Published 16 Jul, 2021 06:59pm

Falak Shabir's new song 'Zindagi' is a love letter to Sarah Khan on their wedding anniversary

Get yourself a guy who releases a new song to celebrate your wedding anniversary ladies. Actor Sarah Khan did — her husband Falak Shabir recently released song 'Zindagi' to mark their first wedding anniversary.

Khan has previously shared teasers of the song with her followers on social media.

The song is an expression of Shabir's affection and devotion for his wife. The music video shows the couple engaged in moments of intimacy and we truly appreciate the couple for not shying away from depicting healthy and intimate relationships as they are in real life.

Comments have also started pouring in and fans are congratulating the couple on their wedding anniversary as well as lauding them for the love they show for one another.

Shabir and Khan have often publicly expressed their affection towards each other since their marriage. The singer often posts videos of himself giving flowers to Khan on social media

The couple has also announced that they are set to welcome their first child. Shabir took to Instagram to make the announcement. "Alhumdulillah we’re expecting our first child. Remember us in your prayers," the singer wrote.

Shabir and Khan tied the knot in 2020. Their wedding was a full filled event with family and friends.

What we enjoyed most about the music video wasn't the music itself, it was the simple joy Khan and Shabir took in each other's company. Yes, they hugged in the video, but they there wasn't an excess of PDA. They managed to show how in love they are through their smiles and shared glances and we love it.

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