
Was Malala the highlight of David Beckham and Bill Gates' weekend?

Was Malala the highlight of David Beckham and Bill Gates' weekend?

These photos are definitive proof that Malala leaves grown men giddy with glee
28 Sep, 2015

Education activist and teenage role model Malala Yousufzai has inspired a sizable fan following, which gets more star-studded day by day.

From Ellen DeGeneres and Angelina Jolie to Selena Gomez and Ivanka Trump, celebrities from all spheres have lent support to the 18-year-old's movement to make education accessible to every child across the globe.

Here's definitive proof that Malala also leaves grown men giddy with glee:

1. David Beckham couldn't help but bag his second photo-op with her:

Both Malala and David Beckham were at the Global Citizens Festival in New York City on Saturday Night, where Beckham seized the opportunity to make the most of his second meeting with her.

I was fortunate again to meet the incredible and inspirational Malala. A true role model to so many people

A photo posted by David Beckham (@davidbeckham) on

On their first meeting, Beckham presented Malala with the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain award. He seems just as chuffed to be standing next to her this time around.

2. Bill Gates thinks he's bagged ultimate bragging rights with this photo:

Sharing this photograph with Malala on Facebook, Bill Gates wrote, "We’re lucky to have such a passionate advocate for women & girls. My daughters are going to be jealous of this photo." The two are posing on the red carpet of a screening of Malala's biographical documentary, He Named Me Malala.


