
Updated 29 Mar, 2021

The internet has a lot to say about sexy bald men. And when the title is given to someone from the royal family, you know it's going to make headlines.

Prince William has apparently been called “sexy” around 17.6 million times more than any other famous bald man.

The results come soon after UK based publication The Sun published a survey from cosmetic surgery specialists Longevita, who used Google to find out how many times the royal had been called “sexy” in various blogs and articles.

Since the revelation, various pop culture fans protested that their favourites Stanley Tucci and Dwayne Johnson were top contenders and equally suited for the title. Having come across the survey themselves, the stars have also reacted to the results.

"How in the cinnamon toast f*ck does this happen - when Larry David clearly has a pulse?!?!" the star posted, demanding an immediate recount, much to everyone's amusement.

Tucci went to the extent of pointing out all the people who could totally rock the title, you know, just incase people couldn't rack their brains. Ryan Reynolds became a personal favourite.

“Whose crown should wear this crown? So many wonderful choices,” he wrote.

Amidst all the chaos, Asians were quick to respond and nominate their own contenders and you've got to admit that Anupam Kher is a clear winner.

Fans were nominating their own favourites.

We have someone to nominate too: our very own HSY!

Who would you pick as the world's sexiest bald man?


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 29, 2021 03:53pm
Joke of the century.
M. Emad Mar 29, 2021 04:01pm
Imran Khan Niazi ???
Rubina Mar 29, 2021 04:03pm
Come on smart bald guys, just be it this one time. It is a small boost to the royal family after Henry and Meghan's chat with Oprah.
Solomon The King Mar 29, 2021 04:24pm
being mascular does not mean the sexiest that as in the case of Johnsonm but I still vote for Bruce Willis. voting rights should be left alone to women
M.S Mar 29, 2021 06:27pm
TZaman Mar 29, 2021 08:23pm
Height of ludicrousness.
Sadiq Mar 30, 2021 05:02am
@M. Emad Nawaz Shareef not only is the sexiest bald man alive but is also the only man to lose his hair transplant hair too!
Rain King Mar 30, 2021 08:58am
@M. Emad it's bald men, not dumb.
Shaby Mar 30, 2021 09:22am
A long list should have been compiled and set for voting. This is just a stunt to bring royal family in the limelight. Jason Statham, Pitbul, Putin and Vin Diesel are the obvious names when it comes to personality with a bald head apart from the Dwayne Johnson who can easily win the contest.
Umair Ahmed Mar 30, 2021 10:14am
Where is Nawaz Sharif?
N D Gaur Mar 30, 2021 10:44am
I personally hold Zinedine Zidane to be the most handsome bald man alive, followed perhaps by the man who got the Golden Girl Steffi Graf-Andre Agassi!
N D Gaur Mar 30, 2021 10:45am
Jason Statham is one heck of a sexy baldie too!Among my top five for sure.
NYS Mar 31, 2021 12:00am
Shahbaz Sharif
A Bostonian Apr 02, 2021 11:59am
Never knew a baldy could be sexy.