
Justin Trudeau unleashes his inner desi and Pakistan loves it

Justin Trudeau unleashes his inner desi and Pakistan loves it

As if donning shalwar kameez and green eyes wasn't enough, the new PM also identifies himself as a feminist
Updated 22 Oct, 2015

There's just something about men in shalwar kameez and Justin Trudeau knows it.

The chiseled charmer, who just became the Prime Minister of Canada, has women all over the globe singing 'Oh Canada'.

His movie star looks have people so flustered, they don't even know how to process it.

The implausibly good looking PM has been unleashing his inner desi man since 2012.

White's his colour!
White's his colour!
As is purple; basically every colour is his colour
As is purple; basically every colour is his colour

Pictures of Trudeau donning a shalwar kameez at a mosque surfaced on the internet yesterday, sending all the desi ladies in a frenzy.

The Muslim community in Canada celebrated his victory with him and nothing says victory like biryani - Photo courtesy: Usamaa Babar
The Muslim community in Canada celebrated his victory with him and nothing says victory like biryani - Photo courtesy: Usamaa Babar

He may have dethroned IK as the most charismatic politician in the eyes of all Pakistani ladies.

The enigmatic liberal even shares a birthday with the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam: 25 December!

Coincidence? We think not!
Coincidence? We think not!

He knows the desi mantra, 'Mooch nahi toh kuch nahi' -- his facial hair game is strong!

The down-to-earth politician shocked and pleased voters when he took the Metro, casually snapping selfies with fellow travelers in Montreal the day after his victory was announced.

He can't be this good looking, kind, intellectual and a good dancer, right? Wrong!

He's a family man too? Stop the madness!

He met his wife Sophie Grégoire when the two were children
He met his wife Sophie Grégoire when the two were children

Justin is not just a pretty face though; he's a big believer in diversity and announced in one of his speeches that the citizens of Canada will see that reflected in the new government. He recalled an incident when a woman in a hijab came up to him, handed him her infant daughter and told him she was voting for him so that her child could have a future where she could make her own choices.

Trudeau responded: "We know in our bones that Canada was built by people from all corners of the world, who worship every faith, who belong to every culture, who speak every language."

Hailing from a family of politicians, he's proven his mettle when it comes to campaigning. Here's hoping he can also govern and that Canada prospers under his watch.

Did we mention he identifies as a feminist?

Brace yourselves ladies, another heatwave is coming.


