
Gohar Rasheed was nearly slapped by a stranger for his wicked Mann Mayal role

Gohar Rasheed was nearly slapped by a stranger for his wicked Mann Mayal role

The actor revealed that some members of the Mann Mayal audience took his character Mikael a little too seriously
Updated 10 Aug, 2016

Gohar Rasheed fits into his roles like a hand in a glove; maybe that's why he always gets the role of the antagonist in TV dramas and films. But he has only one request from his fans: 'Please don't judge my personality based on my on-screen characters.'

In an interview with BBC Urdu, the Mann Mayal actor narrates an incident where he was harassed by women when he went to the cinema with his friends.

"I went to the cinema with a couple of friends and there were a few older women standing nearby. One of them came up to me, and asked, 'Aap Mikael hain na?' (You're Mikael, right?), and I said 'yes.' Just then in all seriousness, she said, 'Ap bohat buray hain' (You're a bad person) and the other woman standing behind her said, 'Ap please yahan sey chaley jaein warna hum ap ko chapair maar deyngay' (Please leave this place otherwise we'll slap you), and had I stayed there a few moments longer, I would've probably gotten a slap."

Previously, Gohar had said that his character Mikael in TV drama Mann Mayal can also be seen in our society, which is why his character is so relateable to the audience.

"When the drama aired, I received messages from women on my Facebook page and profile saying, 'Thank you so much for playing your character so well, our ex-husbands used to behave exactly like that; mistreating us while we used to sit naively and thinking no, he is my husband, there was also the societal pressure. Now after watching Mann Mayal we realise we were only ill-treating ourselves. Thank you so much for playing this role and you're a terrible person'."

After having been cast in numerous negative roles, the actor has started fearing that he is being typecast, "In our industry we have a lot of heroes, and whoever [enters the field] comes to become a hero."

And he doesn't want to be a hero? No, is his reply, he doesn't want to be a hero.

"All the pappu boys in our industry, who don't know how to act and are still acting, who are not here on merit, I dislike them immensely," he adds, while refusing to take names.

During the Q&A, Gohar was asked If he were ever offered a role in a movie along the lines of Brokeback Mountain, would he take it. "If I'm offered the role in Pakistan, it's going to a problem, if it's being offered abroad I still wouldn't do it [ laughs]," he replied.

However, upon mentioning that Fawad Khan had played a gay man in Kapoor And Sons, Gohar changed his statement.

"Fawad did a commendable job. It's all about the treatment of the role. If I got a role like Fawad did in Kapoor & Sons, then sure I'll do it, I'll have no qualms, but not something like Brokeback Mountain."


Dija Aug 09, 2016 04:13pm
To me Gohar Ayub's acting is the best in this drama that in reality is getting ithis play going...otherwise the story, the characters, the acting of others are all too pathetic...very disappointed to see this from Hum...that had its image of showing quality programs...Maan Mayal is in reality a disaster!
IB Aug 09, 2016 04:46pm
Gohar is simply a superb actor... like his acting in that drama the most... his expressions are so natural and teasing that one really feels antagonized... its a treat to watch him act
Abdulla Hussain Aug 09, 2016 07:18pm
Particular roles on an individual in some of the dramas plays intensively with human physiology, this is not fair. The writers & directors should avoid such negative intensiveness.
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