities of conflicts, by informing us that his son was killed by the Indian Army”.

The backstory of another villain Bilal tells us that “his house was set on fire during the Mumbai riots, and the scene allows him to own that moment”. This humanisation might make the viewers think that perhaps these people are bad because of unjust experiences, rather than being inherently evil because they are Muslim.

The writer Tanul Thakur also refers to the climax to prove the movie isn't solely there to make all Muslims look bad. "Here, the cops are evacuating a Mumbai locality, about to be detonated by RDX, which contains a temple and a mosque. Muslims rush out of the mosque; Hindus leave the temple with as much urgency. The camera then cuts to an old Muslim man looking at something — the idol of Ganesha sitting helplessly, waiting to be rescued — and, along with other Muslims, he helps carry it out. And then the song plays: 'Chhodo kal ki baatein, kal ki baat poorani (…) hum Hindustani, hum Hindustani'."

Granted that movies and TV shows can take certain liberties when telling stories but this doesn't rid the creatives behind these projects of the responsibility to keep the society at hand in mind. And in India where violence against Muslims on the basis of their faith is not a lone incident, their portrayal needs to be better than stereotypical ones.


Venkata Nov 18, 2021 06:06pm
Why are you concerned about India?
Lutera Nov 18, 2021 06:14pm
Always the victim.
kamal chowkidar Nov 18, 2021 06:30pm
This movie should be released all over the world without any cut.
Shaun Nov 18, 2021 06:36pm
Seems a good movie to watch.
Rahella Ali Mohsin Nov 18, 2021 06:39pm
This fire of hatred which hateful Indians are supporting will burn this state which is called magical india!
LgbtqX Nov 18, 2021 06:45pm
You can't even make a movie without getting criticized!
bhaRAT© Nov 18, 2021 06:47pm
Don't watch it if it hurts your sentiment.
bhaRAT© Nov 18, 2021 07:04pm
It's only under fire in Pakistan. No mention of any controversy in Indian news sites.
Ahsan Gul Nov 18, 2021 07:08pm
India is not what the world expect. It is a country with top Hindus who hate lower class and Muslims. So a big pot of prejudice and hatred is a norm. How long this will go on is another question! Sincerely
Zeeshan Nov 18, 2021 07:09pm
Indian is falling in a hatred abyss. If history is any lesson, this won’t end well for India.
Jawwad Nov 18, 2021 07:16pm
Something is seriously wrong with the Indians.
Shezi Nov 18, 2021 07:32pm
1947 was a great decision and event.
Akshay Nov 18, 2021 07:58pm
now he is also reviewing a movie. How much time does he have?
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Nov 18, 2021 08:52pm
@Venkata We have concerns what you show in movie for simple people?
planettrekker Nov 18, 2021 09:08pm
Thin-skinned S. Asians.
Raj - USA Nov 18, 2021 09:13pm
@kamal chowkidar : Netflix will be streaming this movie 30 days after its theatrical release which would be around December 18, 2021.
raj subramanian Nov 18, 2021 09:14pm
@Ahsan Gul - have you taken a critical look at your own country?
Changez Khan Nov 18, 2021 09:26pm
Shame on them.
Ajay Dutt Nov 18, 2021 09:28pm
@Shezi - Yes. Thanks to Jinnah for Making Pakistan.
Az Nov 18, 2021 09:40pm
@Lutera But who is playing victim? Do you even know under what context this term is used?
Az Nov 18, 2021 09:42pm
Indian comedian Vir Das sparks controversy with ‘Two Indias’ monologue
Waheed Noor Nov 18, 2021 10:40pm
It is just a movie. Why give so much space to it? Are people in Pakistan missing Bollywood movies?
Ejaz Ahmed Nov 18, 2021 10:59pm
@Venkata Not concerned about India but concerned about the significant segment of the Indian society that will be subjected to hate and stereotyping.
Rock Solid Nov 18, 2021 11:29pm
@Rahella Ali Mohsin come out of Utopia , soon!!
Khader Nov 18, 2021 11:59pm
Conclusion : Pakistanis are irretrievably addicted to Bollywood movies. When Indian movies were banned in Pakistan, every theatre in Pakistan has to close down. No Pakistani wants to watch Pakistani movies.
Khader Nov 19, 2021 12:01am
Instead of complaining, what can’t Pakistan produce movies depicting Hindus as villains. Perhaps, still no Pakistani will watch such movies?
Dr Dummy Nov 19, 2021 12:38am
Please do not watch from the pirated copies!
Observer101 Nov 19, 2021 12:44am
The problem is purely political. There is no hatred or animosity among the people who have lived together for a thousand years.
rahul Nov 19, 2021 03:01am
@Ejaz Ahmed Don't worry they are our brothers and we will take care of them.
Dhaval Nov 19, 2021 03:22am
