
4 fun facts about Kareena and Saif's little baby Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi

4 fun facts about Kareena and Saif's little baby Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi

The newest Bolly baby already has a scandal to his name!
Updated 22 Dec, 2016

Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan had their first child together yesterday.

They named their first-born Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi, it was revealed in a public statement:

“We are very pleased to share with you all the wonderful news about the birth of our son: Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi, on the 20th of December 2016. We would like to thank the media for the understanding and support they have given us over the last 9 months, and of course especially our fans and well wishers for their continued affection. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all…With love, Saif & Kareena."

Here's all the other little details we know about little Taimur.

1) For starters, it's possible he doesn't look like this:

Photo: Twitter
Photo: Twitter

This photograph went viral on Twitter on the eve of little Taimur's birth, and we could have sworn this baby had Saif's nose.

But according to reports, Kareena's rep has discredited this photo as a fake.

We're not sure why this is so, when subsequent photos of Kareena and Taimur are quite similar to the above.

Sweet! - Photo: therealkareenakapoor/Instagram (unofficial account)
Sweet! - Photo: therealkareenakapoor/Instagram (unofficial account)

Family photo - Photo: Pinkvilla
Family photo - Photo: Pinkvilla

2) His name means 'Iron' or 'Conquerer' in Arabic

So, we guess Saif's pretty confident his kid is made of strong stuff.

Kareena had earlier said that Saif reads a lot of historical literature and would want a name seeped in history for his child. The founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia was named Taimur Lang or Tamerlane. Then, there was Taimur Bin Feisal, who was the Sultan of Muscat in early 1900s, and had a pretty peaceful reign.

So, Taimur is a pretty good fit for the little Nawab.

3) This Bolly kid has already had his first scandal!

Some people are congratulating the proud parents, others are criticizing them for their choice of name for their child.

A lot of people on Twitter feel that Saif and Kareena shouldn't have named their son Taimur because Taimur Lang is a) remembered as a brutal ruler who beheaded his own mother and b) he attacked and destroyed Delhi in 1398.

Umm, bygones?

4) He'll be sleeping in a designer nursery, natch.

Very tasteful, very zen. Taimur's going to have great naps.

(That's the Pataudi crest on his crib headboard, btw.)


Ali Dec 21, 2016 11:29am
It's their life, let them do whatever they want to.
DK PAMNANI Dec 21, 2016 12:12pm
Why Taimur why not other name.
Mir Dec 21, 2016 12:36pm
@DK PAMNANI his son, his choice! No one asked for our suggestions
Ashwin Dec 21, 2016 12:48pm
The full name is very short. Why not Taimoor Ali Khan Kapoor Pataudi Tagore ? Perhaps they will change the name because public will not like a star with such infamous name.
Naveed Dec 21, 2016 12:59pm
Karina is an awesome person and she looks amazing with the little baby.
asif Hayat Khan Dec 21, 2016 01:16pm
Come on guys... grow up ... let them choose whatever they want.... Ashoka also fought wars and killed many ..... but you cannot ban Ashok as a name .... Later few decades down the road ... people might argue on Narendra Modi as a name, as to some communities Gujrat massacre happened in his watch ... and his inaction resulted in many casualties. ..... So stop making scandal of everything ....
Kashif Dec 21, 2016 01:40pm
@DK PAMNANI Why other name, why not Taimur?
Global Peace Dec 21, 2016 02:38pm
@Kashif because you are ignorant to get the point. History books are not those what you read in Pakistani schools those are propaganda books. read history to know why to object. Anyways lot of people give their children stupid names so nothing to be surprised.
Saj khan Dec 21, 2016 02:46pm
Mirza Mahmud Askari, Dhaka Dec 21, 2016 03:17pm
Heartiest congratulations to proud parents from Bangladesh. Infact little Taimur is one fourth bengali as his 'Dadi' Sharmila Thakur, a Kolkata bengali
seemin israr Dec 21, 2016 03:44pm
very pretty baby boy
Iqbal Shahzad Dec 21, 2016 03:56pm
mubarak hoo......
Iqbal Shahzad Dec 21, 2016 03:57pm
it is their personal matter.
Iqbal Shahzad Dec 21, 2016 03:57pm
name is personal matter of the family.
neelash Dec 21, 2016 04:29pm
Can anyone name his son Mir Zafar in this sub-continent ? Naming Taimur is similar.
zahida parveen Dec 21, 2016 04:41pm
God bless more happiest moments to all of you.
Sympathiser Dec 21, 2016 04:49pm
@asif Hayat Khan.... Ashoka gave up the kingdom back after winning the Kalinga war and transformed himself to become one of the greatest Kings of all times... Show me another example like Ashoka in any history
Mubasher Warraich Dec 21, 2016 06:00pm
@Ashwin , Trust me this name is already popular. has a class in it.
Iftikhar Husain Dec 21, 2016 06:33pm
Very interesting to read all comments.
Abdul Dec 21, 2016 06:39pm
@neelash plenty of people named zafar
Payal Queshi Dec 21, 2016 06:48pm
@Sympathiser absolutely!
Modasar Dec 21, 2016 07:31pm
Timur is very strong name, congratulations
Raja farhat abbas Dec 21, 2016 11:02pm
@Global Peace know nothing about Pakistan's education system or any other for that matter,you are just an extreme hater of anything Muslim is my guess .
Tariq Dec 21, 2016 11:51pm
@Naveed How is awesome? have you met her? I tried to....regrettably, she fosters an aloofness that would make a Giraffe feel like a Chihuahua.
SINHALI Dec 22, 2016 12:08am
SINHALI Dec 22, 2016 12:12am
Waheed Noor Dec 22, 2016 01:14am
Why Taimur? Is he not the one plundered India and laid waste to Delhi and considered as one of the most cruel of all persons in history? Why would a person name his son after a monster?
Humaira khan Dec 22, 2016 06:18am
God bless both mother n son in gud heath as this time needs lots of care n love njoy motherhood
Humaira khan Dec 22, 2016 06:20am
God bless both mom n son b in gud heath njoy motherhood
Sswamy Dec 22, 2016 06:31am
Their next kid will probably be named Hitler
Huma mirza Dec 22, 2016 07:49am
So lovely kid. Lots nd lots of love to him nd blessings too.
Huma mirza Dec 22, 2016 07:50am
Love u taimur
Ramesh Nakhwa Dec 22, 2016 10:14am
Very stupid name. This guy is going to curse the parents when he goes to school.
Nik Dec 22, 2016 12:09pm
@asif Hayat Khan LOL....What a joke...
Hindustani Dec 22, 2016 05:21pm
Why pamnani, not other beautiful name.
syedchaudhrygangadinkhan Dec 22, 2016 05:23pm
Why so many negative comments about the child's name? What should they name him?
Daniyal Dec 23, 2016 08:58pm
There are many people who are named Taimoor in India and in Pakistan. This does not make all of them cruel or terrorists. As far as Taimoor the conquerer is concerned he lived in cruel time hence he became a cruel person. His son was Shahrukh so why not hate shahrukh khan. At the end of the day Taimoor is just a name.