
Indian Air Force objects to Netflix film scenes, asks for them to be withdrawn

Indian Air Force objects to Netflix film scenes, asks for them to be withdrawn

The film, a mockumentary featuring Anil Kapoor playing an actor depicting an officer, is scheduled to be released this month.
Updated 20 Jan, 2021

India’s Air Force asked Netflix to withdraw scenes from a film on Wednesday in which a veteran Bollywood actor wearing a military uniform uses offensive language, in the latest controversy for the streaming platform in the country.

The film, a mockumentary featuring Anil Kapoor playing an actor depicting an officer and director Anurag Kashyap, is scheduled to be released on Netflix later this month.

Kapoor tweeted a trailer for the film in which he appears bedraggled in a uniform and swears at Kashyap.

On its official Twitter account, the Indian Air Force (IAF) responded: “The IAF uniform in this video is inaccurately donned and the language used is inappropriate. This does not conform to the behavioural norms of those in the Armed Forces of India. The related scenes need to be withdrawn.”

In separate tweets, both Kapoor and Netflix India said the film did not intend to disrespect the Indian Air Force. “I truly apologise for unintentionally hurting anyone’s sentiments,” Kapoor said in a video message on his Twitter account.

Netflix has faced at least two legal challenges in recent months in India for a Bollywood film depicting a female Air Force officer and a series on four Indian tycoons facing fraud allegations.

Separately, last month, the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh asked police to launch an investigation after complaints over a scene in the Netflix series “A Suitable Boy”, in which a Hindu girl kisses a Muslim boy against the backdrop of a Hindu temple.

In November, the Indian government announced rules to regulate content on video streaming platforms including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Walt Disney’s Disney + Hotstar.


