
Madonna breaks down mid-concert after Paris attacks, dedicates hit single to victims

Madonna breaks down mid-concert after Paris attacks, dedicates hit single to victims

"They want to silence us and we won't let them," said the singer as she got tearful
16 Nov, 2015

Following the tragic Paris attacks on Friday, which targeted a concert among other venues, pop star Madonna continued with her concert in Stockholm, Sweden the very next day only to break down during her performance, reported US Weekly.

The concert, which became a tribute to the victims of the Paris attacks, saw Madonna set her guitar aside and tell attendees that despite singing and dancing she felt ''torn'' and she was only continuing as an act of defiance: "Obviously, this whole show is about celebrating life and standing up for your rights, fighting for what you believe in. It’s been very hard for me to get through the show up to this point, and not forget about what happened last night.”

"In many ways I feel torn, because it’s like, why am I up here dancing and having fun when people are crying over the loss of their loved ones? However, that is exactly what these people want to do. They want to shut us up. They want to silence us, and we won’t let them. We will never let them," she continued.

Like many artists and bands including the Foo Fighters, who cancelled their concerts for security reasons, Madonna too thought about cancelling hers but decided against it: "I was gonna cancel my show tonight but then I thought to myself, 'Why should I give that to them? Why should I allow them to stop me and to stop us from enjoying freedom?'"

The singer whose album Rebel Heart came out earlier this year let her emotions get the better of her as she spoke to her fans: “All of the places where people were killed were places where people were having fun, people were enjoying themselves, eating in restaurants, dancing, singing, watching a soccer match. These are freedoms that we take for granted of course and we must not but they're freedoms that we deserve, we work hard and we deserve to have fun and there is no one in this world that should have the right to stop us from doing what we love!"

She began the concert by singing her 1989 hit Like a Prayer, dedicating it to all those who suffered in the attacks, dubbed as the worst in Paris since World War II.


Aussieman Nov 16, 2015 12:14pm
I wish they value each human life in east the same as in west.
wake_up Nov 16, 2015 12:34pm
Madonna is a brave woman. Here solidarity with Malala in past has obliged the people of Pakistan.
PakPower Nov 16, 2015 04:45pm
I remember back in 2014, in the wake of the Peshawar massacre, all she could talk about was her album getting leaked. She didn't 'cry' then.
GA Nov 16, 2015 05:03pm
No body 'breaks down' when 124 Pakistani school children are shot dead by these monsters. Problem is, for all the bombings in third world countries, how many times have the governments and people of those countries named the victims and mourned each with a moment of silence? Not once!
Muhammad Irfan Nov 16, 2015 06:45pm
...her tears must be for all innocent people, killed in terrorist attacks anywhere in the world, either it be Paris, or Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somali, and the people who belong to any religion...!!!
Mr.T Nov 16, 2015 06:53pm
We are racing for WWlll. It's started already people don't realize yet. Leaders realizes but somehow they can't or won't do anything about it.
dawn Nov 16, 2015 07:25pm
Madonna you broke down for 'them' now do the same for 'us'.
AXH Nov 16, 2015 08:39pm
I have no problem with Madonna getting emotional on the tragic Paris incident and I share her sentiments. However, she needs to show the same emotions on the tragedies in Gazza, SYria, etc., which were at a much massive level than the one in Paris. The problem is that people like Bono, Madonna, etc., are very selective in showing their emotions and raising their voices.
Ahmer Nov 16, 2015 09:52pm
Oh please... would you stop it...
Muhammad Ayub khan Nov 16, 2015 09:56pm
Madonna is an out standing Melody Queen singer with her self Recognition and by her Melody voice . I would like to appreciate her kindness and Love for the world humanity. She is my ideal and i have strong inspiration by her Thought provoking personality ,, she would be ever remembered in the hearts and minds of thousands people . she would be an ever lasting queen of Music and Beauty in the minds of her beloved people .
Aleem Nov 16, 2015 10:39pm
A life lost in the east is not equal to the one that is lost in the west. In my view the reason is because it happens so often in the east, that people are sort of in the "so what?" mode now. It is cultural, religious bias but also a reality of human mind/heart. If its distant then it does not hit you as hard. There has to be some direct linkage. The west sees Paris as the epicenter of the west so there is more outburst (understandably). Whereas we feel for Peshawar, Beirut, Kabul, Syria and Turkey because we have religious or cultural linkages there. Its unfortunate but also a reality.