4 fun facts about Kareena and Saif's little baby Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan had their first child together yesterday.
They named their first-born Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi, it was revealed in a public statement:
“We are very pleased to share with you all the wonderful news about the birth of our son: Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi, on the 20th of December 2016. We would like to thank the media for the understanding and support they have given us over the last 9 months, and of course especially our fans and well wishers for their continued affection. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all…With love, Saif & Kareena."
Here's all the other little details we know about little Taimur.
1) For starters, it's possible he doesn't look like this:

This photograph went viral on Twitter on the eve of little Taimur's birth, and we could have sworn this baby had Saif's nose.
But according to reports, Kareena's rep has discredited this photo as a fake.
We're not sure why this is so, when subsequent photos of Kareena and Taimur are quite similar to the above.

2) His name means 'Iron' or 'Conquerer' in Arabic
So, we guess Saif's pretty confident his kid is made of strong stuff.
Kareena had earlier said that Saif reads a lot of historical literature and would want a name seeped in history for his child. The founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia was named Taimur Lang or Tamerlane. Then, there was Taimur Bin Feisal, who was the Sultan of Muscat in early 1900s, and had a pretty peaceful reign.
So, Taimur is a pretty good fit for the little Nawab.
3) This Bolly kid has already had his first scandal!
Some people are congratulating the proud parents, others are criticizing them for their choice of name for their child.
A lot of people on Twitter feel that Saif and Kareena shouldn't have named their son Taimur because Taimur Lang is a) remembered as a brutal ruler who beheaded his own mother and b) he attacked and destroyed Delhi in 1398.
Umm, bygones?
4) He'll be sleeping in a designer nursery, natch.
Very tasteful, very zen. Taimur's going to have great naps.
(That's the Pataudi crest on his crib headboard, btw.)