Stop following me if you hate me, says Sarwat Gilani
Sarwat Gilani hits back at moral brigade as conservative audience spews hate on her dreamy European holiday.
For reasons unknown, desi men have always been ones to shy away from publicly embracing their significant others in words of endearment and actions of affection. So when Fahad Mirza took to his Instagram to kiss his lawfully wedded wife, an uproar of angry individuals felt offended at the celebration of love, and considered it their personal responsibility to give the couple some ‘hidayat’ online.
Read: Fahad Mirza and Sarwat Gilani's PDA in Rome has sparked outrage all the way in Pakistan
Under usual circumstances, bothered celebrities turn off comments or refuse to engage – but it's 2020, and Sarwat Gilani has no patience for bullies.
"To all the haters in this world! STOP FOLLOWING ME IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH. You can’t bully me, I’m too bloody strong for your minute imagination! Grow up and get a life! Stop being so jealous of other people’s success, the love in their lives and the happiness they have because unlike you, they have worked bloody hard for it," she wrote on Instagram.
"For someone who has faced the world and lasted this long, your perspective is very can’t bring me down, not even in your imagination! Just because US celebrities don’t say anything doesn’t mean you bullies have the right to say everything! It’s time for a much-awaited SHUT UP CALL! With love, of course!"

Pals like Anoushey Ashraf, Farwa Kazmi and Cybil Chowdhry stood up in support as Gilani called out on the hypocrisy of the society we live in. Gilani of course held her own as she replied to folks commenting.

Culture is picked and chosen as a buffet, she claims – as no one bats an eye during dowry issues, domestic violence, and children rape cases. But the second a husband admits to loving his wife in public, all hell breaks loose.

“Its time we stood up for ourselves, only then we will able to stand for others” she says. And we definitely agree! We wish the couple all our positive energy and more love for years to come.