
Waseem launches organic beauty line, cites late Junaid Jamshed as big support

Waseem launches organic beauty line, cites late Junaid Jamshed as big support

The beauty line called WB will offer "a wide range of herbal skincare products"
Updated 21 May, 2017

Popular TV host Waseem Badami has made headlines for numerous reasons but this time it's for skincare.

Badami is launching his own skincare line by the name of WB.

In conversation with Images, Badami shared that WB is "a wide range of herbal and organic skincare products."

The logo for WB
The logo for WB

Says the news anchor, "We'll have products for the face, beard, hair, which will feature natural ingredients like honey, green tea and so on."

According to Badami, "I've always been very intrigued by beauty and skincare products and found it odd that products that are supposed to heal and improve your skin have chemicals that will probably do damage in the long term. So I wanted to work on organic products that help your skin without any side effects, which is a win-win solution."

"Our tagline is Qudrat jaisa khalis (pure like nature)".

"I'll be honest, I am not yet a big user of organic food or other stuff, but I am quickly coming towards this. And I can see around me that people's perception is also changing. People want the healthy, herbal lifestyle in a modern way. There is a want in the consumers and it's a trend all over the world that has also reached Pakistan so this is something which we will be offering to our customers."

He adds, "Our tagline is Qudrat jaisa khalis (pure like nature) for an 'organic, beautiful and natural you', so a wide range of products, which give a healthy and beautiful lifestyle."

"Junaid Bhai played a very important role but I will save that story, about everything that he did, for the launch."

Badami has partnered up with skincare brand Hemani Herbals to work on this line.

Says Badami about launching his brand under Hemani Herbals, "Hemani is one of the largest natural product manufacturers in Pakistan. Also, because of Shan e Ramazan Junaid (Jamshed) Bhai and I have had a nice relationship with Hemani."

Waseem Badami reveals Junaid Jamshed played a huge role in WB
Waseem Badami reveals Junaid Jamshed played a huge role in WB

Badami reveals that late Junaid Jamshed is to be credited for this move. According to the news anchor, "Junaid Bhai played a very important role but I will save that story, about everything that he did, for the launch."

Going back to explaining his decision about choosing Hemani, he adds, "Of course I did a lot of research on my part and I went with this brand only after I was convinced that Hemani does not compromise on quality and delivers exactly what they promised. I know that if I put my name with something I am putting my own credibility on the line. This was not a small decision for me. I paid attention to their performance, the feedback, Junaid Jamshed's character and much more, before taking this on."

The WB launch in Dubai
The WB launch in Dubai

WB has had a launch in Dubai last week and is now set for launch in Karachi. Says Badami, "While these products will be available online, we'll start stocking them in Ocean Mall and Lucky One Mall in Karachi. And then very soon spread out to Pakistan and hopefully all around the globe."

WB launches in Karachi today.


FARJEe May 20, 2017 12:36pm
Very good luck
Taimur May 20, 2017 01:44pm
Good luck!
Jaredlee67 May 20, 2017 03:33pm
Is it for skincare or 'fair' skin? If his products are skincare then what type of care is he referring to. Is it color, tone, or something else? We all know that what we eat determines the health of our skin, so what is this product line of organic ingredients that would simply have a superficial effect on skin. WB has basically opened an avenue for generating revenue so that he could survive if his tenure ends as a TV host. This nation is obsessed with 'whiteness/gora pan' syndrome.
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