
Celebrities call for the safety of Afghans as the Taliban take control of Kabul

Celebrities call for the safety of Afghans as the Taliban take control of Kabul

Many urged people to pray for the women and children of Afghanistan.
16 Aug, 2021

Kabul has fallen into the hands of the Taliban, leaving thousands of Afghans looking for a way to leave the country.

President Ashraf Ghani fled the country on Sunday as the militants entered the capital virtually unopposed, saying he wanted to avoid bloodshed, while hundreds of Afghans were desperate to leave flooded Kabul airport.

As the news spreads, millions of Afghans are scared for their lives. In Pakistan, people are praying for their neighbours and expressing their shock at the events unfolding in the country.

Celebrities also took to social media to comment on the situation in Afghanistan.

Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai said she is deeply worried about women, minorities and human rights advocates in Afghanistan.

"Global, regional and local powers must call for an immediate ceasefire, provide urgent humanitarian aid and protect refugees and civilians," she urged.

"The world has failed the men, women and children of Afghanistan," Aseefa Bhutto Zardari wrote on Twitter.

In pictures: The Fall of Kabul

Videos of people swarming the Kabul airport had a pit forming in model Zara Peerzada's stomach. She called them "a people abandoned, desperately trying to flee to some kind of safety.

It’s a dark day for Afghanistan today, wrote Churails star Sarwat Gilani. “Please pray for the safety of Afghan children and women!”

RJ Sabah Bano Malik called on people to stand with Afghanistan and Kashmir the same way they stand with Palestine.

“All occupied by forces they do not want. All occupied by people who ignore their dignity and who are making the decisions for them and robbing them of their basic human rights. All hurting,” she said.

RJ Anoushey Ashraf shared a BBC story on Instagram and wrote that heart wrenching stories were coming out of Afghanistan.

