
Happy birthday, Malala! These 10 quotes prove she's the most inspirational tween around

Happy birthday, Malala! These 10 quotes prove she's the most inspirational tween around

A dedication to the Nobel Peace Prize winner on her 19th birthday
12 Jul, 2016

As the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize marks her 19th birthday today, we revisit some of her most powerful quotes.

Here are 10 times Malala left us speechless with her hard-hitting words:












Raj Jul 12, 2016 01:16pm
Thank you Malala ! I will remember your declaration - I am stronger than fear.. till my grave
MOHAMMAD IQBAL Jul 12, 2016 01:34pm
Then why don't you come to Pakistan and lead a normal life. Difference between you and zardari and altaf hussain is not to be seen.
ASC Jul 12, 2016 01:41pm
Malala is an inspiration to Pakistan and to the whole world. God bless her.
shah hasan Jul 12, 2016 02:00pm
proud daughter of Pakistan.
ahmad Jul 12, 2016 02:03pm
So inspirational. Bless u
Angry Jul 12, 2016 02:14pm
I love you malala - happy birthday!
Ameer Zaman Jul 12, 2016 02:27pm
Tell this foreign backed philosopher to come back Pakistan and prove she is stronger then fear. i don't know when media understand we respect hero's not planted ppl.
Waqar Jul 12, 2016 03:00pm
My son had to critically analyse Malala's UN speech as part of his English Language GCSE controlled assessments. The quotes in this article are taken mostly from that speech. His teacher stated that the speech was not in her own words, but penned by another female quietly known in literay circles from within Birmingham. The language devices used in this speech was masterfully thought out from someone who was very experienced in oratory skills and verbage.
MAK Jul 12, 2016 03:01pm
In a way SHE is replacement of Edhi sb, light in darkness of bigotry
MAK Jul 12, 2016 03:05pm
AND a very happy birthday, we are proud of you
aslam shaikh Jul 12, 2016 03:47pm
Justin Bieber will support this fan all the way.
Patrick Sarsfield Jul 12, 2016 03:56pm
She writes the name of Pakistan in proud big letters throughout the world Pakistan should rejoice to have provided such a brave young woman
Proud of You Malala Jul 12, 2016 04:15pm
Sometimes one feels that these amazing words of wisdom could not be spoken by a child, a teenager shot brutally, an ordinary girl from mountains and there must be a think tank behind her but after you watch her delivering speech, expressing herself so fearlessly at different international forums and too much focused, always presenting soft Image of Muslims and Islam, so much focused to her goal then one must realize that these words can not be put into her mouth by someone. She is original simple and a true champion. HBD and Congratulations Malala YousufZai, the honor and pride of Pakistan.
I AM Jul 12, 2016 04:55pm
Happy birthday Daughter of Pakistan ,May you live long.
I. Ahmed Jul 12, 2016 05:49pm
@MOHAMMAD IQBAL @AMEER ZAMAN @WAQAR and people like them. You all have such narrow mind and no heart. This girl left the country after being shot, was Zardari or Altaf shot and wounded? She is just a voice, like Edhi Sahib, not everyone liked Edhi Sahib but many hearts were broken when he died. You don't like her voice, her message then live in your own world and ignore her but don't be sarcastic this shows how badly you have been brought up!
Ayan "Super Hero not Super Model" Jul 12, 2016 06:20pm
The great Edhi started, built, contributed, faced all odds, delivered, got sick, got medically treated and finally passed away within PAKISTAN and with PAKISTANIS. Happy Birthday Malala. Come home and deliver.
Zara Jul 12, 2016 06:26pm
Happy Birthday Malala! Stay blessed homie ...we are very proud of you
Exlim Jul 12, 2016 07:05pm
Makes my day to see her and read about her.
Ritesh Jul 12, 2016 10:58pm
Arif Jul 12, 2016 11:15pm
@Waqar I do agree most of these quotes are not hers. Working in Communications department for over 15 years, I can safely say it is work of some professional writers.
as Jul 13, 2016 12:58am
@Ameer Zaman you are one of so called hero...
A WELL WISHER Jul 13, 2016 01:02am
May you have many many happy returns of the day !
Farouq Omaro Jul 13, 2016 08:36am
God bless you Malala, keep up the fight!
Abdul Rehman Jul 13, 2016 10:40am
If you so brave then why are you away from your country. You should be here and face the situation rather giving comments.
babadhuzz Jul 13, 2016 11:11am
@MOHAMMAD IQBAL she will never come back..#millionaire
aslam shaikh Jul 13, 2016 12:04pm
Our new ruling Dynasty in training.
Naeem Jul 13, 2016 12:28pm
@Ameer Zaman And you have all the evidence in the world to support your claim??
Avinash Jul 13, 2016 01:14pm
Good Collection from an amazing girl... Thanks Dawn