Atif Khan Oct 22, 2015 03:03pm
Really nice pics. Thanks Dawn. Btw, I would move to Canada if it wasn't so cold up there.
SR Oct 22, 2015 03:06pm
Very cool PM, hope immigrants specially Asians and Muslims may get more opportunities in his tenure.
Burjor Rustomji. Oct 22, 2015 03:20pm
Wow, Wow, Wow, this guy sure knows how to enjoy life. Now I am most definitely emigrating , no two ways about that. I am so happy for him and Canada, wish other world leaders were more like him, be less aloof, more people friendly, more down to earth, and enjoy life to the fullest, that is what is life is about.
prateek Oct 22, 2015 03:20pm
Too early to judge him.
KAZIM REZA Oct 22, 2015 03:20pm
Like father like son. Seeing the new leader with Pakistani dress I am expecting to hear: Ap ki sath mil kar bahut mussart hue!
RK Oct 22, 2015 03:28pm
" hope immigrants specially Asians and Muslims may get more opportunities in his tenure." You get Opportunities my friend when you educate you children including girls in modern education.
Khalid Oct 22, 2015 03:29pm
@SR So, you would like him to be nice to Asians but only to Muslim Asians?. How about Hindus, Sikhs and Aisan Christians?. Why do Muslims of Pakistan have to speak for the muslims of the world?.
PTI supporter Oct 22, 2015 03:33pm
He may have dethroned IK!!! don't think so
Kashif Oct 22, 2015 03:43pm
I hope he keeps up his promises. Canada is one of the few country where people are very nice
Thomas Andrade Oct 22, 2015 03:49pm
That's the way to get vote. Don't we have politicians in our countries who go out of their way to please people in order to gain their support.
Amer Rao Oct 22, 2015 03:51pm
One of the best country .
Kinadien Oct 22, 2015 03:56pm
Canada had become very ugly under right-wing PM Harper who played divisive politics. He was dead against the Sikh turban in 1990's and now against niqab. Both non-issues frankly.
Pakistani Oct 22, 2015 03:59pm
@PTI supporter . Sorry dude it seems to be true. Most impressive person, looks humble and easily accessible. IK has none of those traits.
joop Oct 22, 2015 04:36pm
he seems to be sensible and unique politician.... he will set new standards in political world... nice efforts..good gesture ... stay blessed Justin
maqsood ahmed Oct 22, 2015 04:39pm
world need such leader
Nasser Oct 22, 2015 05:06pm
Canada has mostly been a very liberal, and humane society in recent history. As a human being, one only needs to treat another as a human being, just like himself or herself. Religion, race, colour are immaterial when it comes to treating others. Justin Trudeau seems to be such a person. Hope he stays this way Inshallah, as this will make practical sense more and more over time, both for Canada and the rest of the world.
Vir Oct 22, 2015 05:12pm
He owes his victory to Indian Punjabi community.
TKhan Oct 22, 2015 05:19pm
I wish our own Justin (IK) learn from real Justin. Whereas Justin is just in - IK is doing everything to Just Out. Bad articulating on my part, but the point is that Imran Khan needs to adopt more sophisticated and peaceful demeanor instead of being angry all the time.
Hammad A. Qureshi Oct 22, 2015 05:20pm
Long live Canada and long live the queen. Amazing guy. We will support you all the way.
faridullah Oct 22, 2015 05:21pm
This is progressive ,central left canada at its best. I am proud that I voted in this great country and I love it. Canada is a country for the next century
Saleem USA Oct 22, 2015 05:23pm
@Burjor Rustomji. Naah, I think I will just watch him happily from warm Texas. Too cold up there. I wish him good luck though. Its good to see such open minded politicians. Sick of religious radicals like Indian
Saleem USA Oct 22, 2015 05:29pm
@Khalid Agree.
Saleem USA Oct 22, 2015 05:31pm
@maqsood ahmed May be !!! World needs all kinds of leaders. Such as Musharraf.
Observer Oct 22, 2015 05:35pm
Justin's real challenge would be to match his father's legacy by trying to rectify damage done by Harper' in the areas of economy, environment and human rights.
M Haneef Shaikh Oct 22, 2015 05:54pm
Great photographs. So pleased to see him becoming Prime Minister of Canada. Am confident he would bring Canada to new heights with the support of his people from all caste and creed. Congratulations to all in particular to my children who have immigrated to Canada.
Zala Oct 22, 2015 05:56pm
