
Jemima Goldsmith weighs in on Imran Khan's remarks regarding sexual violence against women

Jemima Goldsmith weighs in on Imran Khan's remarks regarding sexual violence against women

Says the Imran she knew used to say "put a veil on the man's eyes not on the woman".
Updated 07 Apr, 2021

By now, many in Pakistan have taken exception to Prime Minister Imran Khan’s remarks on the causes of sexual violence and rape, terming them factually incorrect, insensitive and dangerous.

International media has also picked up on the premier's comments linking the incidence of rape to obscenity and women's modesty, and one article has caught the eye of Jemima Goldsmith, the ex-wife of Imran Khan.

UK's MailOnline ran the news with the headline Pakistan PM Imran Khan blames how women dress for rise in rape cases and says 'not everyone has the willpower to avoid it', to which Jemima tweeted:

"I'm hoping this is a misquote/mistranslation. The Imran I knew used to say, 'Put a veil on the man's eyes not on the woman'."

Then she quoted a verse [24:30] from the Holy Quran: "Say to the believing 'men' that they restrain their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is well aware of what they do."

"The onus is on men," she wrote.

Editorial: PM Imran's remarks on sexual violence against women are shockingly insensitive

Prime Minister Imran, in response to a question in his latest telethon, blamed what he described as the “increasing obscenity” in society for the surge in sex crimes against women and children. He maintained that history tells us that when ‘fahashi’ (obscenity) increases in society, sex crimes go up and the family system breaks down.

While admitting that the number of cases of rape and sexual assaults, particularly against children, are much higher than reported, he advised women to observe purdah to protect themselves.

"Such suggestions reflect a warped sense of morality, and insensitivity towards a serious problem. More dangerously, they try and provide justification for the increasing incidence of sexual crimes in Pakistan," noted senior journalist Zahid Hussain in his article.

Meanwhile, a statement signed by representatives of several rights organisations said that Prime Minister Imran had actively fostered and promoted rape culture and rape apologia.

“In a country where the total reported cases of rape represent only the tip of the iceberg, such statements have the effect of further traumatising and silencing survivors of sexual violence by placing the blame on them, instead of on those who carry out the crime and the system that enables rapists,” the statement said.

The statement has been signed by representatives of several rights organisations, including the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, War Against Rape and Pakistan Bar Council’s Journalist Defence Committee.


