
'Jingoistic agenda': Naseeruddin Shah on the rise of Islamophobia, religious bias in Bollywood

'Jingoistic agenda': Naseeruddin Shah on the rise of Islamophobia, religious bias in Bollywood

Actor says the govt is encouraging filmmakers to make more pro-establishment films while Muslims are forced to remain silent.
Updated 16 Sep, 2021

Veteran Indian actor Naseeruddin Shah spoke about religious discrimination in Bollywood in a recent interview to NDTV.

In the past, the Bollywood film industry was free of Islamophobia and religious discrimination but now the industry is being encouraged by the government to make more pro-establishment films, he said. Shah gave the example of the Nazi government in Germany and how it too used film to spread its ideology.

"They are being encouraged by the government to make pro-government films, to make films lauding the efforts of our beloved leader. They are also being financed, and also promised a clean chit if they make movies which are propaganda, to put it bluntly," he said.

The publication noted the revered actor didn't have definite proof but he remarked that it was "obvious" from the big-ticket films being put out these days. "The kind of big-budget films that are coming [...] cannot disguise the jingoistic agenda," he said.

The actor said he has not faced any discrimination in the industry because of his religion. Shah believes the reason for this is that he has made a lot of significant contributions to the industry and has built a powerful image merely because of the revenue he has generated. Although he was once offered a refundable ticket to Pakistan, he laughed.

Many Muslims in the industry do not speak up in fear of facing harassment, according to Shah. He gave the example of the Khans of Bollywood who have remained silent because of what they have at stake. "They [the Khans] are worried because of the harassment they face. They have so much to lose. It's a question of their entire establishments getting harassed."

Shah pointed out that Muslims are often penalised and punished for voicing their opinions.

In 2015, Shah faced criticism for praising a Pakistani book written by Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri merely because he was a Muslim. He was called anti-Indian.

The actor has never shied away from voicing his opinion. In the past he has faced a lot of backlash because of his interfaith marriage and not being a practicing Muslim. Recently, his comment about the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan — "Even as the Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan is a cause for concern for the whole world, celebrations of the barbarians by some sections of Indian Muslims is no less dangerous" — received a lot of criticism, especially from Muslims in India. He later admitted that his choice of the word “celebration” was incorrect and he was only pointing out a small section of the community.

He also clarified that he was only trying to point out the differences between the Islam practiced in India, which was more inclined towards Sufism and tolerance, and the Islam practiced in the rest of the world. "By Indian Islam, I meant tolerant, Sufi-influenced practice of Islam in this country. I was referring to the Islam represented by people like Salim Chishti and Nizamuddin Aulia. Indian Islam is a religion that does not believe in the fundamental execution of the word of the law."

His statements received a lot of praise from the ruling BJP for speaking against Taliban rule. “I also received pats on the back from the rightwing. I don't need any such congratulations or label," he said.


Fastrack Sep 16, 2021 11:50am
Big lesson. These are the people that gave their all to appease the majority. And still get blamed.
bhaRAT© Sep 16, 2021 11:58am
This is what is inflicting India’s cow belt: - Hate and Saffronisation
India First Sep 16, 2021 11:59am
A good actor, liked by everyone. But he must realize he could only speak like this in India and not have any issue.
M. Saeed Sep 16, 2021 12:06pm
Classifying Islam with geography is not a favor. Indian Islam of whatever classification is still Islamophobia for the terrorised world, after the defeat of two topmost world powers.
Timur Sep 16, 2021 12:22pm
He can leave India and settle in any OIC countries. If he feels discriminated he should first look inside and look at the general behavior of his people.
Changez Khan Sep 16, 2021 12:30pm
It all started under Hitler Modi.
Tanvir Khan Sep 16, 2021 12:50pm
With every medicine: No effect, without side effects! All religions are also medicine - however, for the side effects, one needs a thick encyclopedia! Bollywood inflames these side effects with all the available spices!!!
Aiza Sep 16, 2021 12:55pm
@India First Yeah, where thousands are being lynched for being muslims!
Silent Observer Sep 16, 2021 01:07pm
@India First ......... surely he will be harrassed in India !!
Huma Sep 16, 2021 01:29pm
@M. Saeed Nope
Huma Sep 16, 2021 01:30pm
@bhaRAT© Its better than goat belt in west
Cye Sep 16, 2021 01:44pm
Naseer sahab is spot on. Indian establishment is hell bent on making Muslims look really bad in the eyes of non Muslims in India. It will only make India weaker in the long run. Modi is a c copy of hitler.
NYS Sep 16, 2021 01:57pm
Going great guns straight message to Hindustan
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 16, 2021 02:04pm
This is not a breaking news as the whole neutral, unbiased, impartial, brave, bold and non-indoctrinated world already knows about it as a reality prevailing all over India at the behest of racist, bigot, liar, prejudiced, wicked and biased Modi and his fascist, cruel, cunning, crooked, corrupt, crafty and criminal R.S.S. and BJP cronies, running aggressively in the corridors of power and influence at Old and New Delhi since last many years.
Justice Sep 16, 2021 06:13pm
He could have moved to Pakistan a long time ago.
Rahul Sharma Sep 16, 2021 06:25pm
@India First Exactly
Rahul Sharma Sep 16, 2021 06:32pm
@Cye PM Modi is elected leader of the largest democracy in the world. He is definitely not Hitler.
Indian Sep 16, 2021 06:57pm
@India First he will get death threats. That’s why Indian Muslims can’t speak up.
Subrata Chowdhury Sep 16, 2021 07:06pm
Question is? Why there is Islamophobia.
KAFFIR Sep 16, 2021 07:10pm
@Changez Khan Modi is the best thing that happened for India!!
Tan Sep 16, 2021 07:30pm
How many non-muslim movie stars in Pakistan? What is their income from pakistan-movie industry?
Sayyar Khan Sep 16, 2021 07:44pm
@India First he will have issues in Modi India
THE EASTERN NEIGHBOR Sep 16, 2021 09:45pm
Come to south India like Tamil Nadu ...Many movies are sponsored by missionaries and they want to convert... You have the freedom of speech in India...not in the neighboring countries
Ghani K Sep 16, 2021 11:21pm
@Timur ' His people ' he is an Indian , you already disowned him.
Ghani K Sep 16, 2021 11:26pm
@Rahul Sharma Largest democracy in the world , it was ,not now. It is tyranny of the majority, it is Modi's fascism
Robby Sep 17, 2021 03:02am
Now you are trying getting attention
J Sep 17, 2021 05:47am
@Silent Observer ...if he is/was harassed, he made enough money, he can go settle where ever he wants. No one is stopping him. He can’t give specific examples but talks about the topic. Hypocrisy at best
Jiwa Sep 17, 2021 06:17am
@Tan None, and you know why? They can't act and are happy doing what the do.
Tariq Sep 17, 2021 06:49am
Where did he say religious bias in Bollywood? he said opposite of it for at least Bollywood, what I listened.
Stunned Sep 17, 2021 07:28am
@Subrata Chowdhury We are waiting for a non biased answer form you
NAGARAJA B N Sep 17, 2021 11:03am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad At old Delhi? I believed at Old Delhi we have Kejriwal. He had not yet joined `the bad dirty fascist rightwing etc etc ` party.
LgbtqX Sep 18, 2021 04:44am
Movie goes are generally shallow minded people.