Please don't compare him to Imran khan. Justin Trudeau is so sweet down to earth and loves his countrymen. The next day after winning election he was at the subway station meeting ordinary citizens. And Imran Khan the politician ( you can watch videos how he insults people) went to army public school after one whole month of massacre.
SBB Oct 22, 2015 05:56pm
@SR Why not hope that *everyone* gets more opportunities, not just asians and muslims?
SBB Oct 22, 2015 05:57pm
Hope we get a lot more free stuff during his rule..
Imran AB Oct 22, 2015 05:58pm
Just finalized my immigration to Canada ...looking forward to it under this guy's government !!!!
DARA KHAN Oct 22, 2015 06:07pm
We wish him all the good luck.
saleem Oct 22, 2015 06:10pm
He won't last an year in office.
Taimoor Khan Oct 22, 2015 06:15pm
Let not compare IK with Justine. IK is old enough to be his father, yet still got his charisma fully intact.
Rabia Razzaque Oct 22, 2015 06:18pm
Lucky Canadian who have Prime Minister like Hero :)
Yusuf Bhatia Oct 22, 2015 06:37pm
@Atif Khan It's really not that bad.. we get snow on and off and temperatures remain in the negative for just a few months :) but We have the best summers if you wish to enjoy God's green earth.
fazalpai Oct 22, 2015 06:40pm
Maybe the person is good as mentioned above, but as a head of the state the policy matters and directions are yet to come.
naeem Oct 22, 2015 06:48pm
the ideas that Justin Trudeau and his party carries are dangerous to say the least when people immigrate to other cultures its is they who accept the dress code of that culture and not the other way around. also opening borders recklessly will ultimately lead to a backlash against even those who immigrate legally
Qamar Valliani Oct 22, 2015 06:48pm
Trudeau the senior, helped many Ugandan Asian to settled down in Canada when they were exiled by Eidi Amin, especially Ismali Muslims.
B.Ally Oct 22, 2015 06:55pm
A new kid on the bloc. A breath of fresh air on domestic and international political scene.
Usman Khan Oct 22, 2015 06:56pm
He is another Obama. Says anything to please anyone. He has been to mosques to ask for votes and then turned around and supported Bill C-24 and C-51 which are particularly targeted towards minorities,
Dr. Azam Gill Oct 22, 2015 07:20pm
He seem's to've completely overshadowed his stunningly beautiful wife - in that, he's not much of a feminist. Obama started out like him and then what happened?! But then Trudeau's French ancestry might work in his favour!
MSD Oct 22, 2015 07:44pm
@Vir Yes, in general most of the South Asians voted for him but in particular the Sikhs. Out of 22 South Asians in the new parliament 16 have their roots in Indian Punjab.There're now more Punjabis in Canadian parliament than in the Indian !
Asif Oct 22, 2015 07:46pm
Canada is also known as Punjab :)
shah, Canada Oct 22, 2015 07:57pm
@Usman Khan But he has promised to remove any controversial sections of these bills.
Battleaxe Oct 22, 2015 08:05pm
Last pic is very similar to Eric Bana , the movie star of black hawk down. Well some fresh talent in the old man's game is a relief for all as this is somthing good that new and relatively less aged people are in position of PM.
Waqar Khan Oct 22, 2015 08:16pm
Will he ever look 43?
Sultan Alvi, Toronto, Canada Oct 22, 2015 08:26pm
@Amer Rao : Been a Canadian of Pakistani origin, this is the BEST country in the World, my friend, and not one of the best.
Naeem Ud Din Oct 22, 2015 08:49pm
50 shades of Justin Trudeau :p
NASAH(USA) Oct 22, 2015 09:15pm
Imran has now a role model to follow -- instead of wandering aimlessly in the wilderness of perpetual street protests.
khan Oct 22, 2015 09:16pm
He looks like a good leader. Keeping everyone together.
NASAH(USA) Oct 22, 2015 09:17pm
Like father like son.
moazzam khan Oct 22, 2015 09:22pm
Very cool, enjoy the life and looks down to earth.He is easily mingle with other persons.Thanks for Liberals victory, we came back to UN as a world peace keeper and proud Canadians.
Believe Oct 22, 2015 09:26pm
Interesting fact about Justin Trudeau.... "Tonight we'll dispense with the formalities. I'd like to toast the future prime minister of Canada: to Justin Pierre Trudeau," Richard Nixon said at a gala buffet in April 1972 during a state visit to Ottawa when Trudeau was just four months old. Trudeau's father Pierre, then nearing the end of his first four-year Liberal mandate as prime minister, responded that should his eldest son — born on Christmas Day 1971 — ever become Canada's leader, "I hope he has the grace and skill of the president." Just two days as PM, he is charming the whole world....