F Khan Apr 07, 2021 10:17pm
U Turn everywhere.
Sameer Apr 07, 2021 10:17pm
But the question is, is he wrong?
bhaRAT© Apr 07, 2021 10:18pm
'Put a veil on the man's eyes not on the woman'." Spot on.
Laila Apr 07, 2021 10:21pm
Sadly there is no misquote/mistranslation. That is what he said. He may not be the man she used to know. People change. But great that Jemima commented. The absolute beauty of 24:30 is something that is lost on the ignorant mases in Pakistan who are busy worshiping culture based patriarchy and misogyny. True Islam has yet to arrive here. As we have no alternative, I hope PMIK revises his views. Not due to criticism but due to facts and reality.
its me Apr 07, 2021 10:25pm
I hope she read 24:31 where women are guided as well!!
MANSOOR NASIR Apr 07, 2021 10:34pm
The onus is on THE MAN; PMIK.
AHAQ Apr 07, 2021 10:41pm
Sickness of minds always look for excuses.
Ali da Malanga Apr 07, 2021 10:46pm
Truth hurts as usual.
Rach Apr 07, 2021 10:46pm
What can you expect from him.
Wasim Jaweed Apr 07, 2021 10:55pm
@Sameer the answer is he is wrong... the major increase in these crimes are against children, what are these children doing which the pm thinks invites people to rape them..
jaredlee007 Apr 07, 2021 10:57pm
Jemima's response carries wisdom only if people have intellect to understand it. The issue is not about man or woman, it is about controlling temptation as well as not giving reasons to those who wait for opportunities to engage in sex related crimes. Vulgarity does play a role in society's declining values. Basically, both men and women are responsible for practicing good values. If a woman carries cash and jewellery openly she is bound to be robbed. Hope people can read b/w the last two lines of this post.
Ur Apr 07, 2021 11:00pm
Madame Jamima: The dignity with which you have ked your life is true testament to the kind of remarkable women you are. Your stature in the eyes of most Pakistanis has continuously risen. Best wishes from thus end
Ba-Akhlaq Apr 07, 2021 11:05pm
It seems IK's point of view changes with the change of spouse.
Laila Apr 07, 2021 11:05pm
@Sameer well to people who are ignorant and people who rape, he is not wrong. After all he just gave them a blank check to rape with no accountability, because according to him they can't help it. According to reality, scientific facts and Islam he is wrong. But why care about facts when you can make up your own. He did just that.
hh Apr 07, 2021 11:08pm
stop pornography; through internet and also what it is available freely in hafeez center and other major computer centers; that is the fahashi
NYS Apr 07, 2021 11:10pm
Not mistranslated Why are people making this statement controversial???
Naved Murtaza Apr 07, 2021 11:11pm
Ohh Shutup Liberals. What IK is absolute right. Either accept it or move on. I am sick and tired of your stupid comments
Fastrack Apr 07, 2021 11:14pm
Probably the 5th piece on the subject- talk about obsession! Forget everything else he said. Of course! Forget all that he has done for women and men- the NEEDY ones, his services add up to more than all his critics' 'services' put together!
Abida Apr 07, 2021 11:16pm
@Sameer yes 100% WRONG
Abida Apr 07, 2021 11:17pm
He has totally lost his mind. Could be age related.
Jamil Soomro, New York City Apr 07, 2021 11:17pm
My compliments to Imran Khan's Ex-wife Jemima for coming to the forefront in favour of the women of Pakistan. He certainly cannot deny what his ex-wife has mentioned about him.
Parvez Apr 07, 2021 11:21pm
She is spot on right........ and the PM is woefully wrong.
Waheed UK Apr 07, 2021 11:29pm
It is tragic that the point is being missed by arm chair critics of the PM Imran Khan. There is an obligation on MEN and WOMEN on how to dress and behave in public to safeguard their reputation,respect and body from the preying eyes of those who are ignorant to follow the Quranic injunction . You cannot leave your jewellery shop open day and night and still expect nothing to be stolen from it!! Wake up and cease using Western logic and narrative to create promiscuous society based on lust rather than respect for all genders. We must do what is imperative to safeguard ourselves.
Super Duper Apr 07, 2021 11:30pm
@Sameer Disgustingly Wrong!
Mulla Bewaqoof Apr 07, 2021 11:31pm
I would like to see what Reham has to say about this
Chrís Dăn Apr 07, 2021 11:40pm
@Sameer indeed,he is wrong. Millions of women who from childhood till their old age have lived in western clothes,in swimming dresses on beaches have never been raped . IK is mentally sick.
Waheed UK Apr 07, 2021 11:43pm
@Laila It is regrettable that you have shown such ignorance in your comments and whilst I respect your right to express them but it is necessary to educate yourself before exposing your intelligence to others!
Waheed UK Apr 07, 2021 11:48pm
@hh absolutely.....but the fact is there is a segment of society that is deliberately spreading obscenity and lewd behaviour to make it widely acceptable by the masses to achieve their hidden agenda which is to destroy the fabric of society and moral values. Internet especially YouTube and tiktok have been systematically destroying the society and creating sick minds and people!
QURESHI ANJUM PERVEZ Apr 07, 2021 11:57pm
@Waheed UK are you serious? Keep your jewellery shop open? Are you justifying rape? You really do need to re think the whole thing.
k k tiwari Apr 08, 2021 12:04am
Those who are opposing know by their hearts ,he is absolutely correct
Tanvir Khan Apr 08, 2021 12:05am
Same is always my stance, i.e-, educate the eye of the man!
Kemariwala Apr 08, 2021 12:08am
Like any crime, a rape victim cannot be blamed for the causation of the crime. This is a very complex socio psychological enigma, a subject which even the most learned in the subject would tread with caution. It is very important to know when and where to not opine my Dear PM.
Mithidada Apr 08, 2021 12:12am
@Sameer The answer is YES.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 12:14am
@Waheed UK dearest Waheed, it is indeed regrettable that you have shown such ignorance in your comments. The socalled "western logic" was actually revealed in Islam 1400 years ago. It is indeed necessary for you to educate yourself before lecturing others. I stand by what I wrote. It is clear you dont understand what sexual violence is and caused by. Equating women/bodies to jewelry shops, well thank you for exposing your intelligence. I respectfully disagree with you.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 12:17am
@Fastrack can you kindly mention the women specific work or initiative he has done? This is a genuine question as I would like to know. Sourced included would be helpful. Thanks.
D’Souza Apr 08, 2021 12:20am
Disgusting low level thinking and mind set of Pakistani prime minister.
yusaf Apr 08, 2021 12:30am
@F Khan - Have you guys no other 'word' in your vocabulary???
neo Apr 08, 2021 12:30am
@Sameer Yes, he is WRONG. 100%. Protect the weak & don't blame the victims
Qbmx Apr 08, 2021 12:34am
He has his share of it now wants to lock it up for all. selfish IK
Baqir Talpur Apr 08, 2021 12:45am
@Sameer answer is YES.
Uzair Apr 08, 2021 12:47am