As foreigners are being evacuated from Afghanistan, we urge you to spare a thought for the Afghan nationals trapped there.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Aug 16, 2021 04:43pm
What else can they say at this critical, crucial, carping, caviling and compelling point in time and history?
Love Your Country Aug 16, 2021 04:44pm
Not an opportunity for politicians and celebrities for making headlines.
Jaredlee007 Aug 16, 2021 04:53pm
they should go and live in Afghanistan and work for women and children.
UAEismyHOME Aug 16, 2021 05:00pm
Why are we forgetting that America had invaded afghanistan not Afghans. Its their country and they freed it from foreign invasion. Dont we indian pakistanis remember that we came into being by fighting the invaders too? Why hypocrisy then ?
Sane Mind1st Aug 16, 2021 05:06pm
Well tell these so called celebereties that let their reel mind not interfere in the real life. The comments by them are pathetic and devoid of any suggestions. Commenting for the heck of it to stay in the limelight or project themselves, will reflects poorly back on them.
Fastrack Aug 16, 2021 05:07pm
To be clear, the Taliban have announced general amnesty for everyone who doesn't fight. And they are not liars like the US invaders.
Omer Aug 16, 2021 05:11pm
Just leave them alone plz!
Mahmood Aug 16, 2021 05:12pm
Oh how I despise these opportunists, fame-seeking, self-serving so-called ''celebrities'' who come of their fancy mansions every now and then, to express concerns over the situation in Afghanistan or other dire situations in the neighborhood - when the game is all over! Where was Malala and other fashionistas when the Talibans were trying to retake power and control Afghanistan for the past 20 years?? Did you ever hear these fakes ever call for the safety of Ruhingya Muslims, Uhigars in China, or the Palestinian refugees in camps all over the Middle East or in Gaza Strip?? Please, safe your breath! You care for the safety of any poor people, less than you care for your iPhone, your fashions, outfits, skin, hair, nails, shoes and make up! So don't try to fool anyone. You are only trying to draw attention to yourself and appear 'humanitarian'' just for a few minutes. Did they utter even a word on the grenade attack in Karachi 2 days ago, which claimed 13 lives? Back to your cocoons
Khalid Aug 16, 2021 05:20pm
Where were you when innocent civilians were being killed during US invasion... or when was the last time you opened your mouth in support of Afia Siddiqui
ComfortablyNumb Aug 16, 2021 05:21pm
What a bunch of irrelevant people.
M. Saeed Aug 16, 2021 05:21pm
Imagine the plight of Germans after the end of WW-II, But, they recovered and had a phenomenal rise to the heights. Same was the trend in Japan. There are many other examples and Afghans will also have their rise with honor.
Beta Aug 16, 2021 05:21pm
hate these celebrities who are they to interfere. Talibans know how to run a state.
sultan, Eng Aug 16, 2021 05:22pm
what these so called"celebrities" have said shows that the negative assumptions that the West has made about the Taliban who toppled the pro west unpopular government in Afghanistan who have publicly declared that human rights including the rights of the women and girls will be protected and respected. no one should blindly join in the Occidental propaganda to spread panic among the Afghans who have already suffered a lot, to say the least . the Taliban have taken taken over from the West-imposed regime only a day ago!
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Aug 16, 2021 05:42pm
I say to all selected liberals that give Talibans a chance before making skeptical and pessimistic comments. In my view, Talibans will not take stringent actions this time and, will give people a chance to fulfil their duties within the laws, including females education and working.
Ali Mehdi Aug 16, 2021 05:51pm
The best I found is the statement from RJ Sabah Bano that says that we should support Afghanistan the same way we support Palestine n Kashmir. It really is an occupation of afghan society by a bird care highly radicalized mafia
Ali Mehdi Aug 16, 2021 05:53pm
Due to close proximity I fear for our country Pakistan. Horrendous scenes from APS tragedy keeps cropping up. What the hell tge international politics has to do with our region. They may fight their wars in their Ian home grounds. Why should we be the ones to pay for their war games
Captain Safdar Aug 16, 2021 06:16pm
Celebrities need to chill. There is nothing wrong in imposing Islamic law. As long as it is in its spirit.
Say no to political correctness Aug 16, 2021 06:31pm
These Afghan men clinging on to the aircraft are just cowards. They just left behind their wives, sisters, daughters, mothers at the mercy of the Taliban. 99.99% of the people at the Kabul airport right now are men; and many went there on a rumor that Canada, UK and the US were flying away people without visas.
NK Aug 16, 2021 06:49pm
Hmmm! You know who to be afraid but still you pick a life with risk.
Only Aug 16, 2021 06:51pm
Forgot to say "Free Balochistan" to the freedom list.
A. ALI Aug 16, 2021 06:54pm
most of us know who are these celebrities other than Malala and Aseefa.
El Cid Aug 16, 2021 07:06pm
Shameless publicity at the expense of the lives and misfortunes of others. These painted narcissists indeed are callous of the predicament of others.
sajjad Aug 16, 2021 07:13pm
i never get the point of these posts. i am sure they are great but what they are saying and thinking, so are million others and i am not sure what we achieve by stating the obvious
Farhan Aug 16, 2021 07:36pm
So called celebrities must keep their mouth shut.
Al Aug 16, 2021 07:44pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad thanks to Pakistani interference
Captain Safdar Aug 16, 2021 08:10pm
Celebrities should leave Afghanistan alone. If its too concerning then they should go to Afghanistan.
Truth be told Aug 16, 2021 08:28pm
@Jaredlee007 exactly, rather than doing lip service our celebrities should move to Afghanistan and replace the ones who left last minute.
Tanvir Khan Aug 16, 2021 08:30pm
Afghan women are now faced with the most constructive task of their lives, namely to educate and humanize the barbaric Taliban ..... which no one else can!!!
Fazloo Aug 16, 2021 10:48pm
Celebrities should kindly figure out their own messed up lives before giving advices to others.
flying star Aug 17, 2021 01:05am
Malala you are not Politician ,find the job to teach the kids in the school
Gullu Aug 17, 2021 01:21am
Taliban have liberated Afghanistan from foreign occupation and These people want to escape from them. IK said it right if your minds are enslaved even Independence Sounds like a threat..
Gullu Aug 17, 2021 01:26am
@Only who is this loser ? India kicked out of there will be more Peace in both Afghanistan and Pakistan
Anonymouseee Aug 17, 2021 03:19am
Nobody cares what these so called celebrities think.
Guest2020 Aug 17, 2021 03:32am
@UAEismyHOME yes, but the people of Afganistab don't want to be ruled by the taliban. The public WANTED the American army in their country!
Ibrahim S Aug 17, 2021 04:44am
@Captain Safdar - wait until Taliban knocks at your door as well .
Hashim Aug 17, 2021 05:01am
These people are behaving and commenting as if there is a bloodbath happening in Afghanistan. At the moment, the country is calm. Girls even went to school yesterday. Stop buying into negative propaganda, please.
Sujeet Awadhiya Aug 17, 2021 05:50am
@UAEismyHOME Then why chaos, there should be celebration in Afghanistan..?
shahram Aug 17, 2021 08:32am
The most peaceful takeover, definitely not by force.. Taliban needs to prove to the world they have changed and that is the vibe that is visible. Must have Learned something from their mistake in 2001.
Asghar Aug 17, 2021 09:16am
They never called for the safety of Afghans when Americans were carrying out carpet bombing there.
Hammad Aug 17, 2021 09:42am
Funnily not a single word on 20 years US war coming to conclusion, no demand of war crimes investigation, no human rights violation to see here folks.
skb Aug 17, 2021 10:14am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad United we stand divided we fall.
A. ALI Aug 17, 2021 03:01pm
@flying star ... that's much better, honourable and respectable job bring a politician like modi or nawaz or indra Gandhi.
Nauman Aug 17, 2021 05:53pm
If u are so concern, why don’t u go and help them
Dia Aug 18, 2021 12:27am
Instead of hiding, posing and tweeting they should face these vultures they would know.
Jam Aug 18, 2021 02:20am
Afghanis have been languishing under the US puppet regimes who plundered the country for the last two decades, but these 'celebrities' were fine with it.
Cameo Aug 18, 2021 02:21am
Celebrities lamenting the exit of invader and its allies?
Khan Aug 18, 2021 06:06pm
If they dont comment they will feel they are left behind .. feeling pitty on these jokers of television.