Ali Oct 22, 2015 09:28pm
@naeem Keeping your cultural values is what that makes Canada so beautiful. It's just fascinating to see all the colours, flavours, structures, that co-exist wonderfully. Diversity is part of the Canadian 'culture' & heritage. Canada is all about peaceful co-existence among all types of people. You do your bit & contribute towards the betterment of the country without losing your 'self ' and values you are brought up with. Removing your hijab, turban, kippah, etc., doesn't make you any more Canadian than other citizens and it's not a necessary step towards assimilation into the mainstream and in adopting good Canadian values.
nabeela Oct 22, 2015 09:48pm
Good collection of Trudeau's pics. That's what we want to see in Canada. Respect for our religion and not making us feel that its a crime to be Muslim and especially Pakistani.
nabeela Oct 22, 2015 09:53pm
@Khalid Being Pakistani we are just sharing our excitement. Other communities have a chance to express themselves. Nobody is banned but we are not responsible for representing others.
asif Oct 22, 2015 10:09pm
Great person!!!.
True Oct 22, 2015 10:10pm
@SR No one snatches away anyone's opportunity. The problem with Immigrants is they don't assimilate for fears best known to them & then they cry victims. Imagine a person writing this article & looking at the heading we can assume where our thought process stands where a mere visit thrills us & we start day dreaming. He is not the Corporate boss nor he can forward Muslim or Immigrant resumes. It's a job that has to be done by themselves. Start networking keeping your values intact but break free of hesitation of not joining the locals while at work or in everyday life.
GAWAL MANDI YA Oct 22, 2015 10:15pm
This man gives me hope,I truly hope and wish every world leader is watching this guy and learning how you deal with all types of general.
hamed Quraishi Oct 22, 2015 10:26pm
Pakistan should give him: honorary citizenship
Parvez Oct 22, 2015 10:26pm
Muslims always like the 'libral' idea when in minority, why don't they profess that in their own 'Islamic-Country'? Respect the minorities sentiments and religion!
M. Farooq Oct 22, 2015 10:29pm
@Vir He does not owe anything to anybody. Indian Punjabi community (if your solo claim is true?) voted for him for selfish reason. So they can brag about and advance their political motives. Is this not true?
Talat Naheed Oct 22, 2015 10:37pm
Yes Justin Trudeau is our handsome modest Prime Minister and we love him
Talat Naheed Oct 22, 2015 10:38pm
Justin Trudeau is our handsome and modest Prime Minister and we love him
Afifa Oct 22, 2015 10:40pm
time to move to Canada!
Afifa Oct 22, 2015 10:46pm
time to move to Canada!
Ashiq ali Kanji Oct 22, 2015 10:51pm
I completely agree with you. World would be the safest place to live for all human of any denomination.
a Oct 22, 2015 11:02pm
Trying to link Justin with Pakistan all the way is very funny indeed ! In fact, I doubt if he has any significant knowledge about Pakistan at all. I bet if you ask him who ZA Bhutto was he would draw a blank or say Was that a Pakistani cricketer ? You guys are belittling an entire nation with this weird behaviour.
krishna Toronto Oct 22, 2015 11:10pm
@Atif Khan- It is cold outside during winter from start of December to May (in Toronto) and in other interior places - winter could start by November latest. However, given the amenities like heating and uninterrupted power , you would never feel it since everyone is covered fully from head to toe and also ensure that we are all warm and safe when travelling outside either with Public Transport or within your own vehicle. Apartments and homes are completely warm and well heated to make you comfortable. In fact, there is nothing to worry except that you need a regular job to pay your bills and settle here.
Maryas Oct 22, 2015 11:13pm
We Pakistanis are out of our minds! He is no Imran Khan ( a playboy) and not a Bilawal B. Z. ( a spoilt child of some sort) either. Justin Trudeau is stuck with a lady of his choice from a young age, you cannot say that for Imran Khan, and he is a lot more mature politician at the half of Imran Khan's age. When we cannot produce our own proper politicians, we just start doting on others around the world, be that be a Kennedy, Obama or a Justin Trudeau for that matter. Stop that and start voting for some person with a real brain!
