Published 23 Dec, 2022 11:25am

Going loco for local: Popaholic’s Salted Caramel gourmet popcorn will fulfil your theatre popcorn cravings perfectly


When I think of caramel popcorn, I’m instantly taken back to long queues at movie theatres where I have waited for a fresh batch of warm popcorn that smells like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Not that I know what it smells like but I’m sure this sweet aroma is the closest to it. Luckily, while on a shopping spree, I found Popaholic’s Salted Caramel gourmet popcorn which changed everything for me. I no longer struggle in queues because I have the perfect at-home snack for my Netflix binges.

Often, caramel or salted caramel popcorn has this burnt aftertaste and some isn’t evenly coated in the sweet mix but to my surprise, Popaholics Salted Caramel did not disappoint. On the first bite, you not only taste the light caramel sauce but buttery goodness and a hint of vanilla essence that balances the overall taste.

What makes Popaholic superior is the price range that starts from Rs150 and goes up to Rs250 for the sweet ones. It’s also easily available at any grocery store, which means you can fulfil your popcorn cravings at any hour of the day and do not have to go to the theatre for a movie snack.

A suggestion would be that the brand revamps their packaging and aesthetic a little.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

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