Stranger Things fans have prayer circles ready for their favourite characters ahead of the season 4 finale

Stranger Things day is finally here and it's getting tense in here! Twitter is out with prayer circles hoping to keep their favourite characters alive and simultaneously threatening the creators, the Duffer brothers to watch out if any of those precious characters don't make it.
The producers left a month-long gap between the first seven episodes of the fourth season and the two-episode finale. Whether this gap was for the fandom to emotionally prepare itself for the twists and turns or for heightened anticipation to spike viewership, we don't know but we can't wait to find out!
Season 4 dropped on May 27 and all we've done is count down days to July 1 for the finale and with less than an hour to go, Twitter users can't help but pray for their favourite characters as they count down minutes to the end.
Same boat, friend.
Pakistani fans have got their post-Friday prayer biryani date with the finale scheduled.
Steve is alive — for now.
Duffer brothers, please be careful with how you choose to proceed with this season.
To be honest, it's us...
Versus Vecna.
Who do you think won't make it beyond season 4?