There were two type of Muslims shown in movie - good citizens and terrorist.
Shah Nawaz Nov 19, 2021 03:24am
Expected in India - this is not news, this is fact…
Karan Nov 19, 2021 04:21am
@bhaRAT© All of India is a pile of bigotry! That’s why.
Hansoti Sh Nov 19, 2021 04:30am
@Lutera If it walks & talks like a duck, then guess what..?
JJ Nov 19, 2021 04:42am
This is what has been happening in the subcontinent for 100s for years. Why is this considered "normal behaviour"?
Vasu Nov 19, 2021 05:42am
What is "Normal Muslim behavior?
FAZ Nov 19, 2021 06:21am
@Venkata Because you guys, are more "concerned" about Pakistan.
Yawar Nov 19, 2021 06:21am
I feel bad for the recipients of Hindutva hatred in Modi's India. Thank you ever so much Quaid-e-Azam.
FAZ Nov 19, 2021 06:22am
Muslim bashing is a norm in Indian movies. Recipe for success!
Akil Akhtar Nov 19, 2021 06:27am
We need to stop promoting indian movies...just ignore the garbage....
India ho Nov 19, 2021 06:52am
@bhaRAT© YEA~
India ho Nov 19, 2021 06:52am
@Zeeshan NICE!
Kris Nov 19, 2021 07:42am
Terrorism is not the problem. Making a movie about it is the problem. Strange times we live in.
Sri Nov 19, 2021 07:57am
@Ejaz Ahmed and yiu guys in Pakistan saying this is the biggest irony of all times..
Salman Nov 19, 2021 08:05am
Yes it's stupid, but we shouldn't care.
Sajid Nov 19, 2021 08:06am
Good movie! If you do bad you will be exposed
Sayyar Khan Nov 19, 2021 08:28am
All Hindu cast and director what else will be expected
Shakeel Ahmad Nov 19, 2021 08:29am
@Venkata we are concerned about Indian Muslims and wouldn't allow you to play your dirty tricks
Jhandoo Khan Nov 19, 2021 08:31am
@Ejaz Ahmed YOu can take them all.
Hemant Nov 19, 2021 08:42am
@Rahella Ali Mohsin Why is it that the fire of hate does not bother other countries which are India's Western neighbours?
ramana Nov 19, 2021 08:49am
Don't watch the movie is the best solution.
Raja Parekh Nov 19, 2021 08:52am
@Shezi I agree. It is blessings in disguise for us also.
Samir Nov 19, 2021 08:59am
@Shezi yes for India but work not fully done.
Anitha Raj Nov 19, 2021 09:08am
@Ejaz Ahmed But That is still a concern about India. You shouldn't be.
GhabranaHain Nov 19, 2021 09:40am
It hurts if there's truth.
Atif Nov 19, 2021 10:24am
Forcible conversion is not "normal behaviour".
Khan Nov 19, 2021 10:42am
Looks like a comedy movie! Typical C class casts! I pity Indians have to digest this forcefully by BJP
John Nov 19, 2021 11:08am
Always trying to find a religious angle problem somewhere.
ASAD Nov 19, 2021 11:25am
Batman Nov 19, 2021 11:43am
State funded movies spreading hate, simples.
Gokboru Nov 19, 2021 11:53am
When you cant win in the real world, you have to fantasize and make movies. Hollywood done the same about vietnam.
Peace Nov 19, 2021 12:03pm
Great article. If India was to destabilise what will happen to Pakistan. If a house is on fire the hut next to it catches fire too
A Nov 19, 2021 12:14pm
@Shezi “ 1947 was a great decision and event.” Exactly. Can’t imagine.
NESH Nov 19, 2021 01:20pm
Movie reflects contemporary social behaviour.
Saif Zulfiqar Nov 19, 2021 01:21pm
Well all the time Bolywood has made anti-muslim movies.
Raheel Nov 19, 2021 01:29pm
Fascism on the rise in India
Good Neighbour Nov 19, 2021 01:53pm
@Jawwad dreaming is not prohibited
Saheena Nov 19, 2021 02:57pm
@Shezi , yes, India's problems got halved.
Michael D'Souza Nov 19, 2021 03:46pm
Create controversy and get free publicity, is the new strategy.
Raheel Nov 19, 2021 04:31pm
@Venkata why are you so concerned about Pakistan?
Imad khan Nov 19, 2021 04:51pm
@bhaRAT© why would there be. India is collectively becoming a right wing state and sane voices are punished.
gt Nov 19, 2021 08:24pm
@Sayyar Khan It is country of Hindu majority.
gt Nov 19, 2021 08:26pm
@Akil Akhtar Please do not watch Indian movies .
Sam Nov 19, 2021 09:18pm
Actually, there is no such thing. Do see the movie. It is an accurate portrayal of the characters.
mua Nov 20, 2021 04:55am
it's just business, and makes money. Nothing more than that and it really is inconsequential, who watches Akshay paratha karata anyways. He saw Pakistan woop India in the world cup and probably wanted to get back at Pakistan :)
LgbtqX Nov 20, 2021 08:02pm
Science is against many religious believes, why nobody object to it !!
AAJ Nov 21, 2021 12:25pm
Nothing surprising there. Hindustan literally means land of Hindus. Modi-led Hindutva regime wants to ensure that it solely becomes the land of Hindus. Would have been surprising if some other narrative that benefited Muslims of Hindustan would have been portrayed.
Tadka Nov 21, 2021 04:19pm
Much Ado about nothing