Updated 07 Jul, 2023 01:37pm

Going loco for local: Primary’s Cica Peptide Recovery Serum is here to save a bad skin day

Of all the overly extravagant skincare trends on the internet, emphasis on simple ingredient lists and concentrated active ingredients is my favourite so far. Serums took over the skincare market as soon as they were introduced, each fitting like a glove to the unique and specific needs of people’s skins. Which is not to say that this didn’t produce a lot of completely rubbish serums to make a grand entrance in markets. Primary’s Cica Peptide Recovery Serum is not one of them.

I’ll kick this off by declaring that I have very dry and sensitive skin, which is also somehow prone to mild cystic acne. So, while ingredients that suit me will likely be safe for other skin types, I do not guarantee that they’ll suit your skin as well as mine if your skin doesn’t classify as such. I’ll also preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of fancy packaging that hikes the cost of products without adding value to the formula in some way.

With that in mind, I grabbed the Recovery Serum from a package sent to us by Primary and unboxed a standard, thick-glassed translucent bottle with a white-topped dropper and a matching label. One of the best instinctive choices I’ve made to date.

Before using any product, I make sure to check its ingredient list (as everyone should) and I was delighted to have found this local brand which not only overtly discloses an exhaustive ingredient list but also states the concentrations of the product’s active ingredients. As the name states, the serum stars ‘primary’ skincare ingredients such as niacinamide, known to be an all-rounder in terms of repairing and brightening the skin, and a blend of peptides, the protein-based building blocks of our skin that create a healthy barrier to safeguard it from environmental damage.

Thick, almost jelly-like and with only a whiff of fragrance, the serum was somewhat difficult to use with a dropper — a pump could have done it some good, but that’s about where my criticism ends. After having used about three drops of it, morning and night for two weeks, my satisfaction with the serum has become tied closely with my satisfaction with my skin. I have just begun using a retinol product and had been very disturbed by the purging effects of the ingredients and Primary’s Recovery Serum not only sat lightly on my skin but also helped calm down any inflammation and break-outs, brightened acne-scarring and made my skin feel softer and bouncier.

Priced at Rs2,200 for a 30ml bottle, buying a bottle won’t be a burden and I’m planning to do so after finishing the one I have. It’ll also last you an easy two months.

A solid 4.5 stars rounded down to four with the hopes of it getting a pump one day.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at imagesdawndotcom@gmail.com.

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