krishna Toronto Oct 22, 2015 11:15pm
The main concern with him is his spending spree to develop infrastructure and social welfare benefits to create jobs shouldn't be irresponsible leading to huge budget deficits. As of now we are in surplus. Being considerate for other country's problems is good, however we needed to take care of our own people (Canadian citizens) who are unemployed and under-employed here to stem the dissatisfaction that is widespread with doctors, engineers and other highly educated professionals working just to make a living in other fields.
mumtaz shah Oct 22, 2015 11:46pm
I hope muslims learn from this gesture and show sincerity towards others who are not muslims
another khan Oct 22, 2015 11:48pm
@Atif Khan don't worry. come to Canada and we will play ice cricket on the frozen lake and temp of -30c to -40c, depends on wind chill. lol
Mansoor-Toronto Oct 22, 2015 11:51pm
A wonderful coverage by Dawn. This guy can set Canada on a right track, destabilized by Stephen Harper during his tenure. We expect pay raise, low taxes and immense job opportunities. Above all, repealing or modifications in bills like C-24 and C-51 that have squeezed the immigrants living in Canada.....
dabangg Oct 22, 2015 11:54pm
@SR I thought Asians were doing pretty well in Canada.
Raj Oct 23, 2015 12:03am
Just burst your bubble, For instance, Canadian director Deepa Mehta's film adaptation of Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" is one of TIFF's most highly-anticipated premieres -- so much so that even Justin Trudeau got in the Bollywood spirit!
Bin Adam Oct 23, 2015 12:19am
In over 50 years I have heard more than 100 victory speeches of different American, European Asian and African political leaders. But the victory speech of Justin Trudeau was one of the top 5 best of all, though he is younger than majority of them. At such a most crucial time when the darkness of hatred and discrimination has deeply beclouded almost entire world and humanity, I heard from the mouth of this young liberal politician, 'the words of hope and healing, love and compassion,' even for the most down trodden and the most discriminated. As a humanist, time and again his words brought tears to my eyes. God bless Justin Trudeau and his Family. God bless Canada.
Acho Billa Oct 23, 2015 12:30am
PTI should start a campaign against "khandani Siasat" in Canada too after Justin's win. And what a hypocrisy PTI supports are showing by comaring the two, Justin and IK - as Justin father was PM and grand father was an MP (Member of Parliment). You know khandani siasat....
Zak Oct 23, 2015 12:45am
His father was a great supporter of pakistan and had affinity with it. Pierre was a young reporter at the Lahore border on 14th August 1947 receiving refugees coming to the new great nation.
Irfan Haque Oct 23, 2015 12:56am
We are with you.
Roohi Oct 23, 2015 01:03am
@Thomas Andrade , but not all are genuine like hin.
Mansoor-Toronto Oct 23, 2015 01:10am
@Usman Khan he has not turned back from the mosques etc. Otherwise, he will be loosing his father`s political legacy.....he will lead the government better than Mr Harper
Arsalan Khan Oct 23, 2015 01:32am
@Atif Khan There are 250,000 Pakistanis in Canada and nearly 6,000 immigrate every year.
IQBAL Oct 23, 2015 01:51am
@Atif Khan Don't judge us by the weather. Our hearts are very warm.
Ahmed Syed Oct 23, 2015 02:11am
Muhdadil Oct 23, 2015 02:26am
The question is: How much money he is giving to Pakistan?
Thoughtful Oct 23, 2015 02:52am
@PTI supporter Bogus comparison. IK (an entertainer) is no match with this guy (far superior in every aspect).
Hari Har Oct 23, 2015 02:53am
He is Imran Khan look alike. Magic of secularism can captivate any religion, any community. You have the proof in photos! Secularise Pakistan, you will be pleasanter and stronger!!
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Oct 23, 2015 03:00am
I was a young man, a student in USA was visiting Canada. I saw his picture in a leather jacket newly elected PM of Canada. He went to see the Queen of England in the same jacket, no suit no neck tie. He was real liberal's liberal. Congratulations, Canada.
Adil Jadoon Oct 23, 2015 03:08am
@PTI supporter Naa… IK is our own!
saeeds Oct 23, 2015 03:12am
Question All Pakistani and other third world included India refugees ,where will you all go after you make Canada like your native countries. Decided quickly because clock started .
Prakash Oct 23, 2015 03:18am
