
Sakina Samo's pulling out all the stops for her debut feature film

Sakina Samo's pulling out all the stops for her debut feature film

Titled Waiting, the actress calls it "a labour of love supported by a bit of madness".
Updated 13 Jun, 2019

Renowned actress and director, Sakina Samo has announced that she has a feature film in the works -- her first!

Titled Waiting, the movie has been written by Bee Gul, who is known for creating artistic plays.

Speaking to Images about the experience, Samo, who is directing and producing the flick shared: "I've always wanted to make content based feature films with solid scripts. I don't want to label my film commercial or art but if people insist they can call it an art house film. It's a very realistic film and thought-provoking."

The cast includes Khalid Ahmed, Samina Ahmed, Kaif Ghaznavi, Adnan Jaffer and theatre actor, Raza Ali Abid from NAPA and Mirza Mahmood is the DOP.

"We don't have a very big cast, the story is based on very few characters and these are the major characters," added Bee Gul.

Samo also stressed that this was an independent film made without the support of "any channel or company": "I wanted to make my type of film; if you want to make a film with freedom and creativity then people will not fund you, the first film at least. There's no doubt that every person makes their film based on their own exposure and vision, as it should be. They say even bad movies require a lot of effort so all kinds of films should be encouraged and distributed, regardless of how much money they make. If you'll give viewers different things to watch then only will new things be accepted."

At the moment, the film is in post production in Turkey and will start doing the rounds at international film festivals soon; here's hoping we get to see it in Pakistan sooner rather than later!


Ehsan Jun 11, 2019 06:12pm
Best of luck
Boota Jun 12, 2019 01:38am
Sakina Samo is so full of life, it has always been a pleasure watching her act.
safina Jun 12, 2019 06:49am
Good as long as it has message as well as solution to the issues society facing. well done Sister.