
Urwa Hocane shares a heartfelt note about missing her mother

Urwa Hocane shares a heartfelt note about missing her mother

She hasn't met her in two years because of the pandemic.
Updated 29 Jun, 2021

Udaari star Urwa Hocane took to social media to voice her frustration with the pandemic that has kept loved ones apart. She hasn't been able to meet her mother in almost two years.

In her post, she wrote, "I miss you my beautiful, brilliant, inspiring Amma!"

"Haven't been able to see you for almost two years now because of the pandemic — can't wait to huge you tight as soon as I see you," she said.

The pandemic has been troublesome with travel restrictions, distance and politics around vaccinations leaving many people separated from their families. Thousands of people, like Hocane, haven't seen their families in far too long and are growing tired of it. They want to be reunited and we want that for them too.

All we can do is urge people to get vaccinated and stay vigilant so that eventually, things will get back to normal.


Uddin Jun 29, 2021 01:41pm
No class what so over why even have that contraption on ??
ST Jun 29, 2021 01:47pm
Why these celebrities want to stay in lime light .?
Ahsan Gul Jun 29, 2021 01:51pm
And there are millions who are separated and have not met their families due to this pandemic? Sincerely
M. Saeed Jun 29, 2021 02:20pm
Two years are too much. pandemic has just lasted 17 months so far. Her mother in Australia should be only confined for about a year, since Australia remained almost corona free for most of the time.
Jahanara Jun 29, 2021 05:57pm
Good way of remaining in limelight.. people can leave Australia whenever they want to. There is no restriction on anyone from leaving the country. If her mother will miss her she will come back to meet her. In the meanwhile she is trying to stay relevant through meaning less posts. This news paper really lacks standard piece of news.
Rafique Jun 30, 2021 01:00am
By the way where is your mom ?
Robby Jun 30, 2021 05:56am
She is not alone? Millions of people are waiting to rent their loved ones