
Nadia Hussain highlights the importance of women knowing about their legal right to divorce

Nadia Hussain highlights the importance of women knowing about their legal right to divorce

The right to divorce is given by the nikahnama and the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961, the model explained on social media.
Updated 10 Sep, 2021

Model Nadia Hussain took to social media to highlight a very important issue recently — women's legal right to divorce in Pakistan. She stressed that all women should be aware of this right at the time of marriage and afterwards.

She posted photos of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 and Clause 18 of the nikahnama in an Instagram post, both of which give women the legal right to divorce her husband. "All women should know about Clause 18 of the nikahnama and do not get it crossed out without your permission or knowledge!" she urged.

Hussain alluded to a common societal misconception that women should not have the right to divorce because their 'emotions' might get the better of them, leading them to end their marriages without cause. "No sane woman will willingly destroy her own marriage and house if she's happy and loved. But yes, a woman needs to have the power to exit a toxic marriage," she stressed.

The model also posted a video of her own nikahnama to advocate the point. "I want to tell you all an important thing about the nikahnama," she said in the video, calling attention to Cause 18 in the document. "A lot of men and women refuse to acknowledge that a wife has the legal right to divorce. It is not my intention to misguide people but I do want to tell you about your rights."

According to the National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS), 24.5% of married women between the ages of 15 and 45 experience sexual violence by their partners at least once in their lifetime in Pakistan. The right of divorce ensures that women have an escape from any abuse they experience in the course of their marriage.


Shabnam Sep 10, 2021 01:19pm
Education enlightens all in all directions. Contribute towards it.
Shezi Sep 10, 2021 01:44pm
The sun of her career is about to sit. So she would keep her in news like this.
Ch. S Sep 10, 2021 04:32pm
Great. She's now promoting divorce among young women, while being happily married to a rich man.
Malik Sep 10, 2021 05:30pm
Thank you Nadia Hussain for highlighting this. Pakistani women have the right to know their rights. I hope more women and men speak for Pakistani women and their rights.
Akil Akhtar Sep 10, 2021 05:55pm
Why does she never talks about what morals women and men should have...
Citizen Sep 10, 2021 05:59pm
These are totally failure women in their lives and promoting divorce to spoil society
Farhan Sep 10, 2021 08:40pm
She will make increase divorce ratio.....
Ibrahim S Sep 10, 2021 09:04pm
@Ch. S - is she saying anything wrong . Get a life man .
Samsam Sep 11, 2021 12:13am
@Ch. S Says who?? Happily married women do not flag such issues. Smell a rat. Its a threat.
Samsam Sep 11, 2021 12:13am
@Akil Akhtar knowledge is required before preaching
FAZ Sep 11, 2021 12:22am
@Ibrahim S Except there are many other right things women ain't getting. Equal pay, required maternity leaves, inheritance as a daughter/sister. But divorce is most important!
Khan Sep 11, 2021 12:29am
She’s nobody!
t bone steak Sep 11, 2021 02:22am
Yes please! We need more people speaking up about leaving abusive marriages than tolerating them. Specially women that are subjugated with marriage cause of financial insecurity and family pressures.
t bone steak Sep 11, 2021 02:24am
@Ch. S your comment highlights the ignorance and horrid truth of marriage in our society. It is to keep women subjugated cause they are not financially independent. At the same time you should be realising that she is a rich woman and doesn't need a rich man. Your thinking is sour
RIz Sep 11, 2021 04:14am
Why not promote sanctity of marriage and mutual respect and trust and equality?
Anonymouseee Sep 11, 2021 05:42am
Instead of promoting divorce, she could’ve come up with ideas of how to make marriages work and navigate through difficult times. Some humans are just animals.
A Bostonian Sep 11, 2021 08:38am
She has a pessimistic kind of personality.
Waheed UK Sep 11, 2021 11:29am
People like only make a splash thanks to ultra motives of the interested groups and mass media . These toxic and negative campaigns will further destroy the sanctity of marriage and destroy the strength of the marriage as an institution. There are always exceptions to the rule but it does not mean , instead of dealing with the exceptions, you destroy everything else! The Western concepts and mind set oils be disastrous for the society just as it has denigrated the family life in the Western society. . Wake up to this danger before it is too late
Asma Mansoor Sep 11, 2021 07:49pm
@Ch. S She's a rich woman herself too, no less than a millionaire. And the rich husband, despite being RICH, is not insecure and dumb enough to impinge her freedom to live the way she wants to, unkike the majority of men who're self-entitled, misogynists.
Asma Mansoor Sep 11, 2021 07:53pm
@Waheed UK Exceptions? This is the majority. A self entitled, misogynist man marries a woman, and tries to change her to a new human being. Controlling, and often violent. Considers himself superior to his wife. That's what an abusive marriage is. And that needs to be left rather than ensuring that the country's divorce rate remains low.