Do not miss the banner in the video which clearly says Indo-Canada Association of Montreal and he is dancing on Hindi tunes
Ali Oct 23, 2015 04:01am
@Pakistani The virtues and qualitues IK has got, he doesnt even come close to that.
Sami Oct 23, 2015 04:17am
Imran Khan in his prime was much better looking
Israr Khan IsmailZai Oct 23, 2015 04:20am
@Pakistani Also look at the difference between the kind of people both of these guys are dealing with. Trudeau is dealing with humans while IK has to do business with a bunch of savages.
independentthinker Oct 23, 2015 04:24am
We had such high hopes in Obama - but what a disappointment! Most politicians are bought out by these special interest groups and basically, can't do anything on their own - Got to report to the masters. Will Trudeau be able to run the government ethically? Time will tell - Harper sure didn't!
Oh Canada Oct 23, 2015 05:07am
A Canadian Is a Canadian Is a Canadian
mirza Oct 23, 2015 05:42am
@prateek You like people who have a mindset like Modi, Right.
Ahsan Gul Oct 23, 2015 06:12am
He will be decisive and will be good for all immigrants. Seems like he has clear thinking process. All immigrants and local must work together to make him successful. It is not the leader, the followers make their leader shine. So, regardless who you are, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, christen or belong to any sect work hard in your capacity. It is big change that Harper did not win- a God given chance for all of us to succeed in Canada. Bless you all.
khabchu Oct 23, 2015 06:13am
20 Indo Canadian MP this time including 2 from Pakistan
Yawar Oct 23, 2015 06:15am
Amazing! What a fine example he has set by not only wearing desi clothes, but by participating in the social and even religious functions of minority Canadian citizens. The world needs more like him. We need someone like him in Pakistan.
Patriot Oct 23, 2015 06:19am
I hope Pakistan can learn some lessons from Canada and respect diversity and all religions and sects and get rid of fundamentalists and terrorists to coexist peacefully.
fizza Oct 23, 2015 06:19am
i am going to canada , hes so hot that whole canada will now melt .... hmmm yummm
ROHIT PANDEY Oct 23, 2015 06:32am
Canada is LOVELY! Winters are fun too! I jog in my winter jogging suit and break out into a sweat in no time! Good show, Justin Trudeau!:):)
Naseem Mian Oct 23, 2015 07:28am
Most intelligent Prime Minister of Canada down to the earth, simple ordinary person. He understand different faith, cultures and peoples. It is blessing for all immigrants in Canada. We all work very hard to get him elected with majority Government. Good luck Justin.
Heer Oct 23, 2015 08:32am
@Vir Justin's success is the result of teamwork; mega collaboration of various groups!
Observer Oct 23, 2015 09:15am
@Kashif , just like Pakistan, where people from all communities enjoy freedom. That's why we are praising him so much as we are also like Canada. I wish someone could write this here Its good to see people of Pakistan appreciate other countries who are giving freedom and safety to all communities but keeping high expectations from others is very easy and following the same path is very difficult.
Eli Oct 23, 2015 09:45am
Really a very good change for Canada and for the world. May God bless Canada !!
Saeed Masood Oct 23, 2015 09:53am
Very good for Canadian Muslims,it is now time that the muslims in the muslim countries start learning from the muslims in Canada,USA and Europe....invite their delegations and work will better both the lots.
Avinash Advani Oct 23, 2015 09:57am
A man of courage and his belief leading the rights of women. A very charming guy and I always Appreciate his efforts because his family stands with development of country as his father took place as PM of Canada.
Malik from Australia Oct 23, 2015 10:27am
Congratulations, Jusin. Please visit Australia at your earliest convenience. Best wishes.
Sultan Durrani Oct 23, 2015 10:40am
A true Liberal personality, surely Imran Khan of Canada. We wish him success,
nazia Oct 23, 2015 12:26pm
unbelievable but true !
Saeed Akhtar Oct 23, 2015 08:04pm
@RK Please do not wait for charity. Create a place for yourself in the Canadian society through hard work.
barkatali Oct 23, 2015 09:09pm
Still president of Russia is More Versatile person
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Oct 23, 2015 09:54pm