Well frankly, we keep the veil on our minds. With that, it doesn't matter whether you put it on the women or men's eyes. The result will be the same. Our society functions on emotions, image and opinions. Not reason or logic. So for all practical purposes, we live in a way closer to a cow or chicken, than what is expected of a human.
El Cid Apr 08, 2021 12:50am
"The onus is indeed on Muslim men". So states the Noble Qur'an. But no doubt the gracious lady is still in love with the Great Khan, at least thinks of him with affection and positivity. Pakistanis should too. They will miss him when he is gone.
El Cid Apr 08, 2021 12:57am
To be fair, PM Khan was talking about marginal men who have been influenced by cultural imports and mindset from India. Real men don't rape. Period!
Ashamed Human Apr 08, 2021 01:03am
@Sameer , Yes he is.. What is he referring to go against what our religion teaches us. Besides, men are not supposed to be animals to "jump" on anyone they deem is not "dressed" correctly. On the same topic, you think the victims of rape are not dressed correctly? Do people in pakistan really walking around in clothes that are revealing? Are there no rapes in rural areas, where women are fully covered? What level of "coverage" is enough for men to refrain themselves? Are steel armors OK for women to be in? Or do you have a different material/coverage in mind?
Farhan Apr 08, 2021 01:07am
Evolutionary Biologists Thornhill and Palmer say that rape can be avoided by less contact between opposite sexes and rape has a sexual angle rather than domination as propounded by feminists
NACParis Apr 08, 2021 01:08am
@D’Souza There nothing disgusting about the comments of the PM. If men are referred to in our holy book, so are restrictions upon women, in particular about their dressing and exposing their bodies. Probably the situation is worst in India.
NINO Apr 08, 2021 01:14am
@Laila Or that matter what has he done for the males or would some, who analyses dispassionately and does not owe purely emotional loyalty to the Khan, put me wise, as to what has he done for the country.
Ibrahim S Apr 08, 2021 01:17am
A short poem by Akbar Allahabadi Be- purdah nazar aayein jo chand biwiyaan Dekh kar Akbar ghairat- e- qaum se garh gaya Poocha ke aapka purdah kidhar gay Boli ki akhl pe mardon ki par gaya. Sorry guys, I couldn't translate it in English to keep the charm. I hope monarch IK will learn something if he study poetry in Aitchison College with NS
Shahzad Apr 08, 2021 01:20am
There's no quick fix to this problem. The only thing that needs to be done is educate the boys of today properly to respect women. I live in UK and women wear whatever they want but most of the times men don't even look at them because the society is educated to give individuals the freedom irrespective of gender.
Desi Apr 08, 2021 01:25am
Dear PM, the problem is lack of punishment and prosecution. Make an example of next case of sexual assault and then repeat it again. You will see a drop in cases. Chhitar de yaar gallan naal nahi mande. Don't blame women please.
Ahsan Gul Apr 08, 2021 01:25am
PM has very high regards of women. Our men on the other hand not. Young men and boy just stand out in streets and corners usually for women to look. We don’t need much energy spent on this issue. After 50+ years we have one PM who cares about public and is honest. Let him work and don’t distract him from the most pressing issues of our country. Sincerely
Sid Apr 08, 2021 01:29am
@MANSOOR NASIR the onus lies on both men and women to behave and act appropriately... men and women should dress modestly and men and women should watch their gaze... both can corrupt and be corrupted.
N_Saq Apr 08, 2021 01:31am
I can never agree with IK's statement and he must either deny it or apologize. To people who are arguing in favor of IK's statement, please know that in Prophets (PBUH) time people will leave their jewelry shops open and go for prayers and nobody dare steal anything or even look in the stores. Similarly, if a woman walk uncovered outside then the men will look the other way and not towards her or run to rape her. IK talks about Riyasat e Medina. Riyasat e medina was not about praying, fasting, haj and zakat and doing everything else wrong i.e. lying, cheating, stealing, bribing, raping, killing etc instead it was about imposition and obeying of law and order, treating every human being equally rich or poor, caring for all and treating all with kindness including the animals, always speaking the truth and doing what is right no matter what the cost. Rape is an abhorrent act and must be condemned no matter what the circumstances, so I expect IK to come forward and do the same.
rajinder sharma Apr 08, 2021 01:33am
@Sameer yes he is wrong.
H Khan Apr 08, 2021 01:41am
@Sameer Yes
arman Apr 08, 2021 01:54am
@jaredlee007 so what you are saying is if woman carries valuable openly its ok to rob her....... t
Faisal Aziz Apr 08, 2021 02:00am
@Sameer yes he’s utterly wrong. The problem is with men and that’s where he should focus, not in the victim.
Skeptic 2 Apr 08, 2021 02:03am
How can anyone take this PM seriously? Guess he has really low IQ to blame innocent victims.
What is the surprise? Apr 08, 2021 02:19am
@Sameer Yes he is wrong. Rape is not a crime of passion. It is a crime of power. Those who rape young children are not doing so because the way the child is dressed. So many women are raped in places where they expect to be safe ie their own home. Also most raids are committed not by strangers but by people whom they know.
What is the surprise? Apr 08, 2021 02:27am
@El Cid “ To be fair, PM Khan was talking about marginal men who have been influenced by cultural imports and mindset from India. Real men don't rape. Period!” Huh? So during the 40 years that Bollywood movies were not being screened in Pakistan, there were no rapes? And in which Bollywood movie have you seen bacche baazi?
A. Waseem Apr 08, 2021 02:32am
@Chrís Dăn You say millions of women never raped what about tens of millions who do get raped in my country usa
Shah Hussain Apr 08, 2021 02:50am
Wish Jamima was our first lady!
Ibrahim S Apr 08, 2021 03:07am
@Abida - here you go: While primarily a respiratory disease, COVID-19 can also lead to neurological problems. The first of these symptoms might be the loss of smell and taste, while some people also may later battle headaches, debilitating fatigue, and trouble thinking clearly, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”
Hasan Mahmood Apr 08, 2021 03:09am
@Sameer yes. If he said what is being quoted then
ali Apr 08, 2021 03:10am
Khan had a colorful live.
Nidz Apr 08, 2021 03:27am
Is he wrong??? Everyone needs to play their part in a society, men and women both need to dress modestly and guard and men need to lower their gaze , I dont know why everything needs to be such a shock??? Well people needs to be educated first i guess the most needed thing in our society is education specially islamic education bcz people dont even know the basics here
Asif Ali Khan Apr 08, 2021 03:33am
Do not fight over Prime Minister 's statement . He was simply narrating how to control the cause and not the symptom of sexual unfortunate events in women and children . If men do their part of good behavior and women do their part ... problem solved . Please give government a chance to govern the country and do not distract them . Thank you .