Mohammad Akhtar Sep 28, 2015 08:49pm
She has courage to stand against evil. I am happy for her. May Allah bless her, Ameen.
Interesting... Sep 28, 2015 08:52pm
Will her PR team ever allow her to wear something other than a chaddar and kurta shalwar? I mean it's not like she is returning to Pak any time soon and she probably doesn't wear traditional clothes all the tim in UK. Why just for award shows, photo-ops & meetings? May be they are too afraid of the reaction it will generate in Pak where people already don't like her...
VoiceOfReason Sep 28, 2015 08:54pm
Reading comments on twitter makes me sick. Why cant we as a nation learn some manners and learn to respect others.
Mohammad k khan Sep 28, 2015 09:02pm
I am speechless. I was hoping somehow Bill Gates will come in her life and he did. The world most generous man with billions in his pocket could catapult My dear Malala in her cherished dreams. May her path to success be a walk in the bed of roses, not thorns thrown by ignorant mullahs and their equally ignorant and gullible followers, the Taliban. Our prayers are with you Malala.
kashif Sep 28, 2015 09:03pm
Keeping Pakistani flag high!
Qwells Sep 28, 2015 09:09pm
Proud of you Malala. Keep up the great cause.
M Akram Sep 28, 2015 09:15pm
Regardless of her detractors in Pakistan and there are many, Malala is brave any Pakistani miles miles and better than all those dodgy models, politicians and so called celebs whose only goal is to get rich quick fleece Pakistan thru money laundering. She is a role model the world over not just UK or USA.
Asif Jamil Sep 28, 2015 09:16pm
Like me one of my friends who lives in the Western world and is proud of our girl from Pakistan told me he sometimes sends articles about Malala to his friends and acquaintances in Pakistan. Some of them in return send him hate mail blaming him of praising a stooge of the West & Israel! Such people are small minded and delusional. What a pity! Yesterday I saw in big letters written in a shop window here in Florence, Italy; God Does Not Exist. This is a catholic country. Then, I thought, if this was written in Pakistan some fanatic would have murdered the shop owner!
Ray Sep 28, 2015 09:19pm
@Interesting... Why? This is the dress worn by most, if not all, of the women she represents in Pakistan. Why should this dress be looked down upon?
Chitrali Sep 28, 2015 09:21pm
Another Benazir in the making. West has a new darling now that will ultimately be imposed on Pakistani people in the name of enlightened moderation.
Kabeer Sep 28, 2015 09:23pm
@Interesting... "May be they are too afraid of the reaction it will generate in Pak where people already don't like her..." who are you to represent Pakistani people ? in fact the majority of Pakistani people hate Taliban and their sympathizers see the ever growing popularity of Gen Raheel due to his divisive actions against these cowards Taliban and remember Malala is role model for the young generation
EdKhan Sep 28, 2015 09:30pm
I saw Malala speaking recently and she is an exceptional child. I emphasize on child. Those who hate this child should think can they take a bullet in their head for a simple reason of getting an education and if they survive then they will know what this child went thru.
Raja Farhat Abbas Sep 28, 2015 09:40pm
@Interesting... Have you ever thought she might prefer wearing the clothes she wears instead of making false assumptions !
Rohit Sep 28, 2015 10:05pm
What a kid! She is a charmer. The whole of india is her fan!
syeda sadaf zahra Sep 28, 2015 10:32pm
You are our asset....proud of you Malala!
haque khan Sep 28, 2015 10:42pm
She must dress more casual and modern. She should stop acting like those people who shot her.
ejaz Sep 28, 2015 11:04pm
@Chitrali What better the so called patriots did to this nation. It is that patriotism which infested amids us bigots, obscurantarists, the american lackeys,pawn jihadist,drugs, suicide bombers,radio mullahas that ultimately choked and took hostage this nations. They not only killed BB but tried to silence this little kid as well.i,m not a PPP supporter but the sheer repect for BB through the length and breadth of pakistan speaks volume that she had got the geniune leadership and love of the Pakistani public unlike Musharraf who ruled through US,s crutches and who had been unraffled after hercome back to Pakistan, htched the plot of her murder through strategic depth partners.Malala would not have been so popular if there were no shame patriots.I always feel sorry for these conspirators and much so as you being chitrali since they are more sound and reasonable people.
nawaz Sep 28, 2015 11:25pm
@kashif She left Paksitan as she was suffocating here, Now she is in most civilised society.
Ibrar Sep 29, 2015 12:04am
Many congratulations to Malala. Every nice human being likes you. May you live long and continue working on your project. If possible please avoid being a politician.
Patriot Sep 29, 2015 12:26am
West, No more games with our innocent people, please ! I am sorry, but, we have been & still being bitten by you guys, multiple times............
Psychiatrist Sep 29, 2015 12:29am
Some people among us subconsciously target Malala because of their own incapabilities compared to what a girl at a tender age of 18 has achieved. She has made it big and rightly deserves it. Bravo! Everytime she comes hard at her haters like when she achieved straight A's in O levels.
nac Paris Sep 29, 2015 12:52am
@Interesting... I salute her for sticking to traditional outfits. There are enough in Pakistan exposing their bodies on TVs be they the now famous money laundering model or TV anchors
ukz Sep 29, 2015 01:08am
@Chitrali just my thoughts.
dan Sep 29, 2015 01:10am
Amazing child. May God bless you Malala. I hope you return to the country one day and bring real change with education. Education is the solution to all of our problems. If we have more educated people in Pakistan we achieve any challenge. There are some who may not like you because they cannot see a girl succeeding, but know that majority of the people adore you world wide.
Kamran Sep 29, 2015 02:40am
