It reminded us that that's how music is meant to be enjoyed — live and among a sea of people.
And few put up a show like the Junaid Jamshed of yesteryears...
Oh, what a time it was!
Junaid was a singing sensation!
In high spirits. He was quite the performer
...and often sang in the most quaint settings, might we add – Photograph by M. K. Zulfee
Junaid Jamshed chills with Komal Rizvi and Ali Haider at a NTM concert for Pakistan's 50 anniversary
Having some fun with the boys, Fakhr-e-Alam and Najam Sheraz
Junaid Jamshed hangs out backstage with Anwer Maqsood and Rubab
He rocked out all over the world – here, he's in Surrey – Photograph by Sohail Anjum Mohammad
UFOOct 01, 2015 06:00pm
He left the music and chose what he thought was better. It takes great courage and spirit to leave fame and fortune for a different cause.
Sameer KhalidOct 01, 2015 06:11pm
Yes, he left music, his own choice. but thinking at a philosophical level. was his music bringing people together more than his molvi role now?
Amir AliOct 01, 2015 06:28pm
what a loser he turned out to be now...a despicable man with lost identity.
haque khanOct 01, 2015 06:50pm
I wish he had stayed the way he was.............
ZulfiOct 01, 2015 07:16pm
@UFO He still has fame and fortune :)
rsvppOct 01, 2015 07:21pm
He speaks so much out of turn and then begs for mercy. He was better off making music and was loved by all and hated by none.
KM3Oct 01, 2015 08:24pm
Seems we in Pakistan have nothing forward to look to. Hence all this kind of historical articles are being published.
abcOct 01, 2015 08:41pm
abcOct 01, 2015 08:46pm
Please be aware that the views of our bloggers and commenters do not necessarily reflect policies.
Change your policy!
AdeelOct 01, 2015 09:46pm
It is everyone's right to make decisions for personal matters.
AliOct 01, 2015 10:36pm
@ Adeel His personal matters are "very public"
He has turned into a brand name.
SFAOct 01, 2015 10:38pm
Unfortunately JJ fell into the trap of the so-called Molvis who wanted to use him as a trophy disciple, brand ambassador, and celebrity endorsement for their Madrassah business.
MuhammadOct 01, 2015 10:50pm
He chose for himself.
he chose God.
and he knows what he has chosen.
God is enough for him.
TariqOct 01, 2015 11:01pm
@UFO He left music and not the fame?
AliOct 01, 2015 11:26pm
Great man. Not easy to leave money and go towards what you think with is better than money.
sophieOct 01, 2015 11:45pm
Teenage Crush
TalhaOct 02, 2015 01:04am
@Muhammad with all due respect he transformed for gaining more attention. And then always remained controversial and made controversial statements against feminine. I think as a musician, he seemed more civilized than wearing the so called Islamic attire..
TalhaOct 02, 2015 01:07am
@Ali isnt he minting money why so much investment at J. Should leave that as well and stop selling branded abaayaas..
MustafaOct 02, 2015 01:50am
There will be many who will keep on bashing JJ for his choice of leaving the life of lights. There are very few who have left the life that only glitters like gold but may cause eternal failure. Respect JJ.
GulsherOct 02, 2015 03:12am
@UFO takes great courage. Respect to JJ!
Salim JanOct 02, 2015 04:02am
He was singing about the transitory and fading beauty of the fair sex and now he is electrifying the hearts of people with the Love of Creator.
gulraizOct 02, 2015 04:27am
@UFO He didn't leave the fame and fortune. He continued with both, many folds though.
gulraizOct 02, 2015 04:29am
@Muhammad and lot of fortune :)
gulraizOct 02, 2015 04:30am
@Ali Are you kidding?
TalhaOct 02, 2015 05:53am
I don't think he was thinking about bringing people together when he started music or when he quit it. Truly it takes moral courage to leave hordes of money and fame for what you believe in.
RaziOct 02, 2015 07:42am
The path he has chosen is his choice and his right. I respected him then and I respect him now.
ConcernedOct 02, 2015 08:53am
What are you talking about. He never left money or fame.
Zaheer Oct 02, 2015 09:05am
If someone has left something behind why do you keep showing everyone his past life?
Go get a life, please!
KamiOct 02, 2015 09:43am
@sophie My baby girl is named SOPHIE and if she were born back in time, she sure had the crush on JJ
reality bitesOct 02, 2015 09:57am
Much prefer the previous version of JJ. The religious band wagon is just that.
usmanOct 02, 2015 10:18am
@ Salim Jan
Very well describe
An excellent Tribute to the Legend
SikanderOct 02, 2015 10:35am
I think he was a better singer than a molvi. Being a molvi is definitely much better, in fact nothing can be better than that, but Junaid Jamshaid has started considering himself as a Alim, which he is not. And giving controversial statements as a Molvi is definitely causing more damage than bringing harmony as a singer.
ahmad buttOct 02, 2015 10:41am
He makes more money selling kurtas and lawn than he did back in the day. Wherever he goes to give speeches in the world, he makes sure JJ is marketed and asks people to take his franchise.
jinnah2015Oct 02, 2015 10:43am
@Talha JJ has made more money than he could have made as a singer. leave this question out. He has widened his support base. JJ was of the group that fade within a decade. He was not a classical singer or someone who could be playback singing. His music would have lasted not more than 10 years and then JJ would have been recycling his songs. GOOD FOR HIM,
FaridaOct 02, 2015 10:48am
I think all the people who are making up stories that he left for good reason should know that that he left fame not for the reason that he good clear direction in life but he was compelled to do it and secondly he was rewarded in the form of Junaid Jamshed Brand - which ears more than he was have imagined
Dawn AdmirerOct 02, 2015 10:54am
I wish we should leave the past of JJ alone.
Eddie vedderOct 02, 2015 11:15am
@Sameer Khalid he did more of a service to the country and the people through his music for sure... He made a difference...
Sohail HashmiOct 02, 2015 11:25am
With all respect to JJ..
I think these days - It is also a kind of JEHAD to fight with our own desire or internal wishes, you really feel the correct satisfaction and piece of mind when you should make some great efforts to achieve something
MudassarOct 02, 2015 01:33pm
how handsome and intelligent he looks in these old pictures and look at him now. He has become so anti woman everytime he opens his mouth and later ask forgiveness on facebook videos.
m kayOct 02, 2015 10:50pm
anyone know what the kid in this ad is up to? they must have grown up too.
JavOct 03, 2015 04:20am
He "didn't" use to put up shows like none other, he still is putting the best shows on.
Zeeshan Arshad Oct 04, 2015 10:44am
I have been a fan of him ever since. I came so close to meet him so many times in Dubai but couldn't . However got an amazing opportunity to meet him up close and personal in Toronto even though his so called disciples asked me to wander off as he now doesn't like giving autographs and stuff. I managed to ask him politely as I knew this would perhaps be the only chance I get to meet him . He obliged like a gentleman as he know his fame came to being because of his voice first. Yousuf known primarily as Cat stevens also faces the same thing but he too obliges the same. If we wish to opinionate, lets try to at least achieve what he did.
Samar JavedOct 04, 2015 07:22pm
@UFO fame yes, but fortune...
think again, "J." is bigger than JJ was