Waseem, Canada Apr 08, 2021 03:36am
PM said against fahashi. That implies moral standards for both men and women
Ibrahim S Apr 08, 2021 03:37am
@Farhan - Are you suggesting that we should stay away from our sisters , daughters, mothers . By the way please check if you were infected with COVID-19.: [While primarily a respiratory disease, COVID-19 can also lead to neurological problems. The first of these symptoms might be the loss of smell and taste, while some people also may later battle headaches, debilitating fatigue, and trouble thinking clearly, sometimes referred to as “brain fog.”]
Ahmed Apr 08, 2021 03:50am
Women dress modestly here, nor is there obscenity and pornography or 'Fahashi'. The reasons for the high number of rapes and assaults are to be found elsewhere.
Mbhatty Apr 08, 2021 03:58am
It seems Jemima knows more about Islam and how to interpret it better than many so called Islamic scholars in the country. Men have as much and more responsibility as women for rape . Only women Should not be blamed for it.
JRRao Apr 08, 2021 04:07am
Every one has known Imran,s communal attitudes.When Kapil Dev became the highest wicket taker he requested Richard Hadlee to come back from retirement and break his record once agaain.Nothing better is expected of him.
JD Apr 08, 2021 04:10am
I am sure ''Put a veil on the man's eyes not on the woman'." were used when IK was in West and these latest one while he is in Pk. He simply cannot say what he said now in West so opted for hypocrisy.
Khalil Apr 08, 2021 04:10am
Yes the verse 24:30 refers to "believing men". Do you really think those who commit crimes against women and children are true believers?
skb Apr 08, 2021 04:13am
@Laila well said Sister.
Khalil Apr 08, 2021 04:18am
@bhaRAT© agreed and most sensible men and women do, but how do you protect yourself from those who don't want to wear the veil? Is it wrong to ask people to take precautions against these predators?
Roohi Apr 08, 2021 04:18am
@Sameer yes he's totally wrong on this one.
skb Apr 08, 2021 04:19am
@Waheed UK and you are using internet to communicate this message .
A.R. Apr 08, 2021 04:25am
@Sameer A mirror holds the answer your query.
F Ahmad Apr 08, 2021 04:31am
Shame on Pakistan media for misquoting your own Prime Minister. He did not say anything regarding women and how they dress is linked to rape. Journalism at its lowest! This government is actually setting up an Anti rape ordinance committee to protect women and punish rapists.
M. Baber Apr 08, 2021 04:33am
Please also look the next Ayat 24-30 Refers to Men 24-31 Refers Women
THE MORNING STAR, MD. Apr 08, 2021 04:42am
Wow even the EX is a supporter. This man must be worth his weight in gold.
Pakman Apr 08, 2021 04:44am
@its me yes woman are guided but not too the extent a man is! Putting on Burqa and Chaddar is not one of them, dress modestly - a term that is relative to the culture one lives in.
Pakman Apr 08, 2021 04:47am
@Fastrack I am. a huge fan ik, however, let’s call a spade a spade, only way to bring on reform. No doubt IK has made huge contributions towards women well being. Dawn for obvious reasons will not mention.
Waheed UK Apr 08, 2021 04:56am
@QURESHI ANJUM PERVEZ no I am not justifying rape which is a serious and heinous crime and must be punished accordingly. The analogy used is to make people realise that our actions and behaviour have consequences and implications for ourselves as they generate reactions and responses from others.
AJ Apr 08, 2021 05:00am
@Sameer he is....rape is committed by men and not by women who do not cover themselves...
Cosmo Apr 08, 2021 05:08am
@hh U kidding me. Free pornography is the greatest byproduct of Internet. Availability of pornography has no correlation to the rise in rape cases in Pakistan,
Cosmo Apr 08, 2021 05:09am
@El Cid You are one twisted creature !
Waheed UK Apr 08, 2021 05:10am
@Laila dearest Laila let’s agree to disagree as such serious and heinous crime as rape cannot be simplified and discussed in a such a platform where brevity is required . It is imperative that such critical social issues are discussed in the right manner and proper context. Mud slinging is not my hobby nor do condone narrow-mindedness
Cosmo Apr 08, 2021 05:11am
@NACParis Quit reading and believing too much in religious texts and rather apply common sense in these cases.
ELLIOTT NESS Apr 08, 2021 05:14am
Another day, another foolish comment by IK. How about stop tweeting and minding the domestic affair a little more?
Sridhar Raghunath Rao Apr 08, 2021 05:23am
He may not have put the facts in palatable words but the fact can not be denied
Ace Apr 08, 2021 05:25am on, it doesn't get better than this. Thanks for weighing in, Jemima. Respects!!!
Imtiaz Ali Khan Apr 08, 2021 05:38am
@bharat© Yes you are right. IndoPak Blood Brothers 4 Life!
Ibrahim S Apr 08, 2021 05:41am
I didn't hear any comments from cricketer Waseem and his wife
KHAN Apr 08, 2021 05:50am
@bhaRAT© Once there is veil on man’s eye , women will stop dressing , I can bet on this
Ali Humair Apr 08, 2021 05:54am
@Wasim Jaweed you need to watch the clip on Urdu and you will have your answer
Karl Marx Apr 08, 2021 05:59am
@Sameer, yes he is wrong. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it.
asim Apr 08, 2021 06:03am
Triple Talaq to IK from Jemima
Raza Naqvi Apr 08, 2021 06:14am
Jemima has rightly quoted the verse, instead of blaming women such offenses need to be controlled thru prescribed laws.
Malik Apr 08, 2021 06:20am
This male chauvinism must come to an end. Starting from that self assumed champion of enlightened moderation's scandalous remarks that some women in Pakistan plan their rape to facilitate their immigration, to his harassment of Dr Shazia Khalid a rape victim and defence of the rapist, to these irresponsible and insensitive remarks by PM, we had enough. Islam does to subscribe to such male chauvinistic attitudes and puts restrictions on men as much as women.
Niamet Ladak Apr 08, 2021 06:25am
@bhaRAT© True, Bad nazar mardon ki nigahen hoti hae, put a veil on their eyes! Imran certainly has taken a U-Turn after marrying his so called recent wife!
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:38am
@Laila I think you must revise yourself because evidently you have no knowledge of the problem,its causes ,factors involved and none of the so called liberals or as a matter of fact entire West has any solution so far of this problem as the stats of sex crimes in west show.All superficial folks spew venom against imran when he just mentioned on major factor involved in such crimes but the inner hatred against modesty as described by islam is dripping from shallow people particularly so called journalists in Dawn who dont have the abilty to research a problem
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:40am
@Waheed UK so true they are blind to the failure of west in this respect
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:42am
@Chrís Dăn thats why the stats of sex crimes are so high in west
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:44am
@QURESHI ANJUM PERVEZ if you dont understand by examples keep quiet its better for you
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:46am
