
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's White In The Flag highlights the stories of Pakistan's minorities

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's White In The Flag highlights the stories of Pakistan's minorities

The project aims to become a resource used to understand the state of minorities in the country.
30 Mar, 2021

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy has launched a multi-year project to educate people about minorities in Pakistan and uplift their stories.

Called White In The Flag, the project informs people about minorities in Pakistan, the issues they face, the legislation used against them and how to help.

"This is a SOC Films project, a multi year project that will keep growing. It stems from Quaid-e-Azam's vision of creating a Pakistan that is tolerant, free and acceptable for all. We hope it grows into a resource used by us and everyone to understand the state of minorities in our country," reads the About page on the website.

"It is in the context of this modern, post-truth world we live in, that we felt a need to create a website that could act as a repository and keep track of all the integral communities that make up the white of the flag, without whom Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan will always remain incomplete."

On her Instagram, Obaid Chinoy described the website as an interactive website that aims to serve as a platform for students, activists, and legislators to come together and be able to discuss possible solutions to the various problems religious minorities in Pakistan face while providing a detailed record of the past, present, and future.

The website has a section on minority stories in which it features films and podcasts on minorities. These include Representations of Minorities in the Media: Ahmadis, Representations of Minorities in the Media: The Mandir, the Defender, Minorities and Social Pariahism, Minorities and Section 295-C, The Story of Abdul Sattar Edhi and Kulsoom Hazara, the Karate Wonder.

The White In The Flag also has a section on human rights defenders, both living and dead. It features short write-ups on Asma Jehangir, Jogendra Nath Mandal, John Joseph, Rashid Rehman, Salman Taseer, Shahbaz Bhatti, Arafat Mazhar, Jibran Nasir, IA Rehman, Peter Jacob, Hina Jilani, Veerji Kohli, Paul Bhatti, Haroon Sarab Diyal, Saif ul Malook, Romana Bashir and Jalila Haider.

Issues such as forced conversions and marriages, land grabbing, target killings, neighbourhood arsonry and mob attacks, media representation and the blasphemy law are also highlighted, as are the punishments for the law.

White In The Flag is a comprehensive collection of information on minorities in Pakistan and will hopefully make people more aware of an important section of our population.


