
It is Trump's last day in office and the internet has a lot to say

It is Trump's last day in office and the internet has a lot to say

It's only natural that Twitter has a lot to say about the president who tweeted non-stop during his time in office.
20 Jan, 2021

After four tumultuous years, it is time for the Donald to exit.

US President Donald Trump leaves the presidency today under a dark cloud of his own making, ending his single four-year term stained by two impeachments, deep political divisions and his handling of a pandemic that has caused 400,000 nationwide deaths.

Trump, 74, is bidding farewell to the White House hours before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, in a final display of pique at his failure to win re-election.

Trump, who is currently banned from Twitter after his supporters stormed the US Capitol on Jan 6, and his wife Melania will fly to Florida and his arrival at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach is being timed to get him behind the wall of the resort before his term as president expires.

What will become of his legacy as a president and whether he will be able to rebuild his largely tarnished brand is yet to be seen. For now, here's what we do know: #TrumpsLastDay was trending on Wednesday, majority of the people seem happy to see him go and memes can be found in abundance.

It's only natural that Twitter has a lot to say about the president who tweeted non-stop during his time in office.

Here, we shortlist some of the catchiest tweets we spotted.

Twitter is showing no mercy

Remove me if you can

How about some alternate reality

Oh Nigella, you're so cheeky

In all fairness, some were sad too

In the end, it's goodbye and good riddance

And a musical number to end it all


ABE Jan 20, 2021 05:21pm
End of a tragic and sad chapter for the USA. Trump will go down in history as the least popular, but most divisive, distruptive and unruly President of the United States, Hated by billions around the world, allienated by many respectable nations, abanodoned by millions of his erstwhile supporters, who may finally wake up to the reality of the criminal enterprise that was Trump White House. No doubt, the FBI, Secret Service, NSA, the IRS, CIA and many attorney generals in various states will now be free to investigate and scrutinize all that Trump did as a President, and previosuly as the head of the Trump Organization. Among the most damning will be his coziness wtih Putin of Russia; his overt and covert support of Insurgency on the Capitol on Jan 6; Tax Evasion for Federal and states; Breach of Oath and Contracts; Sexual harrasments lawsuits; Bribery and Insider Trading charges; Illegal Campaign Financing; Embazzelment of Public Funds and Perjury to name just a few.
Rahul S. Jan 20, 2021 05:43pm
He will be remembered for his accomplishments.
M. Saeed Jan 20, 2021 05:54pm
A bad name after all is still a name to remember !
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 20, 2021 05:55pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Iqbal Malik Jan 20, 2021 06:16pm
I wish he be the last politician of his kind, who has divided the nation for personal interest.
Andher Nagri Jan 20, 2021 06:42pm
Good riddance and close the door as you leave! You won't be missed.
John Jan 20, 2021 07:00pm
I say good riddance to bad sh?t
cofcol Jan 20, 2021 08:12pm
Trump was good for the world. As long as US is busy in their internal problems, rest of the world is safe. Trump was achieving this.
Himmat Jan 20, 2021 09:01pm
Trump did not start any new war. He used his offensive tactics to calm opponents, without any real action. He had true evaluation of friends and foes and never hesitated to call spade a spade. His did, what was best for America, in his opinion.
Chrís Dăn Jan 20, 2021 09:29pm
@ABE well said.
Reader Jan 21, 2021 11:02am
Trump was a million times better than George Bush jr. During G.B. two term tenure, many thousands upon thousands of Iraq's, Afghanistan's and lesser mortals were killed, innocent people like you and me were killed, yet no one has the courage to compare the two. This is what is the very worst in politics ... wars, and Trump avoided wars.