@Tanvir Khan so why west has been unable to train mens eyes since they have the largest cases of rapes
A Apr 08, 2021 06:46am
U turn as always. In the file phone Now even going back centuries from Salam to Namaste. It might take him long time to come back mentally.
Mehreen Apr 08, 2021 06:47am
@Sameer Right in what? that rapists are violent predators who have no self-control?
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:48am
@Laila you took literal meaning of example babe there is a deeper real meaning to it so its better you shut up to hide your dumbness
LUBNA BEG Apr 08, 2021 06:51am
@Farhan yes bro but they dont research
Gurcharan Apr 08, 2021 06:54am
@Sameer "But the question is, is he wrong?" Koi shaq?
JM Apr 08, 2021 07:07am
The PM does have a valid argument for women to refrain from dressing up in a wild manner. It does have a positive effect on the society. Though men need to be trained as they reach there teens that women are not to be violated. It's a double edge sword. Both sides of the argument need to be worked on to arrive at a conducive solution for the betterment of the society, overall.
Tasvir-e-Buttan Apr 08, 2021 07:08am
@Farhan Is that what your mother taught you?
Jehan Apr 08, 2021 07:10am
Jemima, look at whom he chose to marry as his third wife. He is ofcourse a completely different man.
Pak obsession Apr 08, 2021 07:13am
Pakistan is a dangerous country for women
Hashim Apr 08, 2021 07:19am
I think people are making a lot of this statement. He is not wrong. Vulgarity has permeated in our society at every level. Its not just the internet and social media anymore, just look at what we are portraying daily in our own TV serials. Every drama is about an affair, either in university or in office or among neighbours, and in some cases even among the same household. And it makes it even worse when it is an extra-marital affair, and its displayed as something to be proud of. We are just putting the wrong ideas into the minds of people. Also, why is it that whenever someone cries about vulgarity or shamelessness, women start shouting that they or their dress code are being targeted? When they do that, they implicitly accept that they are at fault.
SidC Apr 08, 2021 07:34am
@Sameer yes he is wrong. Or looting others property is legit if they are not properly guarded.
maqy Apr 08, 2021 07:38am
Sad comment indeed! What about crimes against children? Emphasis should be on punishing the perpetrators of sexual violence ......
Firangi Apr 08, 2021 07:39am
@Sameer Absolutely wrong I am afraid
A Apr 08, 2021 07:41am
Fahashi can be openly seen by whole world on Pakistani tiktok.
Hasmukh dave Apr 08, 2021 07:42am
@Waheed UK if you are from UK, then please leave UK and move to KSA
Usman Bahadur Apr 08, 2021 07:43am
For a change, I am in complete agreement with Janab Imran Khan Saheb.
Zak Apr 08, 2021 07:45am
PMIK explanation was misunderstood in his explanation.
Zak Apr 08, 2021 07:46am
@Rach What can you expect from him. Alot. Very capable PM.
Malik Apr 08, 2021 07:47am
I wish jemima was our First Lady!!! What a great woman she is. I love her and miss her. Love you jemima khan.
Gretekan Apr 08, 2021 07:55am
Such an amazing man, yet you divorced him. Wonder why...
Life is beautiful Apr 08, 2021 08:10am
@Ashamed Human He did not say the victim was not properly dressed that why she get raped. He said Imdoest dressing may inclined other toward wrong doing. By the way we cannot enforce our ideas on others. It is upto you to agree or not. However, I do completely agree With IK
The truth Apr 08, 2021 08:10am
Why is IK doing Namaste in this pic? Looks like he is doing it naturally.
Dr. Madhusudhan Reddy Tokala Apr 08, 2021 08:12am
Heko Apr 08, 2021 08:15am
According to a survey, 55 percent men and 41 percent women in the UK have the same opinion as the PM, in a country where there are ample laws and the literacy rate is way higher than what we have here.
Fareed Apr 08, 2021 08:15am
What PM teaches others don’t practice at home, shows sick mentality
Dr. Madhusudhan Reddy Tokala Apr 08, 2021 08:15am
Ex—Wife of PM’s popularity increased incredibly. She is now good to lead Pakistan
Ahmed Apr 08, 2021 08:17am
Imran is known for his U turns. Now he is married to a different woman. Hence he has a different tone now.
Cholas Apr 08, 2021 08:24am
@jaredlee007 Women carrying jewelry in Dubai do not get robbed. Wrong assumption based on your local scenario. See where the problem lies?
Cholas Apr 08, 2021 08:25am
@D’Souza Prime Minister is only a reflection of the majority in a democracy.
Cholas Apr 08, 2021 08:26am
@NACParis More disgusting than the PM. A crime is not justified by blaming the victim and showing a different verse.
Mansur Ul Haque Apr 08, 2021 08:34am
Modern world want women should wear minimal dress. Why don't they make movement that women are deprived for their right of inheritance from property. They should have the right of education. Men should lower their gaze when walking in front on women. All women should be respected. In Pakistan in any counter , for example , bill payment, buying of ticket, there is separate line for women and they are given priority in performing their matters.
Kris Apr 08, 2021 08:40am
@Waheed UK Sorry, your analogy is woefully wrong. It is not the open shop that is being looted. It is the closed shops that are being forcibly looted, and even worse - completely unsuspecting children.
Asif Apr 08, 2021 08:46am
That’s how they quote verses. Pick and chose. Not in it’s entirety. Does she knows what is written for women?
Dr. Madhusudhan Reddy Tokala Apr 08, 2021 08:55am
If men are veiled the sexual violence can reduce a lot... PM should know it and make it into a law if you can.
bioscope Apr 08, 2021 09:17am
in Pakistan the abuse & rape of children is very high, probably highest globally. Instead of drawing attention to that, both IK's comments and the reactions to that seem focused only on the dress code.
Syed Irfan Ali Apr 08, 2021 09:33am
IK must issue a statement that clarifies his views on the issue of rape as what he said make no sense. How can he blame the victim for a heinous crime like rape?
sarim alvi Apr 08, 2021 09:44am
You rock !
madan Apr 08, 2021 09:46am
When motorway rape happened last year in Pakistan,I butmran khan said,the punishment to the perpetrators will not be ordinary but itwill be examplary.
j vikram Apr 08, 2021 09:55am
@Waheed UK most rape cases in Pakistan are to children. so kindly shut up and keep your moronic opinions to yourself
Irfan ul Huq Apr 08, 2021 10:03am
@Sameer Yes he is wrong there is no study stating that most of the studies and data are that rape is committed mostly by men also by women and most of them they know their victims
Irfan ul Huq Apr 08, 2021 10:04am
@F Khan He has been a u turn person for long time now he is it flip flop man
ali Apr 08, 2021 10:05am
Men are asked to keep their eyes down and women are asked cover their body. Both have to act in certain way in order to prevent from mishap. This is not one way act both have to act accordingly. Obscenity is one of the reason among other for increasing rapes cases. Easily available porn obscenity pressurize the mind of weak person and then whoever comes in his way he attempt to quench that thirst regardless of a gender age or type. But liberals will not accept that fact.