Tumgan Dulogho Mar 30, 2021 11:55am
Stay safe! This is not going to down well and will no doubt be considered ‘enemy agenda’!
Kirtan Varasia Mar 30, 2021 11:58am
Commendable project. Wish you all the best
Super Duper Mar 30, 2021 12:05pm
About to sell commodity which westerners love.
kashif ajaz Mar 30, 2021 12:12pm
SOC should also show positive side of Pakistan sometimes as well.
Mushahid Mar 30, 2021 12:25pm
Who is her sponsor?
Am8n Mar 30, 2021 12:32pm
She wants cheap publicity she's making as though its really bad .well not as bad as our neighbouring countries like India or China or any wester countries.. get real women.
Fraz Mar 30, 2021 12:36pm
Way to make money: NGO, movies, easy money, fame
badar Mar 30, 2021 12:40pm
expected this from her, its a bread and butter for her to defame Pakistan
Mehreen Chandan Mar 30, 2021 12:42pm
Excellent initiative! I as a Muslim commend her efforts to work with the minorities within Pakistan. Could Sharmeen also highlight positive stories within Pakistan which show inter-community harmony?
Shahdab Mar 30, 2021 01:13pm
Country bashing. This is how she makes her living.
Parvez Mar 30, 2021 01:17pm
This lady is doing really good work .... thank you Dawn for this news.
Sharjeel Syed Mar 30, 2021 01:31pm
Ms Obaid never talks about Dr Afia Siddiqui in American jail. what a coincidence?
Sharjeel Syed Mar 30, 2021 01:32pm
@kashif ajaz, that wont sell
Sharjeel Syed Mar 30, 2021 01:33pm
@Mehreen Chandan will she ever talk about Dr. Afia Siddiqui?
Atif Mar 30, 2021 01:54pm
These kind of people are shame for pakistan
Shahbaz Ahmed Tarar Mar 30, 2021 02:07pm
Yes, there are some negativities in our society but have some positive sides too, but this woman can never see positive face of Pakistan.. she is half blind...
Zak Mar 30, 2021 02:10pm
@Tumgan Dulogho Stay safe! This is not going to down well and will no doubt be considered ‘enemy agenda’! See it before commenting.
Tipoo Mar 30, 2021 02:14pm
This girl has nothing to show but issues. Once a while something good will also do
Chris Roberts Mar 30, 2021 02:35pm
@Mehreen Chandan Inter-community harmony does exist, but the sad reality remains that there are serious and life-threatening issues that minorities have to deal with that have not been given much attention and are never adequately dealt with. The current laws that are in place can make interactions between minority and majority communities quite problematic, as no one wants to end up suffering the consequences of being falsely accused of blasphemy, which is known to occur. The minorities' significant contributions to Pakistan are often downplayed and overlooked. For example, during the turbulent period right after Partition, it was the Goan Catholic and the Parsi communities who rose to the occasion to keep things going in Karachi, especially with regard to administration and education. Yet neither of these communities was given the recognition they so rightly deserved. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy should be applauded for launching this meaningful project that can make a big difference.
Imran khan Mar 30, 2021 03:33pm
@Mehreen Chandan she won’t get funded for that and in any case no one in the west wants to listen to any positive news about poor countries
Anwar Mar 30, 2021 03:35pm
Keep it up! In the long run those who questioned the status quo and raised their voice for the exploited will be remembered. All those calling this foreign agenda, showing the dark side only, or want these issues brushed under the carpet are not well-wishers of this country.
Adnan Mar 30, 2021 03:39pm
She knows what to sell to the West
SAk Mar 30, 2021 03:54pm
I hope she has some plan to follow up on her previous projects as well. Talking about negative aspects is fine but no follow up and leaving it for others to fix will not improve much.
Raza Mar 30, 2021 04:21pm
With such a talent of developing videos globally we are wondering when will Ms. Sharmeen initiate a documentary on positives in Pakistan there is so much to build upon. Numerous visionaries and luminaries in Pakistan can help you with data take the initiative and that too will receive an international and national award.
Liam Mar 30, 2021 04:52pm
@Super Duper what is that supposed to mean ? Respect for fellow human beings is only something loved by the western world ?
Ga Mar 30, 2021 05:08pm
The White in My Flag would have sounded better as a title
Faiz Mar 30, 2021 05:37pm
Keep up the great work Sharmeen.
Faiz Mar 30, 2021 05:37pm
@Super Duper She is showing us the mirror, which we hate.
R Mar 30, 2021 05:41pm
Disgraced and narcissistic Medusa, whose food is to defame others
Sami Mar 30, 2021 06:41pm
People do not understand the idea behind the design of Pakistan’s flag. Need to educate people on the meaning behind their own flag design- sad, but necessary in today’s monolithic society.
Syed Mar 30, 2021 07:17pm
Another effort to attain personal goal of fame and money
Baloch Voice Mar 30, 2021 07:31pm
She is playing a dangerous game, bracketing Shias with other Non-Muslim minorities she is reinforcing Sipah Sahaba's narrative, someone should explain this to here if she is not doing it deliberately
Chrís Dăn Mar 30, 2021 07:39pm
@Shahbaz Ahmed Tarar what is positive face? That we make our christian cleaners sit on floor? We call these christian cleaners"choorhis". We make fun on their face when they clean our homes? Firced marriage apart- you do not allow your christian cleaner to sit on chair next to you.what you are talking about?
Abraham Haque Mar 30, 2021 07:55pm
@badar Pakistan has done a wonderful job of defaming herself she does not need to do that as Bulleh Shah said, “Awain roz shatan nal lards Kaser nafas apney nal larya nahin.” Truth is always painful
Aamir Saeed Harel Mar 30, 2021 08:49pm
Waiting to see When She makes a documentary on SINGLE mothers in Europe and how much she is AWARDED
Ziaulhaq Khan Mar 30, 2021 08:58pm
she must be banned in Pakistan as she always portrays the negative aspects of this beautiful country just to please her western bosses.Pakistan has thousands of Plus sides too and i challenger her to utilize all her energy to make such a documentary and i see who appreciates or even tolerate that in the intolerant west.As a Pakistani i strongly condemn her anti Pakistani rhetoric and request my government to ban her for keeps
Truthbetold Mar 30, 2021 09:39pm
White in the flag doesn’t share stories of 50+ Pakistani Christian musicians coming together to release a gospel album. Or the stories of thriving Christian schools attended by all faith groups, or the fact that in Lahore church bells ring as loud as the Athan. The issues must be brought to the forefront but if you only show the dark side, where’s the hope?
Sardar Mar 30, 2021 10:11pm
Brave woman, your work ought to evoke feelings of compassion and equality to help out the ignored and the oppressed. One Pakistan for everyone, different faiths but a shared homeland for all. No concept of a minority or majority. Only equality in creation, and equality in citizenship.
Tasvir-e-Buttan Mar 30, 2021 11:24pm
@Abraham Haque Love you man.
Tasvir-e-Buttan Mar 30, 2021 11:25pm
@Chris Roberts Beautifully said.
Naeem Husain Mar 30, 2021 11:54pm
Right on the money Mr. Sardar! Pakistan is for all faith!
Abraham Haque Mar 31, 2021 03:24am
@Super Duper jingoism has not solved any problems in Pakistan
Syed Nazim Mar 31, 2021 04:36am
I will request Ms Chinoy to write and film success storys of Sattar Edhis , surgeon Rizvi and Citizens foundation and many more like them.
Kounj Odho Mar 31, 2021 06:20am
Wonderful project. How to contact you. Shermeen Chinoy
Rehman Mansoor Mar 31, 2021 06:34am
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy will be more popular in the world when she writes a book about the missing person :)
Nas Mar 31, 2021 07:41am
@Super Duper this commodity is called tolerance and respecting others . Which is scarce in Pakistan. People like you we have to tolerate.
haid Mar 31, 2021 04:54pm
@Super Duper looks like whenever someone criticizes about pakistan, it is always because they are on a cia payroll
haid Mar 31, 2021 04:55pm
looks like whenever someone criticizes pakistan it is always because they are on a cia payroll , huh
Sana Mar 31, 2021 11:42pm
@Super Duper why reporting on sad state of Minorities becomes ' for the west"? shouldn't you be concerned about your minorities shouldn't you be praising and supporting this project?
Sana Mar 31, 2021 11:42pm
@kashif ajaz in case of minorities there IS no positive side to show
AZAM AKBAR Apr 01, 2021 02:51am
@Sharjeel Syed Mr. Sharjeel Syed, Valid question. But you will not get answer to your question.
Farooque Fahad Apr 01, 2021 01:14pm
Previous subjects like acid attacks honor killings forced marriages ,now minority massacres she’s won so many Oscar should win another, she’s like Malala of the movie word says a lot wins a lot of awards and prizes makes a lot of money but makes no difference whatsoever.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 06, 2021 01:20am
Buffalo is good for milk.