
Meesha Shafi’s lawyers respond to Ali Zafar’s legal notice, ask him to issue an apology

Meesha Shafi’s lawyers respond to Ali Zafar’s legal notice, ask him to issue an apology

Shafi denies Zafar's notice "in its entirety" and demands an apology for "the wrongs he committed against women"
Updated 12 May, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, musician/actor Ali Zafar's legal counsel had sent singer Meesha Shafi a Rs100 crore defamation notice for the sexual harassment allegations she made against him on Twitter.

Now, Shafi's legal team has responded to the notice with one of their own, a copy of which is available with Images.

Signed by four High Court lawyers, Shafi's legal team on the onset says that "we categorically deny all allegations, assertions and/or insinuation made in your notice against our client, all of which are legally and factually incorrect...The Notice is hence rejected it in its entirety."

The document starts off with listing Shafi's credentials and goes on to explain how her allegations do not qualify as defamation because well, they're all true. The notice then highlights what is sexual harassment in the eyes of the law and how Zafar can be penalised using 2(h) of Protection against Harassment of Women in the Workplace 2010 as well as the Pakistan Penal Code 1860.

Screenshot of part of the notice underlining how Ali may be charged under the law
Screenshot of part of the notice underlining how Ali may be charged under the law

According to the statement, Meesha strongly denies that she defamed Zafar and that this is just being used by him to conceal his "predatory behaviour". The paper also mentions that many other women have since come forward accusing Ali of similar "shameful conduct" and that due to the vicious slander campaign he's initiated, Meesha's family life has been majorly disturbed and she had to deactivate her social media accounts.

Lastly, Shafi's legal counsel is asking that Zafar issue an apology for "the wrongs he committed against women" and that it is a demand which will not impact Shafi's right to initiate civil or criminal proceedings in the future.

Conclusion of the legal notice
Conclusion of the legal notice

Ali Zafar or his team are yet to respond.

This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.


khurram May 12, 2018 12:37pm
What a comedy.. Any allegation unless proved in court is just an allegation... And can wreck some ones career specially if he is a competitor.. If meesha can't prove what she claims that she will pay 100 caroor to Ali zafar for sure... Even a mediocre mind like me can understand this...
Optimistic May 12, 2018 12:59pm
Meesha shafi must prove her allegations....or should bare the consequences. It is too easy to accuse someone.
Syed Anjum Ali May 12, 2018 01:44pm
@khurram . Fully agreed. A court must properly try this whole matter and order an investigation as required. Meanwhile, both parties should refrain from making such public statements; and all the national media should be wary of carrying out any sort of media trial or careless reporting.
stopit May 12, 2018 04:01pm
Meesha, I believe you.
fairplay May 12, 2018 06:26pm
start blaming the woman, classical male strategy being used by Trump- I did not do it, the consensual act tactic being used by Weinstein. And, to the competitor part of the comment, did you notice that she is a woman, and he is a man. Yes, once it gets to court, the allegations, by MS, and others can be litmus tested. please withhold judgement until the court rules.
Nirvan Ali May 12, 2018 08:16pm
@khurram : I am sorry to say this, but sexual harassment is no joke. For someone who does not unterstand what exactly one is talking about when they a talking about sexual harrasment, it is better to abstain from such comments.
fairplay May 13, 2018 08:09am
Give MS a break guys, she took a bold step. What woman in Pakistan would volunteer, much less report such conduct, for fear of men and women who are quick to blame her. Men, for too long, have gotten away with such conduct worldwide, Trump and Weinstein in America, more everywhere. Proving such conduct is not easy, but please let the judicial process run.
Zak May 14, 2018 11:11am
Sad that both such great talents are on hold till this lengthy court process is over.