Salman Dec 10, 2020 01:12pm
I agree. In reality IAF personal are very polite and mild mannered. They always don’t use bad language and always tell you how fantastic the tea is.
Ahmed khan lehri Dec 10, 2020 01:15pm
This film is showing realty of Indian officers.
Last comment Dec 10, 2020 01:30pm
Actually Anil Kapoor said “tea was fantastic” during a scene, that’s it.
cofcol Dec 10, 2020 01:45pm
Lets see whats Netflix cares more, their independence or business from india? Why do I have feelings that Netflix will give up their independence. And then there will be no stopping of demands from indian many states and RSS.
joe Dec 10, 2020 01:54pm
The IAF uniform in this video is inaccurately donned and the language used is inappropriate. This does not conform to the behavioural norms of those in the Armed Forces of India. The related scenes need to be withdrawn.” It is nit that Armed forces personal don't use inappropriate langauge in public. But then that may be an individual .But when shown in a film public generally draws a different view .If this language was shown to be spoken by a police officer ,then it is generally an accepteable thing.
A Khan Dec 10, 2020 02:06pm
They are touchy about their image since the hammering by PAF in 2019.
krishb Dec 10, 2020 02:41pm
@Ahmed khan lehri they are professional unlike you people
vivek Dec 10, 2020 02:47pm
@Ahmed khan lehri Hope you come to India to check reality yourself. If you have Guts and Money.
vivek Dec 10, 2020 02:49pm
@cofcol - Netflix has to respect the Local Indian sentiments. Otherwise they are free to leave the country. Who is stopping them. There are 100 more platforms and channels in India.
JOY Dec 10, 2020 02:50pm
Obsessed with Bollywood?
Ali Mehdi Dec 10, 2020 03:05pm
Freedom of expression. Indians you claim big time supporters of freedom of expression so what’s the problem.
Salman Dec 10, 2020 03:06pm
looks like show will have fantastic tea scenes
Zak Dec 10, 2020 03:06pm
Trying to control foreign media as well. Like the wall being made higher and dirty river cleaned for a day when Trump visited Gujarat. Living on false images.
ahmed Dec 10, 2020 03:07pm
yes they are cool and love fantastic teas only
Zak Dec 10, 2020 03:07pm
Now Compare this lowly film to Turkish productions. A night and day difference.
Zak Dec 10, 2020 03:09pm
Actually, the actor said " Forget uniform, Pakistan army Tea is phaaaantastik!, sluurrrpahhhl!
sherry saleem Dec 10, 2020 03:10pm
now where is freedom of expression ??? india is now a shameless nation !
Jjacky Dec 10, 2020 03:26pm
Karachwood is in deep trouble, no one is releasing movie in theatres.
Laila Dec 10, 2020 03:45pm
@Zak well we've sought to control foreign media and sovereign nations freedom of expression at times too. Remember to keep one standard for all, no matter who is trying to control. I will remind you if you should forget. Anyhow Netflix should not cave. But they probably will.
Bilal Dec 10, 2020 03:54pm
Maybe IAF won’t object had Anil Kapoor sipped on some tea and uttered ... tea is fantastic.
Changez Khan Dec 10, 2020 04:28pm
The truth hurts.
randomme Dec 10, 2020 04:38pm
Abinandan was much more
Tejinderpal Singh Dec 10, 2020 04:48pm
All this talk of Tea. Must realise tea should be served stirred not shaken..with shaky hands and legs
Sheraz Dec 10, 2020 05:19pm
Very true! IAF personnel are very obedient & gentlemen. Usually, PAF offers them fantastic tea and in return, they gently surrender along with their plane.
Sayyar Khan Dec 10, 2020 05:31pm
@Salman Funny
RationalBabu Dec 10, 2020 06:10pm
@Zak apples and oranges? Different era, different subjects!
Zak Dec 10, 2020 07:33pm
Picture shows Indian airforce pilot drive taxis in the evening for extra money to make ends meet.
well-wisher Dec 10, 2020 07:34pm
@Salman Is it because Chaiwala is running India?
Zak Dec 10, 2020 07:36pm
@Laila Pakistani serials and movies are best and now Turkish, closer to our culture, heritage, history and customs. That's why nation took to ertugrul.
Yes Dec 10, 2020 08:10pm
India Democracy
Observer Dec 10, 2020 11:22pm
@Ali Mehdi Yes! But not the distortion of the fact!
Observer Dec 10, 2020 11:24pm
@Zak Yes, we know! That's the land of your ancestors-right?
Rizman Dec 11, 2020 06:35am
Netflex dont care they can say what ever they like to say
Soban Dec 11, 2020 10:41am
Zak Dec 11, 2020 05:39pm
The tea is phaaaantastik! Slurrrrp. Its brewing incase anyone want to try it again.
Laila Dec 11, 2020 06:33pm
@Zak I am unsure how your reply connects to my comment on an article about Netflix and the Indians censoring their content? I said we should have the same standard if one day we in Pakistan object. And again our culture, heritage, history and customs is directly linked to the subcontinantal/Indian culture. Even our language, ethnicity and food. These are historical anthropological facts. I take it you still haven't visited Turkey. No comparison. You are Pakistani and South East Asian. A simple dnatest can confirm this. Embrace your culture while appreciating others. Don't claim it.
raheel Dec 12, 2020 02:01am
And India is a democratic nation. Pull the other one!
Jadogar Dec 12, 2020 11:37am
Freedom of Expression??
Zak Dec 12, 2020 11:12pm
Why Indian airforce pilot driving taxis at night.
Zak Dec 12, 2020 11:14pm
@Laila That is India you are talking about not pakistan. Fake news websites is speciality of kubushan yadev and Abhinandhan country.
Zak Dec 12, 2020 11:15pm
@Yes 'India Democracy' Only in bollywood.
Zak Dec 12, 2020 11:15pm
@Observer '@Zak Yes, we know! That's the land of your ancestors-right?' And yours.
Zak Dec 12, 2020 11:20pm
@Laila If you ever visit, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, central Asia, Arabia you will find an affinity like no other. Differences are but political. There is no common culture in the subcontinent, like Khalistan Sikhs, to Manipur, Bihar to Tamil, Rajastan to Mizoram. The false agenda you are promoting under guise is the hindutva one, which has absolutely no leg to stand on. Don't try hard to associate yourself with Pakistan, we are a bless fully different.
Kaavan Dec 13, 2020 04:39am
IAF know Infact their officers love our fantastic tea.
anokhaa_ Laadlaa Dec 13, 2020 05:01am
Aneel Kapoor already rushing to apologize to IAF . What a spineless actor . Yet India has millions of fake news platforms running 24 hours demeaning every other section of Indian society !
Laila Dec 14, 2020 01:39pm
@Zak the fact that you need to accuse me of hidden agendas and not being Pakistani shows your level and lack of integrity. You have already lost this discussion. Pakistan has nothing in common with Turkish or western Asian cultures. We are in the subcontinent and we were once part of what is today known as Bangladesh and India. So the culture of the 3 are tied together and clearly evident if you look at our cuisine, clothes, language, rituals like rukhsati, traditions like joint family system etc. To try to write it off as political is both factually wrong and a sign of your own complexes. You are not Turkish. You don't have turkish blood running through your veins. The scientific and cultural anthropological facts cannot be dismissed. Also I suggest you learn to discuss without attacking your opponent. Try not to claim other peoples culture just because you happen to like their TV shows. And unlike you I'm actually familiar with Turkish and Iranian culture from experience,not tv shows