Royal Pain Apr 08, 2021 10:22am
Everyone in Saudi Arabia observes pardah and there is a rape happening there almost every day.
SATT Apr 08, 2021 10:22am
The woman is heart broken and betrayed.
Ravi vancouver Apr 08, 2021 10:30am
@its me Sir' this is the problem, anytime men are told their duties as per great Islam, they point to duties of women and ignore their duties in relation with women as per their Islamic duties. Clerics and Mullahs need to work on this aspect as it is their primary moral and religious responsibility towards Islam.
Syed Khan Apr 08, 2021 10:37am
While sexual violence is a criminal act (and it cannot be justified/rationalized as any other thing) deserving a harsh deterrent/punishment for the perpetrator, yet the issue cannot (should not) be detached from the other factors such as objectifying/revealing clothing of men, repeat MEN, and women. It is easily agreed that stealing money or jewelry is a crime, yet it should not (must not) be lying open in the public without any security and safeguard (yet it the act of stealing it is not considered justified). Above all, the issue of sexual violence, like any other issues, must always be analyzed according to Islamic teachings as Pakistan is a constitutionally Islamic republic.
SATT Apr 08, 2021 10:38am
@k k tiwari you know in your heart that he is sick.
ali Apr 08, 2021 10:38am
Obscenity is not only women dress but the pornography, loose content on internet, vulgur stories on youtube is also obscenity and this all contributes towards rape. An average sane man doesn't rape even to a half naked women. But mentally sick and low men can do that after effected from those mentioned above sources.
SATT Apr 08, 2021 10:39am
If you can't win heart of a woman you have no right talk about her clothes.
Amrit Amjad Apr 08, 2021 10:40am
Till parents change the way they are bringing up our boys, nothing will change. Most rapes are done by ignored children, who are not guided properly by their parents. They grow up to become rapists, serial killers etc etc.
Mehmood Apr 08, 2021 11:03am
Salam PM just mentioned one reason and did not say that men are total free from Islamic point of view and women are responsible for this crime. I think some people have problem with the word Fahashi they want Fahashi in the society and they din not like PMs remarks against their favorite thing. PMs words has nothing to do with blaming the victim as some people misunderstood. As for as Islamic teachings are concern, Islam gives respect to the women the most and punishes those who commit rape crime and do not tolerate bad behavior with women.
AbdulSultan Apr 08, 2021 11:04am
Girl aged 8 years are also raped. Clothing does not give a licence to man to rape. If your wife is fully covered it is is her business not yours. Those who rape believe they have right to rape . Hang them with in 15 days if rape is proved
Anon Apr 08, 2021 11:23am
@El Cid lol, now your life is complete as you have blamed the neighbors
Chrís Dăn Apr 08, 2021 11:32am
@Ashamed Human how to upvote you with 1,000 votes? You wrote the truth and only truth.
Arsalan Alvi Apr 08, 2021 11:53am
Nothing said by IK is controversial, its pretty straight forwad logical stuff. When you fuse sexual content into the socity and objectify women through media, you essentially creat sexual furstration, you distroy the social fabric, India and its bollywood are prime example.
masood hussain Apr 08, 2021 11:56am
Such cases are bound to go up when you let the perpetrators to go unpunished.
Kool Apr 08, 2021 11:56am
Let women decide what is good for them . Stop religion to force thoughts on any one. Education is helpful let them get educated , let them work in society and their own wisdom to decide life.
Naseem Khan Apr 08, 2021 11:58am
@Wasim Jaweed : the skewed mind
masood Apr 08, 2021 11:58am
Well done Jamima
kp Apr 08, 2021 12:17pm
This is your PM? who dont have simple knowhow that how to address leader of opposition, Foreign dignitaries and burning all bridges? The destruction he has caused will take decades to undo by succeeding PMs
Aurangzeb Abdali Apr 08, 2021 12:40pm
I, like many others are appalled by his comments, I expected better from him, especially as he was known as a womaniser in his younger years. Let's pray that Pakistan will not become infamous for rape as our peaceful "neighbours" are known
fida Apr 08, 2021 12:50pm
The man Imran Khan has gone Bizarre, he has not only lost his senses, but the company he keeps, although of a women has made him from a secular man into a man who hates woman.
MRS YURUB M DAHIR Apr 08, 2021 01:29pm
This man ,most of his life remained in West/UK, where to his words ''Fahashi'', is common. Did, Cricketing World Tom Boy felt urge to rape those who were involved in Fahashi. I don't think so. He was having sexual relations with consent instead.
Dan Apr 08, 2021 01:35pm
@Sameer yes mate, what exactly is the 5 year old wearing that gets sexually abused?
F Nawaz Apr 08, 2021 01:51pm
Liberals are one sided they needs to grow up a bit.
F Nawaz Apr 08, 2021 01:52pm
@F Khan this is not for you kid
Waheed UK Apr 08, 2021 01:57pm
@j vikram it must be pointed out that little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Don’t take things out of context and ignore the root causes of heinous crimes which occur in all societies. In order to eliminate serious and heinous crimes it is necessary to eradicate the root causes that give rise to them
Erum Aziz Apr 08, 2021 02:56pm
Women state that they have been raped in year 2020 Africa: South Africa with 132.4 percent. Botswana with 92.90 percent Lesotho with 82.70 percent Swaziland with 77.50 percent South Armerica: Suriname with 45.20 percent Costa Rica with 36.70 percent Nicaragua with 31.60 percent Grenada with 30.60 percent Asia: Bangladesh has 11,682 incidents per 100,000 citizen. India has 22,172 incidents per 100000 citizen. China aprox. 40 percent. Japan has 1,289 incidents per 100,000 citizen. USA has 84,767 incidents per 100,000 citizen. Russia has 2,907 incidents per 100,000 citizen. Europe: Sweden with 67.30 percent England with 63 percent Ireland with 41 percent Norway with 37 percent Scotland with 34 percent Belgium with 29 percent Denmark with 22 percent France with 20 percent Finnland with 20 percent Luxembourg with 145 percent Austria with 14 percent Estonia with 11 percent Ireland with 11 percent Germany with 9 percent Netherland with 8 percent etc etc
Laila Apr 08, 2021 02:57pm
@Waseem, Canada Fahashi should not be linked to rape. There is no link. Rape predates pornography, Hollywood, Bollywood, Lollywood, film. Social scientists, behavioral scientists, psychologists, evolutionary biologists contradict that rape is a result of Fahashi. If this was true every criminal could claim "lack of will power" and self control and justify his crime.
Erum Aziz Apr 08, 2021 03:05pm
Rape cases in Pakistan are low because of strong family system, cultural and customs. Besides women are mostly moving with their families members. In western countries married or unmarried women enjoys night life with their friends... In Pakistan it is not like that.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 03:14pm