A divine relationship between new PM of Canada & Pakistan. Mr. Jinnah & the PM shares the same birth days. Young Justin's father believed in human equality & humble behavior. He took sub-way or public transport to go to work till he passed away. Son of a great liberal.
ZS Oct 23, 2015 11:31pm
@Pakistani very well said...IK has his ego out of control...always was...always will be.
ZS Oct 23, 2015 11:43pm
Well...he got the reward before showing any real performance. If he truly a liberal, he should have never supported bill C51 and other controversial things of past governments in the first place. Claiming, "make me prime minister and I will MODIFY bill C51" is a popularity stint. If in principle he believed in equality, he could have resisted before the bill was passed. His party's actions and decisions will tell how truly "liberal" they are. Still to be seen. Being handsome or ugly never helped masses ever, open your eyes and see the world.
Khan Oct 24, 2015 12:25am
@Pakistani sorry dude....not even close to IK and recently a girl just took a selfie with IK while he was on stage...I have met IK three times my self, with so many crazy followers IK is still very accessible!
Canpakman Oct 24, 2015 06:22am
@khabchu and a lady from Afghanistan
Parminder S Bhogal Oct 24, 2015 06:41am
Justin Trudeau's Liberal party victory has been hailed by the Indians and Pakistanis living in Canada and they have rejoiced his liberal gestures in wearing their ethnic dresses and joining their congregations. We South Asians always rejoice such gestures of the white people and desire their liberalism towards us but are we equally liberal in our approach towards each other ? The fact is that most of us are too intolerant towards each other. We decline to come out of our ghettos (mentality). It is high time that all of you south Asians living in Canada must respond to Justin's liberal gestures by imbibing his liberalism in your lives as well.
khan inchandler Oct 24, 2015 09:37am
Good luck and wishes from USA. I hope he is a better leader than some of the very stupid folks we have here.
Recommend Oct 24, 2015 10:00am
such a nice guy.God bless u always
Sk Oct 24, 2015 03:55pm
Time to move to Canada
Pakistani in Canada Oct 24, 2015 05:01pm
@Atif Khan You sound like the fox who found the unreachable grapes too sour. As if the world welcomes Pakistanis with open arms and showers rose petals on them on arrival !!!
rana1 Oct 24, 2015 07:09pm
@Atif Khan .....their are no jobs in canada,and your qualifications do not matter once you are in canada.You will be frustrated.In a few months more then 100000 people have been laid off and its continuing.Your kids MAY have a future,security and ever changing jobs in the ever changing job sector.Canada has its pluses and minuses.Welcome.
rana1 Oct 24, 2015 07:11pm
@Qamar Valliani .......Trudeau Senior and Aga Khan are said to be classmates and friends.
rana1 Oct 24, 2015 07:15pm
@Amer Rao ........canada is good for those who had nothing back at home countries.For a well established person or family its a folly m9ving to canada.Canada is a trap.
rana1 Oct 24, 2015 07:51pm
@Yusuf Bhatia ........and pay taxes and taxes and taxes and borrow and borrow and borrow to make the banks and government happy and to show back home" lo ji dekho mera makaan,gadi e.t.c all on loan....and now no work with recession going strong.
rana1 Oct 24, 2015 08:16pm
@Pakistani in Canada not scare him,let him taste the grapes for himself.
rana1 Oct 24, 2015 08:24pm
@PTI supporter .....yes with his manners and the manners of his supporters.Canadians and canadian politicians are way above at the top position.Manners,accountability and transparency can be learned from them.They have the Islamic values and principles that the so called muslims hav yet to achieve in this modern era.Specially unity.
haroon mehdi Oct 25, 2015 12:22am
this guy is gift to a nation by GOD.these exceptional people lift a nation on that height where no body can thing is humanity values .every religion taught us love of humanity.very sorry to say no one in 52 muslims countries rulers r like that guy .our muslim true leaders r khulfa rashdeen.these people r there glimps.GOD bless that man.
Venus Oct 25, 2015 08:33am
@KAZIM REZA He's in #INDIAN dress and owes his #victory to #Indian #Punjabi community. He's was dancing on Bhangra with Indians in Montreal.
Khaled Oct 26, 2015 05:01am
May the Force be with you, Justin.
sanila Javaid Oct 26, 2015 04:49pm
Never Never wanted to leave my country but if i get a chance i will definitely move