
Yasir Hussain reveals why he avoids sharing pictures of his son's face on social media

Yasir Hussain reveals why he avoids sharing pictures of his son's face on social media

The actor explained that the reason for hiding Kabir's face has something to do with his mother-in-law. 
15 Sep, 2021

Yasir Hussain recently posted beautiful pictures of his wife, Iqra Aziz, and son, Kabir, at his aqiqa, but to fans' dismay, little Kabir’s face was completely hidden. But fans shouldn't have been too surprised because we've never actually seen a full photo of Kabir posted on social media. 

Hussain and Aziz have always been in the spotlight and throughout her pregnancy, Aziz flaunted her baby bump on social media. Even after their son's birth, they haven't shied away from discussing parenting on Instagram — case in point their debate with PPP leader Sharmila Faruqi on a father's role in bringing up a child. This is why fans found it very unusual when the couple hid their son's face in their social media posts. 

Hussain recently revealed the reason for all the secrecy in an Instagram post where he humorously said that even though he himself would have loved to post his son’s picture on social media, Kabir's nani (grandmother) doesn't approve.

"I would have posted the picture today, but the child's grandmother is the obstacle," he wrote.  The reason behind Aziz's mother's reluctance could be because of superstition — something that isn't new to us as Pakistanis. However, it could be something as simple as not wanting a child subjected to public scrutiny. 

We should all come to terms with the fact that even though celebrities are public figures, their personal lives and choices are not for the public's consumption. How they chose to raise their children — in or out of the media spotlight — is something for them to decide, not the general public and we should respect their privacy.

Hussain and Aziz are not the only celebrities who keep their children away from the public. There are many celebrities who have spoken about safeguarding their child’s privacy. One example is model Gigi Hadid, who has never shied away from a camera herself but for her daughter Khai wishes to have a life that is free from "the stress of the media circus that comes with parents who are public figures". She has never publicly revealed her daughter's face. 

Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor is another example. After experiencing what it was like for her first son, Taimur, to grow up in the spotlight, she and her husband actor Saif Ali Khan decided to keep their second child out of the public eye. 


JM Sep 15, 2021 03:04pm
One more way to stay relevant in the news
M. Saeed Sep 15, 2021 03:13pm
The obvious copycats are trying to copy their own idols in glamour world. Otherwise, there is no such a norm in practice in the contemporary glamour circles of the world. Unless, the person is ultra superstitious.
Fastrack Sep 15, 2021 03:17pm
Really? And where was the superstition and sharam when she was showing us her baby bump?
Truth be told Sep 15, 2021 04:12pm
@Fastrack second time in my life I agree with you
Tayyaba rana Sep 15, 2021 04:12pm
Criticizing everyone and everything but having/following superstitions. wonderful
David M Sep 15, 2021 04:19pm
Please stop imposing this overrated actor on us. His only credentials are controversial remarks that are out of line with our society.
M.Emad Sep 15, 2021 10:02pm
may be the son does not look alike papa?
Petco Sep 15, 2021 10:06pm
Sorry who are these two?
Ibrahim S Sep 16, 2021 01:52am
{The reason behind Aziz's mother's reluctance could be because of superstition — something that isn't new to us as Pakistanis. } That means we share the same DNA
nk Sep 16, 2021 05:41am
This is guy is pure attention gatherer
nk Sep 16, 2021 05:41am
@Fastrack Very valid question.
A Bostonian Sep 16, 2021 07:09am
@Petco I asked myself the same question.