@Interesting... that's all you can see? Anyway, who cares about reaction in Pakistan, there are plenty of people supporting talibans cause. Level of education in Pakistan is extremely low and that is what she wants to improve but some short-sighted people only have her clothes to talk about but it is a positive, if you ask me, that shows you could not find anything negative.
Arshad Sep 29, 2015 03:18am
@Interesting... Most Pakistanis love her and proud of her
Asad Khan Sep 29, 2015 03:53am
Malala is the pride and joy of all people who appreciate all she has accomplished and achieved at such a young age. Notice the warmth in the body language of Bill Gates and David Becham as they great Malala. She is and will make a big difference in the lives of many young girls on this world. Very proud of her.
Asad Khan Sep 29, 2015 03:59am
@Interesting... Lots of people in Pakistan admire and love her. If you can, please read her book ' I am Malala' ... you will really appreciate how she and her family risked their lives to promote girls education before we even heard of her.
Unicorn Sep 29, 2015 05:30am
@Interesting... pakistani girls, women mostly do not wear western clothing in UK only the ones born there sometimes wear western clothes.
schal Sep 29, 2015 05:35am
@Ibrar Brave and thoughtful are needed in politics. Personally I wish that she enters politics and brings good name to politics.
Viq saad Sep 29, 2015 06:20am
It must be noted that no mention of Pakistan with her appearence, but only advocate of education. Honestly, half of Pakistan has mixed opinions of jer fame.
X pakistani Sep 29, 2015 06:48am
@chitrali I do not see any better comment from the valleys that you represent. I have seen more character from people in the west then so called deendaars.
Jawad pakistani Sep 29, 2015 07:27am
@Interesting... I agree girls in Pakistan her age wear jeans why can't she wear something new there are so many new designs in Pakistan I'm sure she can afford them. Or she can wear her traditional pashtun dresses.
NotSurprised Sep 29, 2015 08:19am
Good going. This girl is one of the most positive aspects of Pakistan nowadays. Honest and dignified!!
Sanzer Sep 29, 2015 08:30am
@Interesting... You've been consumed by the sexism that exists all around us. For people like you, dress matters the most. I doubt if you even know who Malala is ???
Masroor Naqvi Sep 29, 2015 08:54am
Modesty can be so powerful, you bring the happiness to so many people. Truly proud of you.
Hasan Sep 29, 2015 09:43am
Dear Malala, You are a beautiful daughter of Pakistan, an Intelligent, and a brave one. However, you have painted a very dark picture of women in Pakistan. Don't you see the Pakistani girls in major Cities that are earning education? 1000s are doctors, lawyers, etc, etc. You have depicted an image of Pakistan, where NO Girl has a right to eductation. Pakistan even has female fighter pilots, not many countries can claim that.
Periyar MuttaKoo Sep 29, 2015 09:54am
I am an Indian I am truly inspired by this girl Malala great young, inspirational person for next generation Pakistan should learn to give up violence and adore this girl
Syed Irfan Ali Sep 29, 2015 10:00am
Malala, you are the pride of Pakistan. We all wish you every success in your cause. God bless you.
Syed Irfan Ali Sep 29, 2015 10:01am
@Chitrali So sad that our country is full of prophets of doom. Both Benazir and Malala are the pride of our nation.
Anton Sep 29, 2015 10:32am
She is living proof of how great Pakistan could become if all her women were educated Malala belongs to the world not just Pakustan
Mo Sep 29, 2015 10:55am
@Interesting... She wears it all the time, and she is proud to do so !
Mo Sep 29, 2015 10:57am
@haque khan WHat do you mean by Modern ? Is modern just another way that she should dress as an American or European ? What is so good about their clothes, please be more open minded
Khwarezmi Sep 29, 2015 01:35pm
Many were concerned with how Western media was giving bad publicity to Pakistan by using her name. We can look at Indians in her position who are very open about India's poverty, corruption and racist cast system and still doing a good job helping others. Malala is still too young to be helping others and she do not have an organization behind her -and is for now a symbol. May she inspire young girls!!
Muhammad Sep 29, 2015 01:52pm
With ever lasting Smile at her face along with elegance of traditional dress and dupatta at her head. She is one of the finest ambassadress of Pakistan and Islam inspiring millions of people world wide. Keep it up Malala. Love her or Hate her she is already a winner.
Arshad Aleem Sep 29, 2015 03:22pm
I believe the dress which she wear is her identity and she should keep wearing the same as that is directly linked to her roots. With my experience of friends all over the world every body loves to see the people the way they are.
aslam shaikh Sep 29, 2015 05:42pm
Nice to see Ms. Malala and Mr. Beckham posing on a private jet
Zara Khan Sep 30, 2015 02:29am
@haque khan I was born and raised in the U.S., and am proud to say that I am not ashamed of dressing like Malala in public. Keep in mind, no matter how westernized we dress, we will never be considered "native" to the west so please keep your opinions to yourself. Also, my mother dresses like this, even though she attended an American high school. White people think our clothes are beautiful for goodness sake! It is time we stop being ashamed of who we are and embrace our culture!
M. Malik Sep 30, 2015 11:59am
Strangely enough, not a single girl in Pakistan aspires to be 'Malala' but want to emulate role models from TV shows and movies! That's how superficial we are!
VRM Sep 30, 2015 08:48pm
She is an icon not only of Pakistan, but of the whole world. Malala is an inspiration. Credit to her parents for such a stupendous upbringing.
RIFFAT BALOCH Oct 01, 2015 08:23pm
Fiza Oct 01, 2015 08:53pm
Malala sweetheart you make us all very proud.I wish I had a daughter like you .Stay blessed.
aslam shaikh Oct 02, 2015 08:02pm
For those who don't like her dressing, she is wearing pants and she is wearing long shirt for the photo op.
W Oct 02, 2015 10:59pm
@Interesting... Let the professionals do their work, instead of making negative guesses.
W Oct 02, 2015 11:10pm
@M. Malik "Strangely enough, not a single girl in Pakistan aspires to be 'Malala' ..." please learn counting, or change your company.