Until people are educated on what sexual violence is, that it predates all religions and modern entertainment and vulgarity, and how clothes or home confinement won't curb rape, and what consent is, this nation will stay ignorant and rape will remain a daily day occurance. Linking Fahashi (immorality/vulgarity) to rape is just ignorance.
Vikas Apr 08, 2021 03:37pm
@NYS "Not mistranslated Why are people making this statement controversial??" Exactly. In an Islamic state this statement is absolutely clear and correct. What is the controversy?
RRL Apr 08, 2021 04:01pm
@Sameer - of course he is! Are men so weak that they have to rape and murder to get what they want?
Ahmed Apr 08, 2021 04:30pm
Firstly, the leaders in politics and society have to set an example of decency and morality themselves. Those who don't are guilty of hypocricy. Secondly, the law on such assaults must be strictly enforced. Both these elements are missing.
Choo Tian Apr 08, 2021 04:50pm
Well , need two hands to clap, so onus is both on men and women.
Asif Akbar Apr 08, 2021 05:04pm
@hh did he talk about that fhashi ? Then, whoever's goes to net, does he get a licence to be a criminal. ? What logic provides him legal safety on behalf of net in the hafeez centre..And finally, let us assume fhashi is the biggest reason, so, isn't it his duty to stop it. Should not he do something to curb whatever is the reason
Chrís Dăn Apr 08, 2021 05:10pm
@Erum Aziz Pakistan and India do not record rapes.
Chrís Dăn Apr 08, 2021 05:17pm
@A. Waseem in a country of billions,a few rapes.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 06:09pm
@Choo Tian so if you as a male are abducted and raped/sodomized by other males, which happens, that's your own fault too? of course you know that men are raped too. Good to know.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 06:11pm
@Erum Aziz that is just denial on your part. Rape numbers are low in Pakistan because people hesitate to report due to family pressure, honor/izzat and social stigma. This is a fact that is well established. I don't understand why you won't look this up but instead just make up explanations.
well-wisher Apr 08, 2021 06:55pm
Restrains by men and women is imperative. Rape is CRIME that must entail punishment. Such crimes against children should entail even harsher punishments. Modesty in public is very important.
well-wisher Apr 08, 2021 06:58pm
@bhaRAT© Not quite, bhaRAT. Attracting attention by suggestive clothing is not acceptable.
well-wisher Apr 08, 2021 07:08pm
@QURESHI ANJUM PERVEZ No he is not justifying rape.
Ali Sabir Apr 08, 2021 07:10pm
Those who stopped at verse 24.30 should also read just the one next to it i.e. 24.31 which reads "And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not to expose their adornment except that which appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not to expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons”
Laila Apr 08, 2021 07:34pm
@Waheed UK i only responded you how you addressed me. I can certainly agree to disagree with you. If you want to see mudd slinging, narrow mindedness and personal attacks, look above for Lubna Begs comment. This is sadly the level of people who feel threatened if somebody disagrees with them. I feel you were at least not aggressive with me. And for that I thank you. Tolerance is a virtue lost on most Pakistanis and it is sad. But that is a different topic altogether. I wish you a good evening.
Erum Aziz Apr 08, 2021 07:36pm
@Chrís Dăn Pakistan has low number of rape cases. Whereas Prostitution is legal in India. Who will register rape cases? According to UNAIDS there were aprox. 1,057,829 prostitutes in India in 2020. Don't compare Pakistan with India.
Imran Apr 08, 2021 07:52pm
Islam is the faith of absolute balance. . hence Islam puts the onus on both men and women. . one cant expect men to lower their eyes but ignore if women are involved in any indecent acts. .
Waheed UK Apr 08, 2021 08:42pm
@skb little knowledge is a dangerous thing....there are always uses and abuses and my references were to the abuses of internet and not uses! You cannot deal with the problems unless you eradicate the root causes that give rise to them.
Waheed UK Apr 08, 2021 09:00pm
@Hasmukh dave thanks to demonstrating the heights of your intelligence but you are in no position to lecture others wonder Delhi is the rape capital of the world!
Waheed UK Apr 08, 2021 09:08pm
@Laila rape is unfortunately not reported to Police for various reasons because of the way Police deal with them as well as many other personal and social reasons but this is ubiquitous and not just an issue in Pakistan. Rape is a heinous crime but it is also used as a tool to make false accusation to take revenge etc by sick minded people. It is a serious and grave issue that requires serious discourse and debate to eradicate it through education and reform and not trivialising it
Seemi Ahmad Apr 08, 2021 10:10pm
@bhaRAT© No he is right The way Pakistani female, no all but certain class dress up the way to invite men
Laila Apr 09, 2021 12:55am
@Erum Aziz Pakistan has low number of rape cases because of social stigma, ostracism, blame and shame by society. Even PMIKs aid that the number of reports rapes don't even amount to 1% of the actual number.
AAhmed Apr 09, 2021 01:15am
@Waheed UK yes you can have your jewelry shop open day and night in a civilized society and nothing can happen if law is held supreme by citizen. Dont you walk pass the sweet shop while craving for some to eat but not enter the shop and not grab what ever your hands gets on. Ever wonder why? Because you know that just the enticing display of those inviting sweets does not allow you to steal. Plus you also know consequences. So why can't you understand that an inviting display of woman's "ornaments" does not give you license to rape her. Just like stealing goods, rape is forcefully violating one's honor and respect is a heinous crime even if that person is a prostitute. Murder of a man who is a criminal is not an acceptable justification either. If you commit a crime it's your crime you can not justify it by decharacterizing the victim.
Laila Apr 09, 2021 01:47am
@Seemi Ahmad unless the woman consents by verbally inviting the man to engage in fornication with him, there is no invitation a fif the man forces her, it's rape. Kindly stop promoting rape myths and understand what consent is.
Laila Apr 09, 2021 01:53am
@Imran in Islam the onus of rape is on the rapists. You would know that if you had studied Islam in depth. And yes, a man can lower his gaze at all times. It's not hard at all. Just ljke when women lower her gaze when passing stranger guys who harass and catcall her (indecent acts by the guys). If she is engaged in indecent acts, why are you even there. Walk away and pray for her. It still does not give your permission to rape her.
Aurat March Apr 09, 2021 01:54am
Rape cannot be justified however the order to cover and lower gaze also exists for both; males and females. So stop blaming one outta two. Both need to practice restraint.
chaud Apr 09, 2021 08:13am
@Asif Ali Khan BS. BS BS. Notice all the men defending Khan's lack of understanding RAPE. It is not the clothes! It's the lack of education of boys to men in a society ruled by men & lacking the respect for women as equal. The fear instilled in men in your society that they must control women to be safe is wrong. Their fear is causing them to not only rape women but children as well. They rape their young boys & damage them for life. How can a damaged boy become a respectful man? Get your house in ordder. Punish men who rape women & children. Put them in jail; they are sex offenders & criminals! Look to the mines in Balouchistan & protect the young boys from becoming prostitutes to help their families who send them away from home to earn money any way they can.
Hajra Apr 09, 2021 09:31am
@Sameer yes, he is wrong.
Syed Khan Apr 09, 2021 09:52am
The problem with Jemima is that she, like many others, only shows one side of the coin, which favors her point of view. She should have (as her ethical duty) mentioned the Qurani verses stipulating the modesty of women (and men).
Adnan Mazher Khan Apr 09, 2021 01:58pm
The character shown by Ms. Jemima is unmatched and unthinkable for women in our part of world. Hats off for clarity of thoughts and standing behind your ex-husband.
bhaRAT© Apr 09, 2021 03:08pm
@Seemi Ahmad If you were on a beach in a Western country, I dread to think what you would end up doing!!
Laila Apr 09, 2021 06:05pm
@Aurat March are you seriously calling yourself aurat March and at the same time saying women and other rape victims should be blamed for their rapes? Seriously? When a man commits a rape, then he and only he is to blame. No means no. You do not force your genitalia into the body of another person if they don't want it. That's called rape. For the love of all things sacre, stop blaming rape on the victims. There is only one party to blame. The rapist!
Laila Apr 09, 2021 06:06pm
@bhaRAT© I dread the same thing. I can't even process how people still subscribe to well known and debunked rape myths. We must veil children, animals, corpses in graves, young boys and men too. Because they all get raped.
Laila Apr 09, 2021 08:12pm
@Farhan why are you promoting a FRINGE THEORY which has recieved scathing criticism and debunking by their academic peers? Why not mention that and that their theory has too many weaknesses, flaws (theoretical and methodological both) and fails to explain sexual aggression. Their theory claims rape is ONLY sexual, and only younger females are psychologically effected by rape, older women are not because they can't have children, and that all men are potential rapists who simply can't help it. Is that what you believe too about yourself? It is insulting to both men and women. Their adaption theory also discounts the fact that men, boys, children and even animals are raped too. One critic is evolutionist biologist, Jerry A Coyne, who called their theory as irresponsible and the worst of evolutionary biology. Another critic is Elisabeth Lloyd, who detailed the flaws in their theory and their evolutionary biology. Amusingly P&T like you also think all opposition can only be feminist.
Laila Apr 10, 2021 12:10am
@Waheed UK dead Waheed, there are indeed many reasons why Pakistani victims don't report rape. Our track record of (mis)treating rape victims speaks for itself. Society will shame, blame, accuse her for seeking fame and nobody will marry her. The corrupt and anti woman judicial system/the courts and police will rape her all over again. It was only this year that the vulgar misogynistic ignorant two finger test was abolished. Remember, though illegal, our police can even refuse to file a FIR, especially if somebody well connected, influential, rich or famous is being accused. No FIR, no case. No Pakistani victim especially female has anything to "gain" from reporting rape. But she stands to lose everything. Including her "honor"/reputation including those of her family. There is no compensation system in Pakistan for victims of rape. So false accusation may apply in the West, not in Pakistan. Rape is a heinous and unjustifiable crime and a sin, with only one to blame: the rapist.
Laila Apr 10, 2021 08:10pm
Dear Waheed, I did not mean to call you dead. I wrote Dear but auto correct changed it.
Laila Apr 10, 2021 08:32pm
@Erum Aziz "in Western countries married or unmarried women enjoys nightlife with their friends... In Pakistan it is not like that" Do you see the problem with such blanket statements? Perhaps you haven't had much exposure to other societies and culture. How would you feel if a westerner wrote similar about Pakistani men or women? Also understand that no people are homogenous. West is home to many people, including millions of Muslims. Indirectly you are accusing them of the same things. Also know that in Islam neither stereotypes, nor suspicion/false accusations allowed. In Pakistan, many (not all) men enjoy nightlife with their friends. The fun is often beyond Islamic bounderies (roaming streets with no purpose, harassment of females pedestrians, engaging in homosexual sex (even if married w kids), mujara and stage shows, watching erotic movies, alcohol, drugs, visiting prostitutes and other immoralities). But you never mentioned this even. The world is not black and white.
Truth be told Apr 10, 2021 11:25pm
@Pakman of course. Good you talked. Now, as per our culture, is modesty being followed overall?
Truth be told Apr 10, 2021 11:32pm
@AbdulSultan you are responsible for your family's attired, includes yourself, your wife, your daughters and kids. You are the Shepherd.
Erum Aziz Apr 11, 2021 10:56am
@Laila I am the world of societies Pakistani bibi. I am not a Pakistani... Mind you.. You are just sitting on sofas, go and work like an european woman in workshop, laundry, companies and firms and than complain about rape and start protesting for woman right in Pakistan. Barbies sitting in their AC homes are complaining against men behaviour and think about women rights. What a society...
Haseeb Apr 11, 2021 04:30pm
Such a misleading media now a days , just to get a cheap popularity they go so low. I was listening to Imran Khan live and at no point he blamed a women. He said used the word “vulgarity” and said that when vulgarity increases it damages family system, now ask ur selfself if he said anything wrong . Media played a shameless role here.
Erum Aziz Apr 11, 2021 04:51pm
@Laila Your PM is not asking you to change your religion abuse your customs or your culture, it is you you are abusing your culture, custom and religion. Are you in search of 'Jemima's attention' may be looking for some gold? A nation who fails to respect itself can't gain respect in other eyes. Respect everything you country has, be proud that you are a Pakistani, be proud that your Army lives and stand it any time with you, be proud that you gain a leader like Imran Khan. I fail to understand Pakistanis, they come to their own plateform and abusing their country, culture, customs even religion. Your culture is good, your family system is good and you people are after your religion and culture. Strange very strange.
arfan aslam khan Apr 11, 2021 10:00pm
NO matter HOW a women dress,it does not allow any man to make ANY sort od comments and IF they treat a women badly HE MUST be punished for his WRONG DOINGS,women should have freedom to dress as they wants.SHAME on these men.